I'm 22 years old, my hobby is writing, gaming, reading web novels, fanfictions, mangas, and some anime.
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Exact copy of "King Of Gods" but characters, places and techniques have different names, literally. I'm not even exaggerating, I checked. I'm not even exaggerating, I checked. I'm not even exaggerating, I checked. I'm not even exaggerating, I checked.
If you liked Way of the Devil, you will like this, the premise is very similar. I loved it, so 5 stars.
One of the best fanfictions I have read. My only complains are some spelling mistakes and wrong grammar, but since it's not bad enough to break the immersion it can slide.
Fast paced without seeming rushed, he can love forever so he isn't in a hurry and remains low key, gets various techniques, the plot is q bit scattered until chapter 20, but I guess that's what happens when the MC can live forever and time rushes by.
Here it comes, the biggest plot hole of the recent novels, the MC is able to see the status of others but other characters seem to not be able to see the status of others. Because of that, nonsensical scenes that can be avoided if they check mc's status happen, it's really painful to read.
Types of Engineering: -Mechanical Engineering. -Electrical Engineering. -Software Engineering. -Firmware Engineering. -Aerospace Engineering. -Civil Engineering. -Chemical Engineering.
This MC is interesting because he has a lot of facets and because of that it's nice to see him interact with others
If my vote counts for something, I vote against joining rias
this is ironic because Luffy's fruit isn't the paramecia gomu gomu no mi but a mythical-zoan type human model: Nika, god of the sun. The government erased it's records and renamed the fruit to hide it, but shanks stole the ship that carried it and fluffy ate it. Talk about being lucky