
Meeting the team?

As the batjet sliced through the skies, Asher Eclipse found himself captivated by the sprawling view below. The lights of Gotham City faded into the distance as they headed towards Mount Justice. In these moments of travel, it's an opportune time to review everything known about Asher Eclipse:

1. Background and Appearance: Asher mysteriously appeared in Gotham City, lacking any known history or records. He is 16 years old, stands at 6 feet 1 inch, and possesses an athletic build. His striking appearance—dark purple hair and intense, crimson-red eyes—gives him an almost otherworldly presence, which his brown skin only serves to accentuate.

2. Abilities:

Heightened Senses: His senses of sight, hearing, and smell are exceptionally enhanced.

Accelerated Healing: He can recover from injuries almost instantly.

Gravity Manipulation: Asher can walk on walls and other surfaces, altering his gravitational orientation.

Supernatural Agility and Strength: His physical capabilities far exceed human limits.

Night Vision: He sees clearly in the darkness as if it were daytime.

Vampiric Charm: Asher has a mesmerising presence that can subtly influence others, even making them naturally ignore his existence.

3. Natural Weapons:

Vampiric Fangs: These extend for feeding or as a weapon.

Retractable Claws: His claws are sharp, durable, and can emerge from his fingertips.

4. Weaknesses:

Sunlight Sensitivity: Direct sunlight can weaken or harm him.

Blood Dependency: He relies on blood for sustenance and maintaining strength.

Sensory Overload: Initially vulnerable to overwhelming sensory input, this has been negated due to his accelerated healing.

Nocturnal Nature: He is most powerful during the night and may have diminished abilities during the day.

5. Personality Traits:

Intelligent and Calculating: Asher is thoughtful and analytical in his approach to situations.

Adaptable: He quickly adjusts to new environments and challenges.

Reserved: He tends to be introspective and keeps his emotions under control.

Curious: Intrigued by the world and his place in it, he seeks to understand his surroundings.

Cautious: He is aware of the dangers his nature brings, both to himself and to others.

6. Current Situation and Affiliations:

Asher is currently en route to Mount Justice, potentially to be affiliated with the Young Justice team under the guidance of the Justice League. This is a significant step in his journey, as it marks his integration into a team and a larger community, offering new challenges and opportunities for growth.

7. Goals and Motivations:

While not explicitly stated, Asher's actions suggest a desire to understand his origins and the full extent of his abilities. His cooperation with Batman and the potential alignment with Young Justice indicate a willingness to be part of something greater and perhaps a search for belonging or purpose.

As the batjet continues its flight, Asher's reflections on his past and his contemplations about the future meld with the hum of the jet's engines. The journey to Mount Justice isn't just a physical one; it's a passage to new beginnings and perhaps to answers he has been seeking.


As the batjet soared closer, Asher's gaze was drawn to a distinctive landmark emerging in the distance. It was Mount Justice, but not the typical mountain one might expect. This mountain bore an unusual feature: an opening at its summit, reminiscent of a dormant volcano. The natural ruggedness of the mountain was juxtaposed with this peculiar characteristic, giving it an air of mystery and intrigue.

The peak appeared to have been virtually unaltered by human hands and blended in with the surrounding wilderness due to its surrounding dense forest canopy. However, the opening at the top betrayed its secrets. It was as if the mountain itself was a guardian, hiding whatever lay within from the prying eyes of the world.

As they drew nearer, the details became clearer. The opening was not a natural formation but a cleverly disguised entrance, hinting at the sophisticated technology hidden beneath the facade of wilderness. It spoke of a place that was more than just a base; it was a fortress, a sanctuary for those who operated beyond the bounds of ordinary society.

The lush greenery that carpeted the lower slopes of the mountain added to its majestic appearance. Sunlight dappled through the leaves, casting shifting patterns of light and shadow on the ground below. Streams meandered down its sides, their gentle babbling a stark contrast to the silence that seemed to envelop the peak.

As the batjet approached the summit, the true scale of the mountain became apparent. It was imposing, a sentinel standing watch over the landscape. The entrance at the top now loomed large, an open maw leading into the heart of the mountain, where secrets and stories lay waiting to be discovered.


As they disembarked from the batjet, Batman took the lead, guiding Asher through the expansive hanger that Asher had mentally dubbed the 'vehicle yard'. This area was a veritable gallery of high-tech transportation, a testament to the resources and capabilities of those who called Mount Justice their base.

The hanger itself was a marvel of engineering and design. It was vast, with a high ceiling that seemed to stretch endlessly upwards, and it was filled with an array of vehicles that would leave any enthusiast in awe. There were sleek cars with designs that seemed to slice through the air, even while stationary. Planes with cutting-edge aerodynamics were perched gracefully, ready to take to the skies at a moment's notice. Bikes with an aggressive stance suggested speed and agility, while the submarines and ships hinted at the depth (both literal and metaphorical) of the missions undertaken by the team.

Each vehicle had its own unique aesthetics and capabilities, reflecting the diverse needs and personalities of the heroes who used them. The meticulous care and maintenance of each piece were evident, showcasing a level of dedication and precision that resonated with Asher's own approach to his new life.

As they walked, the air was filled with a subtle hum of technology, the soft whirr of machines, and the distant clinks of maintenance work. The atmosphere was one of quiet efficiency, a place where every tool and every piece of equipment had a purpose.

Following Batman, Asher's thoughts remained focused on the immediate environment, taking in every detail of this new and intriguing place. The air was cool and had a clean, filtered quality to it, and the faint scent of oil and metal lingered, a reminder of the technological heart beating within Mount Justice.


Emerging from the corridor, Asher and Batman stepped into a wide, open area that seemed to serve as a communal space for the inhabitants of Mount Justice. Directly within view was a well-equipped kitchen, its modern appliances and spacious design suggesting it was frequently used for group meals and gatherings. The countertops were clean and uncluttered, with a few high-tech gadgets that were probably used for more than just cooking.

Not far from the kitchen, a set of sofas were arranged in a circular formation, creating a cozy and inviting lounge area. The sofas, varying in size and shape, were positioned to encourage conversation and camaraderie among the team members. The area was casual yet functional, with low coffee tables and ambient lighting that gave it a relaxed atmosphere.

Beyond this communal area, another hallway stretched out, lined with doors on both sides. These doors, uniformly designed yet somehow individual, likely led to personal quarters or specialised rooms. The hallway seemed to extend endlessly, indicating the vastness of the base.

But what caught Asher's attention the most was an area that appeared to be a training room. This part of the base was designed with a focus on physical conditioning and combat readiness. The centrepiece was an arena-like setting equipped with various combat training equipment, mats, and dummies. The arena was surrounded by high-tech gear and monitors, suggesting that training sessions could be recorded and analyzed for improvement.

The training room exuded a sense of discipline and rigour. Various weapons, both traditional and modern, were displayed along the walls, accessible yet orderly. The space was large enough to accommodate multiple people at once, allowing for team exercises and individual training.

This glimpse into the inner workings of Mount Justice revealed a base that was more than just a hideout; it was a place of living, learning, and preparation. For Asher, stepping into this environment was like entering a new realm, one where his unique abilities would be both challenged and honed.

As Asher glanced back from the door, he found Batman already standing there, a reminder of the vigilante's stealth and expertise in moving unnoticed. Asher, slightly chiding himself for being caught off guard, approached the door with a renewed sense of alertness.

"This is your room," Batman said, his voice carrying the weight of authority. The door was unassuming, blending with the others in the hallway, yet it held the promise of a space that Asher could call his own in this new world.

As Asher neared, Batman extended his hand, offering him an item. Instinctively, Asher accepted it, finding a bank card in his grasp. The gesture, simple yet significant, was Batman's way of ensuring that Asher had the necessary resources for his needs.

With a newfound curiosity, Asher pocketed the card and posed his question, "So, where are my teammates?" His eyes scanned the vicinity, taking in the layout of the communal areas once more, but this time with a different perspective. He didn't immediately venture into his new room, choosing instead to explore the familiar spaces he had passed earlier.

He drifted towards the kitchen, inspecting the contents of the fridge and the array of gadgets and utensils that adorned the countertops. Each item was a small insight into the daily lives of the team members he had yet to meet. From there, he moved to the lounge area, noting the arrangement of sofas and imagining the interactions that might take place there.

Finally, Asher made his way to the training area. The array of equipment and weapons drew his attention, each piece telling a story of discipline and preparation. He observed the layout, picturing the rigorous training that occurred within these walls.

Batman watched Asher's explorations with a scrutinising gaze. "They will be here," he finally replied, his voice steady and reassuring.

As the certainty in Batman's voice echoed through the room, Asher felt an involuntary surge of trust in the Dark Knight's words. It was a strange feeling, considering his newness to this world and his natural inclination to question everything. With a mischievous plan in mind, Asher decided to test the waters to see if he could unsettle the typically unflappable Batman.

He sauntered over to a hologram screen, his movements deliberate and casual. "What is this?" he asked, feigning ignorance. His eyes glinted with hidden amusement; he knew exactly what it was, but the real game was to see how Batman would react to such a trivial question.

Batman, however, was not so easily swayed. He turned slightly, his gaze meeting Asher's with an unreadable expression. "In your room, there are books that explain to you what anything in this base is," he replied, his tone as steady and unyielding as ever. It was a clear shutdown of Asher's playful attempt at provocation.

Asher's scowl was almost instantaneous, a reaction to having his ploy so efficiently deflected. He caught a glimpse of something on Batman's face—a flicker that could almost be interpreted as a smug smirk. It was there and gone in a heartbeat, leaving Asher to wonder if he had imagined it.

Before Asher could regroup and plan his next move, the corridor filled with the sounds of approaching steps and voices. The voices were a lively medley of tones and timbres, signalling the arrival of a diverse group. Asher turned towards the sound, his initial annoyance with Batman fading as his curiosity about his new teammates grew.

The footsteps grew louder and the voices more distinct as the members of Young Justice neared the entrance to the communal area. Asher stood poised, ready to meet the individuals he would be working alongside. Each step they took echoed in the hall, a rhythmic build-up to the impending introductions.

Batman, meanwhile, remained a silent observer. He had played his part in bringing Asher to Mount Justice and now stepped back, allowing the young vampire to establish his own connections. The enigmatic vigilante, a pillar of strength and strategy, receded into the background, his mission accomplished for the time being.


Asher's gaze first settled on Aqualad, the team's leader, who stepped through the entrance with a calm and authoritative air. He was tall, and his sleek black and blue suit, which appeared to ripple with the movement of water, highlighted his muscular build. His skin was a deep, rich shade of ebony, and his eyes, a piercing blue, exuded intelligence and focus. His dreadlocks, bound at the back, swayed slightly as he moved.

Close behind him was Robin, the Boy Wonder. He was shorter in stature, agile, and lithe; his movements were quick and full of youthful energy. His costume was a blend of red, green, and yellow, with a black cape that fluttered behind him. His mask concealed his eyes, adding an air of mystery to his youthful features.

Next came a pair: Superboy and M'gann M'orzz, J'onn J'onzz's niece. Superboy, with his broad shoulders and muscular frame, wore a simple black T-shirt with the iconic red 'S' emblem and blue jeans. His dark hair was neatly cropped, and his intense eyes conveyed a sense of hidden depth. Beside him, M'gann's green skin and vibrant red hair made her stand out. She was slightly shorter than Superboy; her slender figure was clad in a white and red suit that was both elegant and practical.

Kid Flash was hard to miss with his bright red and yellow costume that screamed speed. His ginger hair was unruly, and his mischievous eyes twinkled. He was engaged in a playful conversation with Zatanna, the young magician. Zatanna's costume was a stylish blend of a magician's outfit and a superhero suit, complete with a top hat and a black-and-white colour scheme. Her dark hair cascaded in waves, and her confident smile matched her enigmatic presence.

Hovering in the air were four girls: Supergirl, Powergirl, Wondergirl, and Raven. Supergirl's outfit was a classic blue and red, with the 'S' emblem proudly displayed. Her blonde hair was bright, and her blue eyes were full of determination. Powergirl, similar in build to Supergirl, wore a white suit with a red cape, her blonde hair framing her face strongly. Wondergirl, in her red and gold outfit that echoed the style of the Amazons, had a fierce and graceful look, with her blonde hair pulled back in a practical style. Raven, shrouded in her dark, hooded cloak, had an air of mystery; her pale skin contrasted with her dark hair and eyes, which held depths of ancient wisdom.

Beastboy, in his green skin and red and white uniform, was animatedly conversing with Artemis, who listened with an amused expression. Artemis's attire was a practical green suit with hints of gold; her blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail, ready for action. Blue Beetle, meanwhile, was in his impressive blue armoured suit, the advanced technology clear in its design. His face, half-hidden by the suit, lit up with laughter at Beastboy's antics.

Each member of the team brought their own unique style and presence to the room, creating a dynamic and diverse group that Asher was about to become a part of.


The charged atmosphere of the room escalated rapidly as Robin, ever alert and perceptive, confronted the enigmatic newcomer. His voice, as sharp as a whip, sliced through the tension, demanding an explanation. "Who are you!?" Robin's inquiry was pointed and assertive, his body language a perfect balance of defence and readiness. Without missing a beat, he fired off another question: "How did you get here!?" His rapid-fire interrogation was a testament to his unwavering vigilance and training.

Just as Asher was gathering his thoughts for a response, Superboy interjected with a tone that brooked no argument. "Forget questioning; we can do that part later." His words were blunt, and his body language conveyed an unmistakable readiness to leap into action. The room's energy shifted palpably as two pairs of beautiful, intense, glowing red eyes—belonging to Supergirl and Powergirl—fixed their gaze on Asher, ready to respond to any sudden movement.

The situation teetered on the edge of confrontation. Asher, feeling the weight of the room's suspicion, exhaled a helpless sigh. He turned slightly, seeking some form of guidance or intervention from Batman, who remained an enigmatic hidden shadow in the background. Yet, Batman's silence offered no reassurance or direction.

Resolved to address the situation, Asher opened his mouth to speak. "F-" he began, hoping to dispel the growing tension. However, before he could utter another syllable, the room erupted into a frenzy of movement and anticipation, cutting off his words and leaving the outcome hanging in the balance.

(A/N: 60 power stones for next chapter)

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