
Yu-Gi-Oh GX: Branded in Meta

(A/N: This is a small harem of MC + female Jaden (Jade) Yuki + Alexis Rhodes. For all of you who don't like it, be warned.) I died, I met an Omnipotent being, and he granted me some wishes. Pretty cliche at this point, right? Can't get any originals in these times, am I right? But that's where the cliches stop. Why? Well, what do you think my wish was? To be overpowered? To have a massive, useless harem? No, god no. I hate harems, damn it! (Ahem ahem, but some worlds are exceptions.) So what was my wish? Pretty original, I wanted to be a Multiverse myself! Not as in own a Multiverse. But as in be a literal Multiverse myself! Pretty cool, right? But what kind of Multiverse did I become? Simple, I became a Parasitic Multiverse, where I would send pieces of myself to different Multiverses and copy their sources of powers and such to make myself even stronger than them! Comics like Marvel, DC, Invincible, movies like Transformers, Godzilla, Harry Potter, cartoons like Rick and Morty, TMNT, Kung Fu Panda, animes like Dragon Ball, Bleach, Naruto, and games like God of War, Assassin's Creed, Devil May Cry! I want them all, I want every power available in each and every one of them! So I sent my soul pieces to every one of them! But not as overpowered beings. Nah, that would be boring. I don't want to just copy their powers, I want to experience and venture around too! So what about this soul piece? What's it going to do, and what Multiverse will it go to? Doesn't the damn title make it obvious?! This is the tale of my soul piece going to the Yu-Gi-Oh GX (Yu-Gi-Oh GX) to become the king of games, and bring the horror and disgust of the Meta and Rogue Decks of his timeline to these poor souls! Watch as he brings them all down with 50 minute (hour, really) combos and makes them regret dueling! Get some popcorn, drinks and snacks, cause it's showtime!

That_One_Dead_Ali · Anime e quadrinhos
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23 Chs

CH 9: Jade's (Un)lucky Clumsiness

(A/N: Guys, I want to get into Pokemon, since, believe it or not, I've never watched it because I couldn't find it where I was. So now I wanna get into it! Got any recommendations for good fanfics here for me to enjoy? Specifically with Hilda or Rosa as the female lead, because I've seen some scrumptious... ahem ahem art of them👀.)

Zane :"How is it that the people who get back with their exes are always so happy?"

Alistair :"You ever seen a sad clown?"


Stepping back, Jade nervously waved her hands with a red face and a sheepish smile :"O-oh I-I'm sorry for smelling you, don't know what got over me-"

But not looking back caused her to hit his suitcase, causing her to lose balance and fall. Alistair's eyes widened, and before she could fall and hit her head somewhere, quickly grabbed her hand and pulled :"Be careful!"

But unexpectedly, she tripped on the suitcase's band, causing her to fall forward and bring Alistair down with her. He winced lightly, before quickly checking Jade :"Jade, you okay-"

However, they both froze when they saw each other mere inches away from each other. Seeing each other's features so closely, they were both speechless.

Alistair didn't need confirmation, he already knew Jade was stunningly gorgeous. But seeing her so close, and staring deep into her brown eyes, he found himself stunned. But of course, feeling her huge treasures press against him, something else wasn't stunned.

It was the same for Jade. She had, obviously, recognized his handsomeness from the get go. But weirdly enough, she had forgotten completely about his physical appearance ever since she had seen his duel.

It was the reason why she acted so normal while touching him. It was the reason why she didn't think for a moment before agreeing to live with him in the same room. It was because she didn't see him as a boy, but as a duelist. She was only knocked back to reality when she smelled and saw him in such close proximity.

A blush creeping up onto her face and growing a deeper shade by the second, she gulped before she sat up hurriedly, her arms waving around as if in reflex :"I-I'm so sorry, I don't know why I'm so clumsy today!"

"Ahem, uhh, it's alright. I don't mind." He hid a smirk, finding their position amazing. After all, she was sitting right on his crotch, giving him the premium sensation and view of her fat ass right on his dick and tits jiggling on top of him. He would have a problem if he did mind.

As the unsuspecting Jade sat on him timidly while supporting herself with her hands on his hard abs, she seemed to notice something :"Huh? What's..." She looked down at him curiously :"Al, something is poking me. Do you have something big in your pocket? Cause I'm sure our PDAs aren't that big."

"Ahem!" He couldn't keep the grin any longer. Which guy wouldn't be smug about that kind of a comment? He at least attempted to hide the grin with a fist over his mouth :"Uhh... nah, that's just Alistair junior introducing himself."

"Alistair... junior...?" Her face lit up in an ever deeper blush before she jumped up :"Waaah! Al~!!" Before covering her face at the giant hard-on she was sitting on moments ago :"P-put it away! G-geez!"

"Hey, it's not my fault it's like this. In fact, it's completely your-" He mumbled, but she interrupted :"J-just hide that... t-that spear of yours, would you?!"

"Spear, she says." He snickered quietly, earning a glare before he covered it up with his jacket :"Alright, alright, I'm sorry. There, you can look now."

Peeking through the gap between her fingers to see his weapon not threatening her, she sighed in relief. Pouting as she glared lightly :"Pervert..."

"You're the one who was sitting on this pervert's-" He grinned, making her face light up before she covered his mouth :"Stop~!" But magically, she tripped again.

Just that this time, instead of falling on his chest or stomach, her ass landed right on his face. And Alistair felt like he had reached enlightenment.

Yelping when she felt his face rub right against her now wet pussy, she stomped her foot in confusion and frustration :"G-geez~, what the heck is going on~?! Ahn?! Mmm, d-don't move, you jerk!"


Jade sat on the chair while facing the window, Alistair changing behind her to more comfortable clothes. Although the events that happened surprised her, she wasn't mad at Alistair.

'It's not his fault that we ended up in those situations. In fact, it's my fault for being so clumsy... a-and besides, i-it's guess it's just a physiological reaction that he g-got h-hard, so I can't be mad at him for t-that either. B-but then, w-why am I... happy? F-flattered?

Uuggh, so much is happening in such a little time! Haaah, I guess I'm happy that such a handsome and fit guy finds me attractive enough to get h-hard for me. A-am I pervert for thinking that?'

As she sighed to herself tiredly, her eyes timidly moved to the glass in front of her, where she could see his reflection that she tried not to look at. And when she saw all his muscles in plain view, she found herself gulping :'G-geez, how did I touch him so easily back then? Just looking at him is getting me all shy and hot now.'

And when he took off his boxers, she immediately averted his gaze :'Y-yeah, not happening! J-just the outline of it freaked the heck out of me, I don't think I can handle seeing it directly yet! Wait, what do you mean "yet?"?! Ugh, damn it, Jade, you're turning into a pervert!'

"You done having an internal battle yet?" She stopped holding her head when she heard his voice, making her jump before she turned around with a sheepish smile :"Y-yeah, all good! I-I showed me who's the boss- eek?!"

(A/N: Let me clarify something. The reason why MC has a gigantic junior isn't because I'm insecure. Let me ask you, why do all of my female leads have big tits? Is it because I'm insecure? No, it's because I like big tits! And that's what's going on here, I LOVE BIG DI-)

But when she saw the huge outline in his Adidas Slav pants, something that defined a Russian, her face lit up for the umpteenth time. It was a whole ass snake sleeping in his pants.

Alistair rubbed his nape sheepishly :"Uh, ahahaha, sorry, but I can't hide it any more than this, and these are my loosest pants. And I don't wear underwear while at home either since it's uncomfortable because of my... you know, size. So, sorry if it makes you feel uncomfortable."

She gulped, dumbstruck by what could see :"N-no, i-it's alright... I-I don't m-mind..."

'H-holy crap... h-how the heck is it so huge...? T-they're definitely not supposed to be t-that big...'

He expected her to be weirded out, or at least complain. But he didn't expect this reaction.

'Huh, I guess I underestimated my own charms. Well, you won't see a guy complaining about a hot girl with huge tits walking around without wearing a bra, so why would a girl complain about a hot guy walking around with his huge package completely visible under his pants?'

Smirking at her mesmerized appearance, he lowered himself to be eye to eye with her. Catching her attention, he smiled seductively :"Then as payback, feel free to enjoy the eye candy as much as you want. No need to steal glances through the reflection of the window, alright?"

Jade felt lightheaded. She didn't know how she was going to live knowing she was caught peeking at a guy stripping like a pervert. The embarrassment made her feel like she was going to faint. Or maybe it was the handsome face of Alistair looking at her so seductively.

'Y-yeah, it's probably the second reason...'

He wondered if she truly was mesmerized. Because she only gulped while staring into his crimson orbs, as if lost in them :"Y-yeah, s-sure..."

Smiling in satisfaction, he lightly patted her cheek :"That's my good girl."

And she didn't know what to get hot and bothered for. Because of the pet name, or because of gentle slaps that she actually enjoyed.

Standing up again, letting Jade have a premium view of his dragon, he looked at the beds. Seeing that the lowest one had a messed up blanket, he figured that she had taken it. So he settled for the middle one.

As he laid on it to see how comfortable it was, which wasn't anything praiseworthy, Jade finally got out of her trance :"W-wait, I-I wasn't peeking at you!" She at least tried to defend her dignity.

But Alistair, rolling to his side, just chuckled :"Of course you didn't. It was just a random crow staring a hole in me."

"Believe me~! Please~!" She pouted pleadingly, hanging onto his bed's side to look cuter. And she did. But Alistair didn't know if he wanted to stop teasing her, or tease her even more.

He had always liked to see other people's reactions —except angry and negative reactions— so he would purposely annoy them and get under their skin. It was doubly so for a hottie like Jade.

But he didn't want to overstep since they had just become friends. So he just rolled his eyes with a smile :"Alright, alright. You weren't staring. There, happy?"

"Yes! Hehehehe!" She grinned widely, making him chuckle at her cuteness. She stood straight, blushing a bit :"U-uh, then I'll let you rest while I game a bit. You must be tired because of coming here just today but doing so much already."

He smiled genuinely :"Alright then, thanks again for keeping me company all day, Jade. You're a good friend to have so far away from home."

She smiled back, giving a peace sign :"You're welcome, pal! And as I told you before, if you need anything, don't be shy to ask! Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a new high school to break!"

As she went to get her console out, Alistair laid back with his hands behind his head :'Now, what to do? Should I organize my stuff? Wait, I almost forgot!'

Summoning his system, he went to the shop where he had found something interesting back in the class, while he was bored because of a subject he wasn't interested in.

Master Pack. The good old pack of Master Duel which nobody paid attention to. While messing with the system and trying to see if the system was really like Master Duel, he found out the Master Pack was still there.

Unfortunately though, the other hidden packs that he could get specific cards from weren't. What caught his attention was what the Master Pack had to offer.

Only one pack could be purchased every day, but instead, not only was it free, the probability of drawing URs could be increased. By what? By two things. His Level and his Titles.

Each Level increased the chances by 10%, while each Title's benefit varied. From what he understood, each 100% meant 1 UR, so if he could increase it to 1,000%, he would get 10 URs for free everyday. That was a lot for his broke ass.

At the moment however, the chances of drawing a UR was only 10%. Which was already very much, considering he remembered the odds to be around 2.5 in Master Duel.

'Levels are very beneficial, but the rate of leveling up... it's gonna take time.'

Looking at how much exp every level up needed, he couldn't help but frown.


Lv 1: 100,000 exp

Lv 10: 1,000,000 exp

Lv 20: 2,000,000 exp

Lv 30: 3,000,000 exp

Lv 40: 4,000,000 exp


Slifer Reds: 100 exp

Ra Yellows: 1,000 exp

Obelisk Blues: 2,000 exp

Legendary Duelists: 5,000 exp


'Then the only other option is through Titles.'

Opening up the menu, he hummed as he checked them up. There were a variety of them, and interestingly enough, the "Lv" beside them meant each one could be upgraded to bring even more benefits.

There were Titles like Graverobber for using the GY a lot, Banisher for banished zone, Destroyer for destroying too many cards, Healer for gaining a lot of LP, Overkill for doing too much in duels, and etc. But one grabbed a fistful of his attention.

'Hm? MC Slayer? 50% increase?!'