
yuragi-sou no yuuna-san: template system.

4 years ago, aiden discovered that her body absorbs a type of strange energy that disappears shortly after entering her body. Now 4 years later her body stopped passively absorbing the strange energy and a strange template system was activated. What will fate have in store for aiden? and what character templates will he get?... read the ff to find out. :v The protagonist is not a reincarnated person. (He didn't know what to write, neither in the name nor in the synopsis, but hey, I did my best.)

MiguelCreative · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 16

[30 minutes later]


Demonic Form: when the user activates it, a tail and horns appear, his teeth become a little sharper and his ears grow. He gains a x2 increase in his physical abilities (strength, speed, stamina, durability). His senses increase. At low levels of control he can lose his sanity from strong emotions such as anger.

When he has the demonic form active he gains the weaknesses of a demon.

Weaknesses: holy things like holy water, holy energy, having his demon tail grabbed, having his demon heart destroyed.

Flames of Satan: Also known as the blue flames, these flames can completely destroy the body and soul of their victims. With good control you can choose who to attack and who not, or whether to burn the body or the soul. It can only be used when in his demon form.

Pyrokinesis: He has the ability to create and control fire with his mind. It can only be used when in his demon form.

Intimidating Presence: Gives the user an overwhelming aura that is feared by beings weaker than the user.

High-Speed Regeneration: Allows you to recover from fatal or near-fatal wounds at staggeringly high speeds, granting you high durability. It can only be used when in his demon form.

Telepathy: mentally communicate with other beings, can only be used when in his demonic form.

Spectral Awareness: He can see/sense beings that he couldn't before. At a high rank he can sense the power level of beings.

Flame Emitting Meditation: The user unleashes a torrent of fire, depending on the amount of energy used.

Satan Slash: The user channels his Satan Flames through his sword and fires it at his opponent in a wave.

Satan Bomb: The user stabs his sword into the ground and then creates a series of explosions at various nearby points of his choosing.

Satanic Campfire: The user stabs their opponent with a sword and is then engulfed in blue flames.

Satanic Bomb Campfire: The user stabs the sword into their target, then causes a series of explosions at various points on the target's body before blue flames spread and consume the target.]

After half an hour, aiden had already recovered a bit, the burns almost all gone thanks to his high-speed regeneration.

He didn't heal any more sooner because he still has the sword suppressing the energy from him, which causes the regeneration to not show his true strength.

"(Sigh) luckily, I decided to equip the character card in here" - Aiden sighed as he got up from the ground, but still holding the sword.

"This thing is heavy" - Said Aiden, swinging the sword as if he didn't weigh anything, all thanks to his demon physique that increased his strength.

"System, do you think if I stopped using the sword to suppress my spirit energy, the same thing would happen again?" - Aiden asked as he stuck the sword into the ground and stayed holding it.

[System: I don't think the host needs to worry about that happening again. What happened before was because it was the first time he used the blue flames and unless his emotions are very unstable, the host should be able to control the blue flames well enough not to lose control again... ]

"(Sigh) it's fine, I'm going to drop it" - Aiden said as he prepared to drop the sword. Aiden tried to relax as much as he could and tried not to think of anything bad so his emotions would stay calm.

He began to slowly release the sword hilt, after letting go completely he let out a sigh of relief after the fire didn't get out of control again.

"It's a strange feeling to have a tail and horns..." - Aiden said as he looked at his tail and touched the horns made of blue fire, fortunately these don't burn as much as the other ones. Then he touched his ears and noticed that they were longer and that his teeth were a bit sharper. He never liked Rin's ears...

Aiden can deactivate his demon form so he doesn't have to worry about the fire, but he wants to get a better look at his body while he's in this form.


Name: Aiden Honton. Age: 15. Gender: male. Race: Human? (demon)

Physical level: [wall×2=building]. Energy Level: [30,100/20,200][610/610]

Character template:

[Thomas André][Chongyun][Rin okumura]

Powers, skills and techniques:

[Perfect Body: Level 1][Smell of Attraction: Level 1][Boxing: Level 4][drawing: 2][Cooking: Level 2][Spiritual Energy Control: Level 2][demonic form: 0][blue flames: 0][Intimidating Presence: 0][High-speed regeneration: 0][Telepathy: 0][Spectral Awareness: 0].](I'm not going to place the techniques... very lazy. Although if you want I will. : v)

"Mmmm... I think I'm as strong as when I use Reinforcement level 5, but this time I have more speed and resistance, than just strength and defense" - Said aiden while he moved his arms and looked at the status screen.

"I gained new abilities, even though they are all at zero level..." - Aiden said as he stretched and saw that his burns had already healed, thanks to the sword not suppressing his energy.

"Hey System, what are the requirements to complete Rin's template?" - Aiden asked as he stretched.

[System: To complete the character template: [Rin Okumura].

The host must bring the demonic form and the blue flames to level 3.

Flame Emitting Meditation, Satan Slash, Satan Bomb, Satanic Campfire, and Satanic Campfire Bomb to level 4.

Intimidating Presence, High Speed Regeneration, Telepathy, and Spectral Awareness to level 1]

"I won't comment anything this time..." - Aiden said as he finished looking at the requirements, he won't say anything since he's not sure how long it will take him to complete them.

Possibly with the help of the andramelek technique, he can quickly raise the levels of the techniques, but as far as he has to do with the body, it will be a little more difficult.

Intimidating presence, high-speed regeneration, telepathy, and spectral awareness needs to be in his demonic form plus have someone to train him with. He doesn't think using it with his reflection is possible.

"Well, putting that aside, I'd better use this time I have inside the training room to get used to using the blue flames…" - Aiden said as he pulled out a boxer and shorts that he has in his inventory and put them on.

Aiden has a few sets of clothes in his inventory just in case, it seems like it was a good idea to do it in the end.

Aiden then sat on the ground as if he were going to meditate as he moved his right hand forward looking up and concentrated on summoning a small not so hot flame.

Thanks to the little control he has in his great spiritual energy, the small flame he was thinking of came out as if he had poured gasoline into it to light a small flame.

"..." - Looking at the big blue flame that he summoned fortunately his wish that it wasn't so hot did come true, although he still is, but at a level that he can resist. then aiden tried to control her to make her smaller.


Time passed and aiden was sitting with his eyes closed while in his palm he had a blue flame the size of a basketball burning uncontrollably, but at the same time the flame is controlled.

"Fuuu~~ this was hard..." - Aiden said as he waved his hand to the side to put out the flame. but what he achieved was that the flame shot out towards the wall, colliding with it and leaving a burn mark on the wall.

"..." - Aiden looked at the mark while he thought about how strong that wall was so that that fireball wouldn't even leave a few cracks when they collided.

'There wasn't even an explosion, I thought there would at least be one since that fireball had enough power to burn a person... I think.' - Aiden thought as he shrugged, thinking that the wall must be made of a very resistant material.

Leaving his demonic form and returning to his true form, Aiden felt him lose his tail and body, along with his heightened strength and senses.

"System, how long before I have to get out of here?" - Aiden asked as he looked at the empty room and I can't help but notice how huge it was.

[System: 2 minute]

"Okay..."-Aiden said as he sighed because he thought he had more time to stay inside the training room.

"Well, while I wait, I'm going to read the technique book that Andramelek gave me," Aiden said as he shrugged and took the book out.

[Mind training technique.

Technique created by the greatest genius andramelek, son of #### and ######, direct descendant of sun wukong.

Technique that was created after 200 years of having had an epiphany.

Blah blah blah blah...]

Aiden didn't keep reading since what followed was a lot of praise for andramelek until he turned to the next page where the beginning of the technique was.

What surprised him was that andramelek is a descendant of sun wukong, well it doesn't matter much, he never followed the stories of gods and so on. he only knows the gods and their stories well thanks to animes and games.

Aiden blinked and then found himself sitting on top of his bed, time already running out.

'Well, since I'm here in my apartment, I'm going to try to use the technique' – Aiden thought as he closed his eyes and tried to enter his mind.

It is supposed to be one of the most difficult things to do, many take several days to enter, Andramelek had told him that if he wanted to go back to train him, he needed to complete two things.

1) Being able to enter his mind.

2) Defeat his reflection in combat at least once.

The first is enough, but Andramelek told him that if he managed to complete the second in a month without help, he would give him a prize and the faster he did it, the better the prize.

So good... wish aiden luck.


Just to say at higher levels the powers will change to fit aiden.

In other words, the demonic form will change with each level that goes up, it will not remain as in the original since aiden does not have the bloodline of the demon king and other things.

And for those who will ask, aiden in the future will be able to use his demon abilities in his human form, but weakened. (Since, if he had them at the same level, what use would it be for him to use his demonic form... :v)

I hope you liked the chapter and it won't be long before the plot of yuragi-sou no yuuna-san begins.