Am an otaku who loves reading awesome novels
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You can tell as Talia wasn’t introduced as a goddess with eyes like the moon who has an otherwordly beauty like a piece of art that was carved.
Why should he make the mc have no spirit root and be trash? You were making sense till your last few sentences. If you love an mc that struggles go and look for a novel that does that and stop telling the author what and how to write his novel.
Author why do you keep on nerfing the mc in chapter 8 his stats were Str 312(+100) Agi 202(+50) Dur 194 but in the current chapter, you nerfed him nd made his stat Str 341 Agi 256 Dur 221. This is the second time you are doing it, before chapter all his stats had (+100) nd mysteriously the (+100) disappeared from some of the stats now you just removed altogether thinking we wouldn’t notice? Author please try and me more consistent. Also try and give your character’s life. It’s becoming boring to read “slave come here” “slave kill that person” “slave this slave that” nd this is just one example. Also how are they able to find that large amount of devil fruits within a short period of time and all of them are OP, last I checked, devil fruits are not that easy to find. Also your world building is lacking and your character development seems to be lacking to. The novel has a lot of potential and is very nice, you just need to flesh things out a bit more.
Author is the mc 10yrs old or 9yrs old 🤔 pick on please
And this is where I drop this novel. Tbh the novel has been awesome before this Maria ark, the whole thing is so forced, like why do you keep forcing her on him. You keep saying he’s indifferent and all yet you keep on making him help her over and over again and “gifting” her money so she can keep on coming back to buy more things from the store. please don’t gve me the bs about how he’s a superior race and those things don’t mean anything to him cos that’s just some bs reason you make up to force her to be relevant. Like the shiliar family or so just had to “conveniently” look for Maria b4 actually going to look for the actual culprit. It’s not like it was a hidden fact or that the MC was hiding, his shop was in plain sight so why did they look for Maria who’s a nobody before going to look for the mc. the whole thing is so forced.
Tang San never entered the academy when he was 6yrs old 🤦🏽♂️
Reminds me of kings avatar
I was beginning to wonder where tf Rudra was nd why the author never brings him out again. from what I recall, If Khan dies Rudra dies so why would he always seat back and allow him to die.
Okay That’s nice to hear but what about Outworld....
Ahhhh Mrdojo the king of cliffhangers, thanks for the chapter. When is the book 4 coming out please, i can’t wait.