
I finally got a job

Yes,you are right(Mr Scott said)like how many?(Tiya asked)can't say,but there are a lot of securities,guards,maids,cleaners, name them(Mr Scott answered wearing a smile on his face)whoa!amazing(Tiya said) what is your name?(Mr Scott asked).

     My name is Tiya Johnson(Tiya replied with a smile)nice name(Mr Scott complemented her)thank you sir(Tiya said) you are welcome (Mr Scott said)wow!(Tiya screamed on seeing one beautiful picture) miss Tiya(Mr Scott called)yes sir(Tiya answered).

      Well miss,less chatting more walking (Mr Scott added then Tiya scoff,so they continue walking)here we are(Mr Scott said as they got to the front of one black door) this is the office of madam(Mr Scott added as he opened the door).

             INSIDE THE OFFICE 

   Good morning mam(Tiya greeted almost immediately as she entered into the room (office)morning dear(the woman replied as she turned to face Tiya,the woman glare at Tiya,then a sweet smile came out from her face).

      What is your name?(the woman asked Tiya)my name is Tiya Johnson mam(Tiya replied)that's nice(the woman said)my name is madam Margaret(the woman introduce herself)okay mam(Tiya said bowing her head).

      But you can address me has granny (Mrs Margaret said)what!!(Tiya screamed in shock)yes(granny said,Tiya was surprise but she just smiled,Tiya turned to face Mr scott, she saw his reaction too,he was still surprise) .

       Well,I know madam Margaret to be good, kind and generous,but letting this girl address her as granny is kind of weird and strange(Mr Scott thought)okay,for the interview like you people call it,are you still schooling?(granny asked)yes mam(Tiya answered).

    What did I tell you about addressing me as?(granny asked)sorry granny(Tiya apology) that's fine(granny said)so what class are you in?(granny asked)ss3 granny (Tiya answered) What department are you in if I may ask?(granny asked again).

    Science department granny(Tiya answered) wow,that's nice,so do you like with your parents?(granny asked)not really granny,I live with only my mom,my dad is late(Tiya Said with a sad tune)am sorry,I didn't know(granny said as she got up from her chair and went to meet Tiya).

     Am really sorry(granny apology again)is alright(Tiya said with a smile)so what kind of job am I going to be doing for you?(Tiya asked politely)for the job,it is a personal assistant(granny replied)you are not going to be working for me(granny added).

      If not you,then who?(Tiya asked)my grandson(granny replied)grandson!!(Tiya exclaimed)yes(granny answered)is anything the matter?(granny asked)No,non I could thing of(Tiya replied)That good to hear,you know he is still a student(granny said).

        Okay granny,I will do it(Tiya said)but I have a condition(Tiya added)go on(granny said)I will like to work for part-time because of my school(Tiya said) hmm, alright but my grandson will be the one to decide the time you are to come and your closing time to(granny said with a smile).

       Sure granny,I don't have a problem with that(Tiya said)okay then,since everything is settled,Mr Scott will you please show her around the place?(granny asked)sure madam(Mr Scott replied and they(Tiya and Mr Scott)walked towards the door).

      And don't forget to inform her about his likes and his dislike(granny reminded Mr Scott)certainly madam(Mr Scott said as he bow his head then they left,Mr Scott took Tiya to the kitchen,dinning room,reading room,bar room and other interesting place).

    (After showing Tiya the places,they went back to the kitchen)my young master dont like salad on his rice(Mr Scott told Tiya) sure sir(Tiya said)interesting,he is just like me,we may get along smoothly(Tiya thought and smiled).

      He likes taking banana milk shake after eating every meal,but sometimes you can offer him any drink(Mr Scott said)and he hate duty and disgusting things(Mr Scott added) he is just like Alex(Tiya thought).

   Get it?(Mr Scott asked after naming some of the young master's likes and dislike)yes sir(Tiya replied as she bow her head) so get to work,young master will soon arrive and he will be hungry(Mr Scott said then left,the time was now 10:45).

        30 MINUTES  LATER (11:15)

     (The gate of the mansion opened and a black sport car drive into the compound,a young man came out from the driver's seat then walked to the back door and he opened the door,a young guy(granny's grandson) came out of the car).

    (He walked to the door of the house and one of the guard opened the door for him, he entered into the house,he passed the passage that leads to the main living room, granny was sitting down on the couch inthe living room).

    Hi granny(granny's grandson said as he peck his granny on her forehead)how was the party?(granny asked)it was good  (granny's grandson answered)that's great to know (granny said with a smile)yeah but granny am starving(granny's grandson said).

       I know(granny said)your meal has been served at the dinning room(granny added then got up from the couch then they both went to the dinning room).