


it can be said i'm a novel-seeker ^_^)/ig: @ela_ervina

2017-11-19 UnidoIndonesia



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After Transmigration: Suddenly I got son Whose brings his father too

"Dimana... ini?" Aku yakin, aku baru saja selesai mandi dan pergi tidur setelah sekitar sebulan lamanya aku tidak bisa beristirahat dengan baik karena terlalu sibuk untuk membantu semua orang dengan pengobatan setelah perang berakhir karena aku membunuh komandan dari kerajaan musuh. Lalu... mengapa ada anak kecil disini? "Mama! Cepat bangun! Ayah sudah menunggu dari satu jam yang lalu. Ayah bilang jika Mama tidak menemuinya dalam waktu lima menit, dia akan mengambil kebebasan mama dan mengunci mama di tempat tidur!" "Kamu siapa? Hei nak, aku bahkan belum menikah. Bagaimana bisa aku menjadi mama mu?" Dan kemudian, pencabut nyaw... ugh.. Ayah dari anak ini masuk. "Walaupun kau ingin berpura-pura lupa ingatan, kau tetap harus ikut pulang denganku" "Kamu pikir kamu siapa?!" "Aku suamimu" ".... benarkah?" "Itu benar" ungkapnya dengan tegas 'Aku menikahimu ketika kau sedang linglung karena obat' Lanjut ML kita dengan suara kecil "Apa yang baru saja kau ucapkan?" Tanya MC kita menyelidik "Tidak ada" Dia mengatakannya dengan nada dan wajah yang serius "Ayahmu berkata jujur?" Lalu dia menanyakan pada anaknya, eh... MC sudah mengakui itu anaknya? "Ya ma, itu benar!" Dan dijawab dengan tegas dan lantang sebagaimana prajurit menjawab atasannya "Ugh... jika aku tahu kalian berdua berbohong kepadaku, aku akan merobek-robek kalian berdua!" "Mama, aku anak kesayanganmu. Jadi, bagaimana kalau kita menhabisi musuh kita saja?" "Istriku, aku sungguh menunggumu untuk merobek pakaianku" Arghh... apa yang sebenarnya terjadi disini?!

yukinaOA · Geral
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

[ON HOLD] The White Lotus : Qin FangHua

She was the heir of the 1 out of 4 big clan at 21th century. A genius doctor when even her family didn't have history about alchemy, the strongest in her family younger generation. At the age 21th years old, she deep in love with the heir of the other big clan. Never in the history of the 4th clans ever have marriage ties, and in the deep of every member of the 4 big clans think, that's the worst taboo to marry to the other big clans caused they afraid to ruin the balance. Because of this, she and her lover run away before even their family success to arranged marriage for each of them. Unfortunely, even before they can grasp a little bit of air for breath for relife. the both of their family murdered them because they think it was useless to keep unfilial heir. At the time of her helpless feeling, she pray to be a daughter of the humble family and to meet again with her lover in the next life. But, didn't only she not saw the king Yama, she wake up in the 10th years old girl. the fourth young miss from Qin clan a bedridden orphan, make she get the title "sleeping doll beauty". She want to life leisure life, but her cousins jealous and envious can't make her keep her leisure life. "Let's get rid of every bad person and then life leisure life!" she make a vow in her backyard "i will help you then" the voice make she suprissed and suspecious "who are you?!" "your man" "i just have one man and he was not you!" since my men didn't have shamless personality like you, she added that sentence at her thought "Didn't you know you have engagement with me?" "What?!" and then she remember, the previous owner of the body indeed has engagment with crown prince, wait crown prince?! where then she will get her leasure life?! she was the heir of the big clan, and he was a crown prince. their temperament was cold and ruthless, but every time their meet...

yukinaOA · Histórico
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs