



2017-04-22 UnidoNetherlands



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  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a onestargalxy


    Historical Background: Morvan who was once a skilled practitioner on "The Seer" pathway in the world of "Forsaken Land", is seeking to ascend to the highest echelons by consuming powerful souls.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a maskhara

    hello there, you make me curious why do you feel like that , Morvan the "Seeker of Souls" while being an OC is a character directly inspired from the book Lord of Mysteries an Chinese web novel, C while not too obvious is inspired from an Korean book I will not mention because it is a spoiler, from the beginning it is very clear (I Hope) that there is a multiverse out there. I am not judging you, I am curious why the devil pieces are the wrong thing here, thank you

    Ch 23 Night Flight
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a Defective_Angel

    you will see later

    He then placed the Dragon Priest Mask upon his face. The mask snugly fitted around his features, immediately easing the drain of spellcasting with a cool rush of energy across his skin.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a ArizonaRanger

    I don't mind it if I put it in the chapter itself, just some readers might dislike that, but maybe i'll try your suggestions

    Ch 22 The First Piece
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a maskhara

    he does not, I am sorry if it was ambiguous but I didn't do the final check on the chapters, thank you for the observation though, I'll check it out later again

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a BobaSlim

    If you read further you can figure out why it might be different

    It wasn't until the cold steel of a dagger pressed lightly against her throat that Elenwen realized her end was near. She opened her eyes, catching the briefest glimpse of Sarah—her face a mask of determination and vengeance. In that fleeting moment, Elenwen understood the fatal error of her ways. Her obsession with witnessing Ulfric's execution, her disregard for the reports of growing unrest and the underestimation of those she deemed as mere pawns in the Thalmor's grand scheme had led her here.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a BobaSlim

    Thalmor Puppet doesn't mean that everyone likes him, Ulfric has previously fought against the Thalmor and killed many people and I think I made it clear enough that it was personal for the ambassador, additionally this story is AU and, slight spoiler, there are other actors involved.

    Autor Note: Victor chose Nord as his Race especially because he was located in Skyrim. According to the start of the game all the Jarls are Nords and for him who has no intention in aligning with the Imperials from the beginning this would be the best move in he ever needed to gain political power in the area it would be a verry big advantage. Also he assumed that he was he was going to start with a level 1 Caracter not a fairly high level mage, additionally let me state that the long lives of the elves was not a point of consideration because in the world of Nirn there are many many ways to become immortal such as becoming a vampire or using multiple artefacts.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a DetachedDreamer

    For Victor, its one thing after another only because everything went OK it looked easy but imagine if you were in his stead, also the escape and the battle with the riders both happened in less then 5 minutes

    Victor, watching the carnage unfold, decided not to stray from his effective tactics. He dropped the entire carriage from his inventory onto the remaining battlemage, crushing him instantly under the sudden weight. As the dust settled, Victor felt a pang of exhaustion—his breaths heavy, his legs trembling slightly. He realized his stamina was severely depleted, a stark reminder of the physical demands of this relentless combat.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a DetachedDreamer


    Breathing heavily, Victor stood back as Sarah finished the fight with a swift, precise shot from her bow. The battlefield fell silent except for the rustle of leaves and their laboured breathing. She turned to Victor, her eyes narrowing as she assessed this unknown ally.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a EvergreenGaming

    The first reason I was considering not to put it in was because I was trying to avoid padding the ward count, But if people are ok with that I will add it every time he does a "Dungeon Run" as an extra chapter together with the Character Profile of him and any important characters.

    Pps. Should I Post the Caracter Status page for Victor and Sarah?
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a Lucas_Coimbra

    I am trying to figure out how to change that, this has been a learning experience for me as well, the first draft was much worse than this.

    Ch 2 Bound for Trouble
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a lee_lee_0533

    In the game...

    "Choose your race," the voice commanded, its tone neutral yet persistent. Like a celestial scribe penning the chronicle of his life, the entity presented Victor with a pantheon of races: Nord, Imperial, Breton, Argonian, Khajiit, Orc, Dark Elf, Wood Elf, and High Elf.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a Wachdog

    Sorted, thanks...

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a KingYasser

    Just now? He is sharing the information from the skill Analyse at this point, maybe I am misunderstanding your query?

    As Sarah processed the information, her gaze drifted back to Victor, a blend of trust and uncertainty in her eyes. She then caught sight of the term 'Dragonborn' in the description he provided. "Dragonborn?" she questioned, a hint of disbelief in her voice. "What does that mean exactly?"
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a EvergreenGaming

    That sounds good, I'll think on that, maybe one of the future rewards from C?

    Ch 8 Into the Depths
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a EvergreenGaming

    Maybe like an extra chapter?

    Pps. Should I Post the Caracter Status page for Victor and Sarah?
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a Kamikaze_Eagle

    That sounds about right, but here Victor is seemingly a game character but not a Skyrim one. You will know more about his System in the future.

    Anyway here is the loot from Elenwen, he is already wearing the rings. 3 rings is not a lot but can you imagine him wearing 10 or more of them? I'll have to think of a solution for that. I also added everything he looted from Helgen keep lower.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a Kamikaze_Eagle

    Ulfric's rebellion against the Empire actually benefits the Thalmor by keeping the Empire weak and divided, which is exactly what they want. Despite Ulfric's intense dislike for the Thalmor, whom he sees as oppressive invaders, there are rumors that the Thalmor might have quietly supported his rebellion to advance their own interests. Ulfric's own experiences under Thalmor captivity—where he was tortured and gave up crucial information—have fueled suspicions about his true motives, although his followers vehemently deny these allegations. His ordeal has deeply influenced his stance against the Empire and driven him to lead the Stormcloak rebellion. In the alternate universe of our story, Elenwen, who was directly involved in torturing Ulfric, has a personal vendetta against him. This becomes particularly apparent in her haste to see him executed. The depth of her grudge and more intricate details of their entangled past will be further revealed when Victor brings her head to Ulfric."

    Elenwen, the Thalmor Ambassador, raced to Helgen with a single, cold purpose—she would not miss the chance to see Ulfric Stormcloak, the rebellious leader she had so fervently opposed, meet his end. The urgency of the moment pushed her to leave behind even her closest guards, her robes billowing as she hastened her pace. As Helgen's imposing walls came into view, a smirk touched her lips, imagining the sweet victory of witnessing Ulfric's final moments.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a Darren_Laban_9044

    Thank you, I actually am verry critical about the quality of everything I post and will do my best

    Ch 6 Memories and plans.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne
  • Kuroganne
    Respondeu a EvergreenGaming

    that sounds like a good idea, slight spoiler, I saved him in the first place with the intent to make a connection to the imperial legion but haven't gotten far enough with how. Thank you for the suggestion.

    Ch 6 Memories and plans.
    Skyrim Reborn: Victor's Ascension
    Videojogos · Kuroganne