I like to read and play videogames
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O.o on. no
option 1 kill and replace Justin Hammer then use clone to get adopted
did he make 8500 coins or did the confiscated items cost him 1500 coins
the best code I've read the from Flipping the Galaxy nothing is true evertthing permitted without knowledge, there is no foundation without serenity, there is no growth without passion, there is no goal without strength, there is no victory without darhness, there is no light without balance, there is no peace the force is with me, and I am one with the force.
1 or 3
naruto dark phoenix
leave with Biscuit after Greed Island have a full time nen trainer learn different skills that includes nen different martial arts blacksmithing medicine shipbuilding sailing shooting guns
when are you going to One Piece after greed island or are you writing the ant arc.
so no updates for the tavern story until this one's finished. if so that sucks should haves continued it till greed island so we would know the main characters nen
magic book that teach him all different kinds of magic. like the books from wolfram and heart