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with this type of mentality he better not have any possibility of conqueror's haki in the future due to some insane plot armour.
well here comes the customary racist chapter..
yeah man power levels are all over the place, one minute he is killing god's knights and fighting aokiji next he is running away from a rat who shanks basically scared with a look.
is the author dumb?? or the translator? I find it really hard to fault the translator here, I mean with gpt level tech how hard can it really be to translate digits properly... so that means that author probably has a mental problems with math..
man please reduce your chatgpt use.. no human talks like that!!!
I think for me its because instead of a story written by human its more and more completely AI written.
aaah thats why I dont like these gamer type of stories, these authors really need to study some kindergarten level math and logic first and then try to go into creative work....
umm why exactly is he confused..? he has seen one piece right? the whole plot of skypia revolved around vearth being so precious.
well thats a very very confusing and difficult ask for a chinese author... It will take supreme effort, time and resources for author to convert them to american units instead of the effortless usage of chinese units.