
1: About Summoning...

    Vision was my first sense; a dark room clouded with a deep purple smoke that swirled around me, lit by the strange sigils on the floor that I only understood because they spelled my name. The circle drawn on the floor was made by someone practiced in the arcane arts, and looking across them with my head still on the stone floor, I could see the intricacy of the details.

    The next thing I would sense was pain. I tried to lift my head, but this time my skin would be made of liquid, and it tore violently from me sticking to the ground in a melted pool as my eye watered...My eye? I blinked to let the tears roll down my face to realize that this time, I would have only one eye. I had to get used to this again, and while I didn't want to look down at myself I had to.

    This time my skin was a deep yellow color, constantly in a state of melting away in a partial solid that rolled in chunks as my body continued to grow. Fire seemed to fill in my wounds as this sudden growth burned each separation of one of my limbs from the ground, and from that alone I noted....4. Not arms, but more like tree branches, that had their own branches and each their own. What one could call my arms were made of 2 joints each, bending opposite one another allowing me to recoil my limbs back toward the center mass that made my torso. I blinked again, as I couldn't see anyone around yet. That's when my hearing returned.

    It wasn't through ears, but more like I just knew that sound existed. It was like trying to hear something while underwater, with everything being only a faint vibration, making out words that I somehow already knew. It was chanting. They were chanting. They were saying my name, over and over and over again.

    I turned to see them, and there were 3. Dark hooded figures I couldn't truly make out the features of, due to the fact that my vision had been so blurry. I didn't need my eye all that much either, it turned out. The melted skin of mine that clung to the floor somehow allowed me to feel the ground around me; this one was stone. I could feel that there were about 40 or so stones to make up this floor, and upon them there were 11 pairs of feet.....approx. 11 humans if they all were in fact human. 3 Stood next to me, still chanting my name with their hooded heads bowed. The other 8 were on the opposite side of this room, and they were shuffling about rather rapidly. Fully sprouted from the floor, I realized that I towered over these humanoid figures, and as I reached my limb to prod at them, the barrier around the circle engraved into the floor sharply pinched my limb, causing it to shrivel and singe on the end.

    "Rise, Rise, Rise," They were chanting in unison, and at their command my body twisted and became more massive. At this rate my head was going to start gracing the ceiling, and I now had acquired 6 limbs, each with their own distorted features. Each had their own melting flesh draped across them like rags left out to dry. Each I could manipulate, finely enough to recoil them all into my vision and count them. Some had forked ends, and other had what I imagined humans would call "fingers" being able to furl and unfurl as I would think it. I turned and my vision cleared enough to see that there were in fact 8 other humans in this stone room, and they were locked in mortal combat. Most of them were plated in metal, and carried metal objects to strike each other with. This wasn't some glorious battle I was witnessing, it could more be likened to people in fireproof armor slugging each other with torches. The swords and axes were intended to cut, but the armor would easily protect them, and instead of being a contest of strength or precision, this was a battle of stamina and attrition; and neither side showed signs of stopping. If I had a mouth I probably would've asked them what the hell was going on around here. I probably would've asked why they were fighting, and what for. I probably would've pulled them away from each other, or asked them how they got here. Maybe that would answer why it was exactly that I was here; instead the chanting behind me gave that answer.

    "Kill. Kill. Kill." The three behind me commanded, and I would obey.