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It didn't do anything to another infinity stone, though. It just opened Layla's inventory, which was only storing an infinity stone.
Allen's full of shit. He can't help himself from acting like a hero wherever he goes, even when he's pretending to be a villain. He'll damn well sulk and complain about it the whole way, though. Then again, if Allen was a more proactive type of character, the plot would be like, 90% shorter.
Huh, I don't think any of your other stories went the harem route, but I can't see Mikaela-Natasha-Padme-Gamora-Nebula-Aayla ending up with anyone else, soooo...
This has gotta be a translation error
Cassandra is an amazing character. Love the decision to include her.
The weaker the mind, the more you can trick it into doing. Some two-bit rapist thugs proudly wearing blue could probably be made to do just about anything.
Hey, now. There could be a logical explanation. It's not like she's in a prison. She's in a medbay. It makes sense that there are safety overrides that automatically open the door in the event the door controls are damaged.
Yeah, the author said he wasn't going to use the Infinity Stones in this fic, if I recall correctly. It's probably something like the Cosmic Cube.