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lol would you prefer daddy which was the original translation trust me every use of boss I use the original is worst
can you change the name to Jimmy such an uncool name no offense to all the Jimmys out there but a vampire name Jimmy sounds lame.
sometime today or tomorrow been busy my spring semester just started
gonna delete this in a week but thanks for making me laugh
from the original i translate it by accident
lol your right i was still hung over when i did this chapter lol
you can try royalroad haven't use it for a while but I remember it being a good website for hosting webnovel and fanfic before I move on to webnovel
Hello Glaaz, thank you for letting me know. However, do know that chapters 4 to 125 have been done by a different translator, who was abandoned by its original translator, whom I took over with his permission. It would take me a long time to go over those hundreds of chapters when I'm doing this for free and have no Patreon to make it worth doing so like most translators here. Also please if you have comment for any mistranslation please use the comments and not the review, if you would like to make a real review please do, and if there are any errors that I may miss please comment to let me know. I will delete your two reviews in two days so you won't be surprised thank you for your support.