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Didn't he enter this game for a chance to not be paralyzed like Hawkins? When was this deep desire for a Fantasy adventure ever mentioned before now?
He's been killing beasts for over a month. That's over 600 corpses he's keeping. Over 600 beasts he's killed. This could easily be "justice" from his rediculous over hunting.
I'm getting quite frustrated reading this story. The Main Character is unable to maintain a consistent belief for more than half a chapter. If the world is a game, then cool - "Such a convoluted backstory my background character has. I wonder who wrote such an engaging yet familiar origin story?" If the game is another world - "Why did this kid not have any form of support group outside of his parents. It's a small village and everyone supposedly likes me. I can't believe they'd let him kill himself like he apparently did." Instead Mr "smart" MC gets a frontal lobotomy between being given exposition of the "game" and insertion. Due to him recognizing this experimental VR tech, he supposedly has lots of gamer experience but he then takes this completely unorthodox immersion in stride? Especially since beta and alpha tests are incredibly transparent with information, these mystery skills would never be a part of the game during Alpha or Beta testing. The worst part is the blasé response to information being downloaded directly into his memories. For all of the supposed intellect the character is acting incredibly dumb. This technology would invalidate the need for any educational system. This isn't even mentioned or questioned. I would have hoped that given the information he has been. The first thought seeing the mandatory quest should have been, "If everyone who has played this game so far died, then taking the easy choice won't be of help later. I'll need to look beyond the short term gains and bet it my all to survive the next decade." Instead, his decision is based on delusions. There's no common sense to be found. No caution, no fear. He isn't even questioning if his Avatar can physically walk through town without falling over dead. With all the Blatant death warnings he just experienced, with his imminent demise from his own health on the horizon... it's unbelievable for him to be this brash.