
Your Average reincarnation Guy

A good yet envy student, died and reincarnated into another world! in his other world he accounted many great difficulty, and he really not having it, after all he just a student not an adult yet but... what will he do to survive? together we will find out!

SelfclaimNovelist · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 8:- Why me?

Then Lia anwser... "[the best way to get rid of a town completely is too..] before Lia could anwser... a beast jumped onto us but I managed to dodge the attack easily uses mind acceleration, then I smirk and gesture it to attack again, the beast got more angry and attack me by jumping to me, But I counter that attack by moving aside from the attack and punch its abdomen and burst out all of his guts because of my super strength and super attack that i stole from the class S monster wolf that i defeat with Noran.... Then I knell down to inspect the body of the beast and ask Lia to use analysed...

'Lia uses analysed on this beast body' I ask Lia in my head, Lia responded "[Affirmative using analysed on the dead body]"



"[Analysed complete, Its an Class A attack Bear, Its ability are...]" I stop lia by shaking my head.... 'Thats is enough I just wanted to know the Class..' Lia says in Comfirmation "[Understood]" Then I Look at the dead body with disgust and weird look, bear? its doesnt look like it, its more like a... there is nothing to describe it from my original world... this world are truely wide... there is soo much thing that i didnt know... Then I get up and start to walk away from the body, then Lia scolded "[Notice, If you leave the dead corspe just like that, it will cause and disease breakout in nearby village and-]" I cut Lia in the middle of the speech and say with a voices that full of hatred...

 (Thats the point.... -H)

Then Lia anwser back, "[Affirmative]" as Im about to leave then suddenly a hint of flashback hit me and reminded me about the first time I met Noran, She was nice to me, and if I leave the dead corspe just like this.... It would potentially destroy her village... I sighed and go back to the dead corspe and start to dig a hole behind it using makeshift shovel that I make from Rock and Stick.... After A while of digging then I push the corspe into the hole that I make and start to bury the corspe and the blood waste there....Then Lia ask "[I thought you want the village to get infected?]", I chuckle and a small smile form on my face as I reply, 'There is someone who is nice toward me living there, Im not doing this for the sake of the Village you know? Just to protect the trust That I form With someone who I trust...

Lia said with proudness in her voices, "[Affirmative]" as i continue to burying the corspe... as the time pass by I finish burrying the corspe and leave the site and continue on with my journey,

I walk... and walk... and walk.... trying to find a place or even a town nearby... I ask Lia 'Where is the nearbiest town from me beside the town of Alovich?' Then Lia anwser, "[The Nearbiest town from you other than Alovich is Loacated North West from you, its located in Kingdom Of Balmuth and is 30km from you]" i sighed, its too far for me to just walk there, but i dont want to use my super speed because it will not be called a adventure and a journey... Soo I sighed and decide to just walk there even though it will be a long time, it might even take Day or even week... but i just want to feel an relaxation in my walk, after all i dont even get a rest in my original world is a pain in the ass almost, then I take a step continue on my journey heading northwest, while walking I suddenly having an flashback about my past life

(Flash back)

"HEY! Give me back My Phone! -J"

she said as she is trying to reach for her phone from Hikaru hand while hikaru is perventing her from doing soo by raising his hand and making it almost impossible to get the phone from him without any effort, as Hikaru do that in purpose of teasing her playfully, he smile a little, he enjoying spending time with his little sister, Julia, after all, she is the only one he got that truly understand hikaru ambition to became better then everyone else... as his sister jumping trying to reach her phone from his hand, he stick his tounge out and chuckle in playful manner.

"Who ask you to be soo short then? Haha!~ -H"

She gumpying.. As she hit hikaru multiple at his back and of course it doesnt effect him because her hand and the force that she put in that is small. But Hikaru tend to play along and act like he was taking a dmage. "Ouch~ Dont do that you making your big bro hurt! I will tell mom!~ -H" Then her sister soclded,

"Well your were the one who ask for it! -J"

as she continue to hit her brother on the back, it was a peaceful and a good life until...

Hikaru bash into the front door... then shouted and asking...


The room is filled with electronic machine, life support, as one who is laying on the hospital bed is, you guess it Julia Her sister.. Hikaru Learn that Julia has been invlove into accident, she got hit by a car while trying to save an old lady from being hit by one, well the price for it is.. her life. As Hikaru sit next to her bed, Hikaru hold her hand and pray soo much even though he dont even belive in god... He want every posibilities stack up for her to live, he want faith... Hikaru hold her hand and kiss her forehead, her sister is still unconcious but she can feel the warmth of her brother as she smile weakly a little. 

"You did the right thing and honestly... You stupid. -H"

As hikaru say that hikaru let out a small of tear and followed by droplet then we can see Hikaru really is sad about what happend to her little sister, He really is letting it all out while holding her hand... He said.

"I promise... I will not Tease you again! I promise ill be a better brother this time! Please... Please just wake up! PLEASE! I CANNOT LOSE YOU! NO NO, IM NOTHING WITHOUT YOU! PLEASE JUST WAKE UP!..... -H"

But ofcourse there is no response from her, just the sound of the life support and the "beep.... beep...." sound from the machine.

As a week past pass, we can see hikaru is intending an funneral of someone with his white clothes and black suits. that someone is his sister, Julia. she cant make it, there is nothing the doctor can doo to help julia until her last breath. As we sees Hikaru holding a bouquet of flower, sitting next to her grave and it was raining also the time of the day,... then he placed the flower on her grave and Mourn her death. Then Hikaru make one promise to her dead sister. He whisper

"I Promise you, that I will became better than everyone else in this world to save unfortunate souls like you. That a promise that i would never break, Julia -H"

Then a group of Hikaru rival came and knell next to him and pat his back, At first Hikaru dont even bother to look at those guys, but one the guy say this to destroy his rival mental, he said.

"If you dont soo focus on study to became an top 1 student in Japan, Maybe your sister would be here... -?"

Hikaru eyes widened in horror, He know how true the statement was, its was one of the probabilities the cause of his sister death, he was... to stunned to even speak back, he just nods.... Then the rival chuckle.

"Yea, Maybe its because of your study, your sister are gone now! -?"

"Mhm! You should forget about your study and focus on just becaming regular man! Haha! -?"

Hikaru dont react to those word of them, He know they just want to make him mad or mental breakdown or even drop off the ranking but the last statement really make Hikaru mad and that is....


Hikaru eyes became from sorrow to full of hatred toward them, they dare to call he a failure... who do he think he are? Then Hikaru stand up and look at them with full of hatred and uneasy look then said.

"Whatever you guys want to say, I will not drop off the ranking... and also, the one who is a failure is you guys.... trying to manipulate people at it time of despair is a good choice.... but you fail to manipulate me into dropping off the ranking... thus making it you are one who FAIL! -H"

Hikaru rival were speechless, He know what they are intending to do, and they fail in to do soo, just to be backfire and being called a failure even, The Rival look down and not dare to look up in embarrasment. Hikaru then chuckle and walk off from the grave of his sister while passing pass those guy. They feel like a failure, they dont know why... but the feeling kept attacking their heart and doesnt want to stop, its painful.... is it the pain of failing?- but they never failed in accomplishing their task, this is the first time they failed... and its- not a pleasant feeling, they also feel bad because trying to manipulate someone on his time of despair, they never feel it before but-... what happend

... Hikaru walk off leaving those guys behind to think about their failure and regret... while Hikaru is smirking, please that he can counterback the manipulation....

Then suddenly a voices achoe.


but its not clear what the word are.. then it hit again...


"Mast?" what the heck...

Then I snap back into reality, with Lia shouted "[MASTER HIKARU!]", I replied,


Then she ask, "[ what are you daydreaming about?]", I stick my tounge out and make a teasing faces, 

Its not your problem lah!

Then she anwser back, "[whatever ah, soo do you really want to commit suicide?]"

why ask that?

I ask, Then she anwser, "[ You surrounding seem like it, look around ]", Then I look around me and notice that Im surrounded by a pack of goblin, I look in shock and fear,