
Chapter 1- ROB's Gift

John woke up with a sudden gasp. His heart racing as he tried to figure out where he was. He looked around trying to spot someone who could help, but all he could see was an endless expanse of white nothingness.

No corners or doors, nothing he could follow to lead himself out. John's breathing grew shallow as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings. The stark whiteness seemed to stretch on forever, disorienting him further. He tried to recall the events leading up to this bizarre moment, but his memory was a hazy fog. Panic started to set in, and he began to move cautiously through the featureless void.

A voice echoed from behind him, breaking the eerie silence, "Hello there."

Startled, John jumped, he spun around to find a humanoid figure composed of what appeared to be stars, adorned in an immaculate white suit.

For a moment John didn't know what to say, he just stared. The figure seemingly content to let the silence last said nothing as well.

Finally after John's initial shock began to subside, he stammered, "Hello?"

"Took you long enough." The being replied, much to John's amazement.

"Um, hello," John repeated, shock still numbing him, "I don't think I'm supposed to be here."

The celestial being chuckled, a trace of amusement in its tone. "Where are you supposed to be, then?"

"I don't know," John retorted, his initial caution giving way to frustration, "In my room, perhaps? Certainly not wherever this is."

John looked around, still confused as to what was going on

"Is this some elaborate prank?" He continued, waving his arms around, "Do you have hidden cameras all over the place? Am I going to be on TV? You know I could sue you for this!"

The Being just merely watched amused at his words, that sent John into more of a rage.

He turned away and shouted, "Alright, the fun's over. I need to get back to work."

"Work." The Being intoned, "How can you get back to work when you're dead?"

"Dead?" John's voice quivered as he asked, "What the hell are you talking about?"

"You died, John," the Being stated matter-of-factly, "Can't you remember? Yes, you can remember; look at you, shaking so violently."

A torrent of memories flooded back, crashing over him like a tidal wave. John collapsed to his knees, a look of abject horror on his face.

"I died," He whispered to himself, "Yes, I died. I remember."

The Being's voice suddenly came from beside him, "Good, that was quicker than most."

Startled, John scrambled away from the celestial entity that had seemingly materialized out of thin air.

John stared at the being, his mind racing. The memories of his life, the events leading to this moment, started to align in his mind like pieces of a shattered puzzle coming together. He recalled a sudden impact, screeching tires, and then... darkness.

"I had an accident," John muttered to himself, the reality sinking in. "I remember now. I was driving, and then..."

"Accidents happen," The celestial being said nonchalantly. "Now, you're here in the space between realms. A place to reflect, to understand, before moving on to what comes next."

John looked around, still unable to fathom the endless whiteness that surrounded him. "What comes next? Heaven? Hell?"

"Usually, yes." The Being said, "But it's different this time."

"You see." The Being continued, snapping its fingers.

A table and two chairs appeared suddenly, it snapped its fingers again and John found himself sitting in one.

"I'm a bit bored." It said, "And there's this new thing going on, I hear its pretty interesting, so I thought I'd take a stab at it."

John looked around, his confusion deepening. The stark white surroundings were replaced by a simple table and chairs, a surreal contrast to the featureless void.

"Bored?" John echoed, still trying to process the rapid changes. "What new thing are you talking about?"

The Being leaned back in its chair, appearing almost human in its casual demeanor. "Well, let's call it 'Divine Entertainment.' Watching the stories of souls unfold, guiding them through the afterlife, it gets a bit monotonous after a while, you know?"

John's bewilderment grew, "So, what? I'm some sort of entertainment for you now?"

The Being chuckled, "Not exactly. You see, you were chosen for a little experiment. Instead of the usual path, you get a chance to influence your afterlife. Think of it as a cosmic choose-your-own-adventure."

John's eyes widened. "Choose my own adventure in the afterlife?"

"Yes, precisely!" The Being snapped its fingers again, and a book materialized on the table. The cover shimmered with ethereal light, and the title read, "The Afterlife Chronicles: John's Journey."

"This is your story," the Being explained. "You can shape the narrative, make decisions, and explore different paths. It's a unique opportunity. Your afterlife, your choices."

John stared at the book, a mix of awe and incredulity washing over him. "So, I get to decide what happens to me next?"

The Being nodded, "Exactly. It's like a cosmic game. Embrace the unexpected, make choices, and let the story unfold. You might discover things about yourself you never knew."

John opened the book, only to find the pages empty, he leafed through the pages, but each one was just a blank sheet of paper.

"It's empty." He stated blankly.

The Being laughed, "Of course it's empty." Another snap, and the book disappeared. "You've yet to start."

"So?" It spread its arms, "What are your wishes?"

"I get wishes?"

"Yes, you do, three to be exact," The Being confirmed.

John opened his mouth to answer but then hesitated. 'This may be the only chance I ever have to make wishes,' He thought.

"Take your time," The Being said, a mischievous glint in its starry eyes. "Your afterlife is what you make of it. So, what'll it be, John?"

After careful consideration, he spoke with determination. "For my first wish, I wish to be reborn as the son of Kronos, Zeus."

The Being leaned forward, propped its head on one arm, "Why Zeus?"

John shrugged, "The only other mythologies I'm somewhat familiar with are Norse and Hindu. Norse gods have their fate sealed, and my knowledge of Hindu mythology is limited. So, Greek mythology seemed like the best option, and Zeus is the top god there."

The Being nodded approvingly, "Interesting choice. Your wish is granted. You shall be reborn as the son of Kronos, Zeus. Your second wish?"

"I wish to be ten times stron-,"

"Nope." The Being stopped.

"What?" John looked up confused, "Why not?"

"Cause, now choose something lower." 

John sighed, "Eight?.... five?.... three?... ok fine, two times stronger."

The Being nodded, signaling him to proceed.

"For my final wish," John declared, "I wish for naturally amazing leadership qualities."

He had always pondered how individuals seemed to effortlessly excel in their reincarnated lives. While it might appear that he was squandering his last wish, John believed that as a god, he would possess ample power. What he truly needed was the ability to govern his soon-to-be kingdom effectively and ensure its enduring prosperity.

The Being smiled, "Leadership qualities it is. You shall possess the charisma, wisdom, and innate ability to inspire and guide others effectively. Your wish is granted."

As the words left the Being's lips, John felt a surge of energy coursing through him. It was as if the very essence of leadership had intertwined with his being, creating a sense of confidence and assurance within him.

"That is all, thank you," John concluded.

The Being stroked a beard that wasn't there. "These are quite standard wishes, to be honest."

As John's wishes were granted, the surroundings transformed once again. The table and chairs disappeared, and the white void melted away. John felt a sense of weightlessness as if he were being transported through time and space.

The Being's voice echoed, "Your journey begins, John. Embrace the opportunities ahead, shape your destiny, and may your afterlife be a grand tale."

The voice was beginning to grow distant, but John could still hear it speak, "And for Heaven's sake, don't be such a bore."


Mount Dicte.

Wet and warm.

These were the two things John felt as began to regain consciousness. His eyes opened up only to be greeted with darkness.

'Where the hell am I? Didn't it work?' John thought, he tried to move around, but his body felt restricted in some way.

'Ok not totally restricted then... I can sort of move it.' Raising his hand up in front of his face, he tried to get an idea of what was going on. John moved his hand forward, only for it to press up against a... barrier?

He pushed at it lightly already beginning to understand what was going on. The barrier strained against his fist, and he knew he could push even further, power coursed through him like blood did a mortal.

'Huh, technically, I'm not mortal anymore or a human.'

He wasn't entirely sure how he felt about that. 'Doesn't feel too bad though, I'll tell you that.'

Straining his ears, John heard muffled sounds coming from around him, he listened even more trying to make them more coherent.

'Sounds like groans?' He thought. 'A woman's groans. She sounds like she's in pain.'

A sudden movement startled him, the walls of his fleshy prison shifted, and he clung to them tightly.

Amidst the grunts and groans, a weight pressed down, pushing him further. 'Am I being born now?' he wondered, the urgency to avoid suffocation overshadowing the surrounding sounds of distress.

Out he came, smeared in the amniotic fluid leftovers from his time in the womb. Light began to force its way into his vision, enough to make him wince as cold air whipped around him, causing a shiver to ripple through his form. Soft hands, gentle as a breeze, grabbed him, and almost instantly, he was clean and wrapped in furs as soft as clouds.

Slowly cracking open his eyes, John found his gaze locked on two women. He studied the one holding him—a beautiful woman with a heart-shaped face, slightly tanned skin, and a crown braid of black hair. Her warm brown eyes met his, filled with a mix of relief and curiosity.

The other was a beautiful woman as well, she unlike Rhea had a nearly pure white skin, angular face, with platinum blonde hair and and clear pale blue eyes. She held in her hands an object wrapped in a white linen.

John, compelled by an instinct he couldn't quite fathom, raised his hand to touch the woman cradling him. In response, she laughed, a sound rich as honey. "So fair of form, so stout of spirit," She intoned, her touch as gentle as Zephyros' breath upon his brow. Her fingers, like the skilled weaver's shuttle, wove through his newborn locks, a soft caress befitting a goddess in her tender care.

Her utterances, though alien to mortal ears, resonated within him like echoes from the divine symphony. The language spoken was not the familiar English of his former life, but a tongue imbued with celestial resonance. In the recesses of his mind, comprehension unfolded with a clarity surpassing the earthly languages he once knew.

With surprising ease, she stood up from the bed. Despite having just given birth to him, she looked no worse for the wear, as though she'd merely gone for a run.

The daughter of Ouranos stood towering over the other woman as she made her way towards the cave's opening, her steps carrying a quiet strength as she cradled him. As they neared the entrance, she paused, allowing John to glimpse the world below. The sight that greeted him was nothing short of breathtaking.

The cave's mouth revealed a sprawling landscape. There was no sun or moon, yet the land was as clear to him as though there were. Bright green jungles rolled into the distance beneath the starry skies, a gentle breeze carried the scent of flowers, and beyond the limits of mortal sight, John caught a glimpse of a sea, its depth perfectly mirroring the sky above.

The two stayed there for a moment, simply taking in the view, then Rhea sighed, a mixture of weariness and contemplation evident in her expression. Without a word, she placed him on his feet, allowing him to stand.

John swayed for a moment, shocked. But he quickly regained his balance, his body, despite still being very much underage, seemed to not mind the sudden use of its legs. The unfamiliar strength and coordination of his newfound form surprised him.

Standing on his own two feet, John took a moment to absorb the sensations. The air felt crisp against his skin, and the ground beneath him seemed to pulse with vitality. 

"Instruct him in the ways of the divine," Rhea beseeched, her voice carrying the weight of both command and plea. "I, amidst the cosmic currents, cannot traverse so freely, for the wary eye of Kronos may fall upon my celestial wanderings."

The other woman nodded, her face even paler but with a look of determination.

"I have pondered upon a name for you," She intoned, her voice carrying the echoes of ancient prophecies. "Zeus," She declared,

'Is she talking to me?' Zeus wondered, his gaze shifting back and forth between the two women, his mind buzzing with confusion about what was unfolding.

But the two continued to look at him, as though expecting a response.

'Is this some kind of weird god thing?' Zeus mused internally as he attempted to shape the words, "I-I like i-it." His fat baby tongue seemed alien within his own mouth, as he struggled to form the strange language.

Rhea smiled, "I thought you would," She bent down, planting a gentle kiss on his forehead before reaching for the wrapped object the other woman held.

"I will return," She assured both of them before gracefully leaping out of the cave's entrance and soaring into the sky.

Zeus observed her flight until she landed on a valley's peak, where a chariot awaited her. Or at least Zeus thought it was a chariot, it looked much like one, except, more complicated, parts shifted and broke apart as Rhea approached it. She looked back Zeus, raising her unencumbered hand to wave at him, before stepping in. The chariot hums, crackles, becomes suddenly girdled by a latticework of energy, and rises off the grass, twirling as it climbs. Without warning, it shot off, disappearing with a clap of thunder just before reaching the sky.

Zeus looked on shocked, his mind racing, 'That wasn't magic.' If anything it looked more like technology, extremely advanced technology.

"Zeus?" called the other woman, her hand extended towards him, a small smile playing on her lips.

Still gazing at the vanished chariot in the sky, Zeus hesitated before turning back to the woman and taking her hand, his mind still in shock.

'What the hell is going on?'

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