
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Majesty of Games

I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (yugioh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
76 Chs

CH 63: An Unexpected Visitor

"1) Your soul got stronger, and after recovering completely, you can bond with duel spirits up to Lv 6 right away.

2) You managed to bond with Serpent Night Dragon. And as you can see, he evolved when absorbing Jinzo's spirit energy. But not just that, when he evolved, he managed to become a full deck because Mirrorjade and Venom transferred some of their spirit energy to help him. Meaning you have an actual Serpent Night Dragon Deck for yourself.

3) Because of your spirit energy growing so powerful, your own Ba now can be used as a Ka, and has actually transformed into a monster. Meaning your own Ba, which is connected to two original Kas, has become two monster cards itself. Congratulations, you can now play yourself in a duel."

"..." The two teenagers were both silent. Thinking they heard her wrong. Alistair blamed it on his headache. "... What?" He blinked, she shrugged :"You heard me." His hand in front of his mouth moved around randomly :"W-well, y-yeah, but I think I just heard it wrong. D-did you just say I am my own Ka? I have my own card?!"

"You are your own card." Silent Magician smirked. Alistair was shocked, speechless, bamboozled, absolutely flabbergasted. He never thought he would see the day he would become his own card. Two cards, at that.

"Damn..." That was all he could say, but all of his shock could be heard in that one word. Hey, at least Zane's wide eyed look was funny. He turned to the milf :"Wait, so why two of them? Because I have two original Kas?"

Silent Magician :"That's right. Because of your connection to two Kas, it's like your soul is connected to their decks in their entirety. If you had one Ka, your soul would be transformed into a duel spirit that was suitable for that one deck. But since you have two Kas, your soul has become suitable for two decks.

The power of your soul hasn't been divided between the two cards though, by the way. It just has become two cards. One card is suited to be played in your Branded Deck, which is because of your connection to Mirrorjade, and needs his help to come out, while the other cars is suited to be played in your Predaplant Deck because of your connection to Venom, and needs his help to come out. Both of them are extremely powerful too, if I have to say."

Mirrorjade :"What do you mean, if you have to say? They are powerful. Extremely so. If you take a look, you'll know what I'm talking about. Believe me, these two cards definitely need to be banned."

Alistair :"They must really be something if mister banisher himself says that."

Mirrorjade :"Oh, believe me, you'll know what I'm talking about. Want to take a look at it?"

Alistair, smirking :"As excited and curious as I am, the best stays for the last. I'll take a look after I've checked my new Serpent Night Dragon Deck."

"Fair enough. By the way, we also have an unexpected guest." Mirrorjade said and suddenly, something... someone, passed through the closed door like a ghost, before waving cheerfully :"Hi, everyone! How you all doing?"

"What in the...?" Alistair was shocked. He didn't expect to meet her. At least not now. But he wasn't complaining. Looking at the blonde beauty with a figure that rivaled Alexis's, but still below Silent Magician's, and wearing a skimpy blue and pink magician's robes, with the same color themed hat and boots, while holding a little cane, she was one hell of a feast for the eyes.

Especially that skirt, if it could be called one. The pink skirt was short enough to barely reach her thighs, and that was the sides and back of it. The front was just a blue piece that barely managed to cover her womanhood.

"Dark Magician Girl... damn, I would pay some good money for a gust of wind right now." He mumbled unconsciously, making her giggle :"Oh wow, you're definitely not a shy one, huh?" Causing Alistair to smirk :"Unfortunately for the hearts of women, no. So how are you here? What's going on?"

"Is that really... wait, how can I see her?" Zane grew confused. Smiling at him, DMG used her spirit energy to make herself visible and physical. Silent Magician answered Zane :"It's because I was helping you with my spirit energy." She turned to the noiret :"Master, when you were absorbing Jinzo's spirit energy, she was nearby and sensed it. So she came to check what was going on. Since she wasn't hostile, we didn't capture her."

"But she was curious about you and how you could have so many duel spirits following you, so she wanted to meet you." Serpent said, turning to Dark Magician Girl :"I didn't expect you to come to meet our master yourself."

"And I never expected mister grumpy to accept a master." She grinned :"What, did you finally get lonely being all by yourself for too long?" Serpent scoffed :"Oh, please, you're as delusional as ever. Do you think I would accept anybody as my master? The sole fact that I have accepted Alistair as my master speaks volume of how strong he is."

"Oh, really?" She grew curious as Serpent continued proudly :"Of course, he's my master for a reason. I have never seen a duelist as skillful as him! Not even in the past could anybody play their decks as well as my master! Even your former master, Yugi Mutou could ever defeat him!"

"Huh? Now that's just big talk!" Dark Magician Girl pouted :"There's no way he can beat the Pharaoh himself!" Serpent scoffed :"Oh, please. With my master's skills and strategies, your former master wouldn't be able to last a single turn."

"That's not true!" Her pout intensified, but before they could continue arguing, Alistair stroked Serpent's long neck :"Now, now, calm down you two. Who cares which one of us is better? Stop arguing for now. So, what do you want, Dark Magician Girl?" He smiled at the beauty.

"I care. And I was telling the truth." Serpent mumbled quietly, but was ignored as DMG smiled :"Obviously, because I was curious!" She exclaimed, jumping around in excitement :"I was so surprised when I saw so many powerful duel spirits around a single person!

Although weak duel spirits may flock around someone, it's really unusual for that many strong duel spirits to gather around a single human! And all of them were so powerful too! Some of them were even more powerful than all kinds of monstrosities I have seen, like Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!

And imagine my surprise when I felt even more monsters hiding inside of you, some of them even more powerful than the monsters that I could see! Ooh, but I was so worried when I thought they were bad duel spirits."

She sighed sadly :"And when they found me, I felt like I was going to have a heart attack even though I don't even have a physical heart." Before sighing in relief :"Thank goodness they noticed I wasn't hostile. Otherwise, I was going to go to the GY! Permanently!"

Alistair laughed, she was funny :"What a way to put it. So, what are you curious about?" She slammed her hands on the end of the bed, trapping his legs. As her eyes sparkled in excitement, she got on the bed and began to crawl on top of him with every question :"Everything, obviously!

Like why would so many monstrous duel spirits follow a single human?! Or how come you've managed to form a bond with so many duel spirits?! How come your soul has been able to endure bonding with so many duel spirits?! How do you have two original Kas instead of one?! Or, or-"

"Alright, alright, chill out, girl." Putting a finger over her plump lips, he stopped her. Feeling the soft rosy flesh under his finger, he had to admit, feeling them around his member would definitely be heavenly. And with how she was standing on all fours on top of him, he was holding back a lot from pushing her down and dicking her down.

His eyes unconsciously moved down to her large cleavage, where her big breasts were hanging and swinging because of her position. 'They're really big...' He mused. As expected of one of the dream girls of Yu-Gi-Oh.

His eyes returned to her face, where he saw a teasing smirk. Obviously, she had noticed where his mischievous eyes were looking at. He was no shy guy either though, so he just smirked :"Don't you think those would be very important secrets? Why would I tell you any of them?"

"Hmm, but you seemed pretty interested in my "secret" places just a second ago though." She smirked teasingly, he smirked back :"And you seem pretty interested in my "secret" places with how you're acting?"

Both of them stared at each other, smirking, not breaking eye contact, as if having a staring contest and waiting to see who would give up first. Unfortunately for DMG, Alistair was a champion of staring contests. In the end, she could only sigh and pout, slumping down on his legs and resting her fat ass on his lap :"But I'm so curious... Hmm... oh, I know!"

Her face lit up like a light bulb, excitement returning as she smirked mischievously :"How about this, we duel, and if I win, you answer my questions! We'll see if Serpent Night Dragon was just bluffing or if you're actually skilled!"

"A duel, huh?" He grew curious himself, then smirked :"Then what if I win? I better get something of the same value as my secrets. Otherwise, I'm not dueling for nothing."

"Hmm..." She thought for a moment, before smiling mischievously. As she got on all four again, her fingers danced on his chest :"Then if you win, I'll join your crew of duel spirits. Then, who knows what we'll do together~?"

"Hmm, that so? I might have a good idea about what we'll do though." He smiled gently, seductively as they both began chuckling innocently at each other.

'... I wonder what I should do with my new power of invisibility.' Zane complained, but wasn't going to deny his bro the chance to get bitches. The true bro. And the scene was quite amusing too, so he just watched.

DMG jumped down from the bed :"Alright then, let's get right to it!" And Alistair didn't miss the glimpse of what was under her poor excuse of a skirt. Nothing. The sexy bitch was wearing nothing under that little piece of clothing, letting Alistair see all the good stuff down there! It was at times like this that he truly loved his newfound superspeed. Who wouldn't want a slow MO view of that mouth watering scene? 'What a pleasant day to have eyes.'

"Alright, come on!" She urged, but he raised an eyebrow, the memory of what he saw making his smile impossible to vanish :"In this condition? Sorry, sweetheart, but if we're dueling, we're doing it old school. Cause believe me, I really need some rest."

"Oh, okay then! That's fun and fine too!" She didn't lose her excitement :"Then just let me get a table or something." She looked around, but Silent Magician interrupted :"No need, you can use this." She snapped her fingers, (A/N: And half the universe disappeared!) and a small transparent energy platform above Alistair's crotch.

"Alright, this makes it even better!" DMG chirped, jumping on his lap again as a deck materialized in her hand :"Let's see what you've got!" Letting the noiret experience the heavenly feeling of her soft pillowy ass again. Alistair's smirk turned dark :"Then let's start this show, binky girl." As they put their decks and Extra Decks in their respective places, the platform came to life like the Master Duel field, with their LP in front of them.

Alistair/DMG :"Duel!"