
Adrein's side story {special chapter }

The whole week has passed, and I'm still thinking about the thing I did on that day when she confesses her feeling to me. I just want to meet her, but I can't gather the courage. So, I spend a week building up the courage to talk to her. However, when I teleport myself to her house… As I look upon Ember sleeping peacefully in her bed, surrounded by books and snacks, I am filled with a sense of admiration and concern. She's been pushing herself too hard lately, sacrificing her sleep for the sake of her studies. This isn't the Ember I know; she's always been the one to prioritize the well-being of others over her own.


Seeing her wearing the necklace I gifted her brings a bittersweet feeling to my heart. It's a reminder that despite everything, I hold a special place in her life. Gently removing the necklace, I notice the faint brush marks on her neck and tend to the irritation with first aid supplies I find under her bed.


Curiosity gets the better of me when I come across her diary. Despite my initial reluctance, I can't resist flipping through its pages. Reading Ember's entries is like peeking into her soul. The way she describes our relationship, from our first encounter to our growing connection, fills me with a warmth I can't quite describe.


Her words paint a picture of someone who sees me as more than just a friend; someone who values our bond deeply. It's both humbling and heartwarming to know that in Ember's eyes, I am someone significant. Though I can't help but wonder if she truly understands the depth of my feelings for her.


As I apply the medicine to her neck and tuck her in more comfortably, I find myself overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. Gratitude for being a part of her life, worry for her well-being, and a growing sense of affection that I can no longer deny. In this quiet moment, with Ember asleep before me, I realize just how much she means to me. And I vow to cherish and protect our bond, no matter what the future may hold.

I couldn't wait to meet her, so I went to her house the next day, eager to talk about what had happened before and why I had been building up my courage. When I teleported to her room, she wasn't there, but the room was a mess again. I sighed and started cleaning it up once more. Remembering her message about losing her necklace, I left a note for her in the jewelry box.


In the note, I teased her gently, calling her silly for not finding the necklace where I had left it. I urged her not to apologize for things she didn't do and advised her to wear the necklace only when she wanted to talk to me. I also reminded her not to pressure herself too much with studying. Signing off as "Best Friend, Mr. Scientist," I hoped she would understand my intentions.


When I found her, she was on her way back home from the library. "Ember," I called out, and she turned to look at me. I suggested we talk, offering an apology if she was angry about what had happened before. But she surprised me by saying, "Hey, wait. I'm angry with you, and I don't even know about it." Her response didn't make sense at first, but then she added, "You silly," and smiled brightly, relieving the tension I had been feeling.


Our conversation was interrupted by an aunt calling for Ember. In their conversation, Ember mentioned, "we are discussing our future together," which made my heart skip a beat. "Future together" echoed in my mind, filling me with both excitement and apprehension. However, I didn't dwell on it, as Ember quickly dismissed it with a bitter smile. I sensed it was a sensitive topic for her, so I refrained from asking further questions.


To end the conversation on a positive note, she teased me, "Hey, Adrien, what do you mean by 'I sleep with all over the books in your room, and everything in your room is just like a mess'? Did you come to my home when I was sleeping?" Ember stared at me with challenging eye contact. I pulled back a little, acting innocent. "Okay, okay. Actually, I'm coming here from your house, so isn't it that I see it on my way here? And I'll tell you, I don't come to your house when you fall asleep," I said, shaking my head. I didn't want her to know that I actually visited her at night.


After she left, we walked to Ember's house. She told me not to feel bad if she doesn't contact me; she's going to be busy studying for the final exams. Ember continued, muttering, "If it's possible, you can contact me." I looked at her, but she wasn't facing me. I knew it was hard for us to casually talk to each other like before, but I still enjoyed it, even if it was a little awkward. I said, "I'll come to you every time I miss you, but promise me you'll allow me to call you." I just wanted to see her smile when she was around me.


We made a pinky swear, With a heavy heart, I took my leave, hoping that our bond would withstand the trials ahead.

"We looked at each other a little too long to be just friends "

The_Mahek_Khancreators' thoughts