
Sentry vs The Flash!

" You ready honey?"

Donna asked as she finished getting ready for the day.

" Yeah, just give me a sec gotta finish shaving!"

Kai yelled back as he prepared for the big day.


*Crack Boom!

In a flash of light Kai was suited up and ready for the big day.

" You ready to go sweetie?"

Donna asked the man as she walked out of their room. Her attire consisted of a yellow sundress and sandals. A simple outfit yet elegant.

Kai smiled at the woman and nodded before walking up to her and picking her up into his arms. With the speed of Hermes, he then shot out of the house, locking the door behind him as he did so.

His destination was Central City.

Outside the Central City Flash Museum, a large gathering of people from across the city and other various places cheered as they awaited the arrival of the two heroes of the day. Charity organizers from different organizations all gathered together taking donations from the crowd goers. Other famous celebrities rallied amongst the people as well. People including Lex Luthor, Oliver Queen, Queen bee, Queen Perdita, Ray palmer of star labs. And of course, the remaining heroes from the Justice league all gathered in preparation for today's event.

What event would that be?

" This is CCTV'S Cat Grant, coming to you live just outside the Flash Museum, in preparation for our big race to see who the fastest man alive really is. Will it be the guardian of all things magical, Sentry? Or will it be Central City's own Flash? Today multiple leaders from around the world, as well as members of the justice league have gathered today to sponsor this worldwide charity event."

Cat Grant explained to the viewers watching at home, the purpose of today's event.

" Any minute now, the two heroes will be gracing us with their presence. Oh!!! Here comes Sentry now."

Cat exclaimed.

She quickly gestured for the camera man to get a shot of the man approaching, but the camera man was too slow. Kai started doing circles around the people as they cheered his arrival. He circled the crowd eight times before coming to a stop in front of Cat and her camera crew.

Cat wiped the hair from her face and smiled at the man before continuing with her news report.

" Sentry! it is an honor sir. Please, can you tell us why you agreed to this event?"

Cat asked the man.

" Well, Ms. Grant it's very simple. The people. People all around the world, ranging from young children to our elders are being attacked by cancer. So, when the owner of Chkd came to us with a proposition, there was no way I was going to turn it down."

Kai explained to the woman.

" I see. That is quite noble of you both. Sentry, you've been making headway with the people of the world recently. Some have even compared you to the likes of Superman and Wonder woman in popularity. But the question that we want answered today is who is the fastest man alive. As I'm sure you're aware many debates have began online recently, chatrooms across the globe have been comparing you and flash to one another. Do you think you have what it takes to keep up with the scarlet speedster?"

Cat continued asking the man various questions.

" Well, Flash is fast... I'm Faster."

Sentry declared proudly before racing off.

" Well, it seems Sentry is quite confident in his speed. But I wonder what will happen when the living lightning bolt himself, The Flash arrives. What will he have to say about the man's bold remark?"

Cat asked the viewers unaware of the man had just arrived behind her.

" It's very simple Ms. Grant."

Flash said to the woman, startling her greatly.

Cat jumped a few feet in the air as the man who snuck up behind her started speaking

" Oh, my Flash. It's a pleasure. Tell me what you mean by it's very simple?"

Cat asked the man.

" Sentry is a very good friend of mine. But today I'm going to run circles around the slow poke."

Flash said to the woman before running off.

" Well, there you have it folks. It seems like both of these men are ready to throwdown. In just a few minutes we'll have an answer to a question on everyone's mind. Who IS the fastest man alive? This is Cat Grant with continuous coverage."

Cat stated.

Sentry and Flash lined up next to each other as Oliver explained the rules of the event.

" The first man to circle the globe a whopping one thousand times will be declared the fastest man alive."

" Additionally, for every fifty laps around the world, I myself will donate fifty thousand dollars, to each charity organization here today. Now that might not seem like a lot at first, but when these can run fast enough to break the sound barrier with ease, then I just know my company and its wallet is about to hurt.

Oliver explained to the people.

" Of course, I won't be alone. Mr. Luthor as well as Queen Perdita, Queen Bee as well as the league and others will also be donating. Now, as for how we will track these men. Thanks to the generous Mr. Luthor as well as Ray palmer of star labs and the league. We have two arm bands that both racers will wear. It will track their movements and send a message back to us every time they circle the globe."

Oliver explained to the people who cheered in return.

" Now, if both men would put on their armbands we can finally get started.

Flash and Sentry both stepped forward as the crowd cheered for them and placed their arm bands on. Once the bands were on and secured tight enough so that they didn't fall off, Flash and Sentry both stepped on the starting line.

" You ready to lose, Speedy?"

Kai asked the man.

Flash's eyes narrowed and a smirk appeared on his face.

" I'm about to smoke you fly boy."

Flash joked back both men crossed their arms and looked at each other with a smile on their face.

" Ready? GO!"

* Bang.

The referee raised his starting pistol and fired it.

* BOOM!*

The sound of lightning striking and thunder roaring shot out across the city as both men disappeared in red blurs.

The men had already left Central city and were halfway across the globe by the time the crowd looked back up at the score board for the men.

Sentry and Flash appeared to be neck and neck as they circled the globe for the first time, the crowd cheered loudly as the two men's blur appeared in front of them again.

" Heh! Not bad Huh Flash?"

kai asked the man as the two ran through the Alaskan tundra.

" Heh! You look like you're struggling a bit kid. Sure, you can keep this up?"

Barry asked.

" What do you say we kick things up to the next gear?"

Kai asked with a grin on his face.

" Thought you'd struggle if I actually tried. Are you sure you want to lose so quickly?"

Barry asked.

" Oh, you are so going down!"

Kai yelled as he sped ahead of the man.

Flash smiled and kicked up the pace as well, shooting off and tearing up the ground below him as he caught up to Kai.

" Oh, you're back sorry I got tired of waiting for you. So, Slow."

Kai joked.

" What was that? Sorry, couldn't hear you over the sound of my deafening awesomeness."

Flash said to the man as he started overtaking him.

By now the men had both circled the globe five-hundred times, the crowd was still excited, and the feeling only got stronger every time the two men ran through them.

However, by the time the two were drawing on their thousandth lap, both were felling the mode a little. And yet were still pushing strong.

" Here we go folks! The final lap! And both men are neck and neck!"

Cat exclaimed to the public.

The crowd and the camera man turned to the oncoming dust storm as the two men enclosed on the finish line.

The people all watched closely to see which man crosses the finish line first.

The two men finally crossed the line signaling the end of the race, however due to the heavy cloud of smoke they were bringing with them no one could see who had crossed first.

" Wow! What an amazing race. But we couldn't see who had finished first!"

Cat excalimed.

" What do we do now?"

Kai asked as he struggled to catch his breath.

" Don't... Know."

Barry replied.

" We look to the scoreboard. We'll use them to decide which number went up first. Sentry's or Flash's."

Luthor explained to the crowd.

He pressed a button on his watch and a camera appeared to show the timing of the score's change.

The crowd and viewers watching the event all looked on in complete silence as they watched the scoreboard change.

And to everyone's shock, the numbers changed at the exact same time. Signaling a draw.

" And it's a tie!"

Oliver yelled.

The crowd all started cheering as even though neither man won, they both proved themselves to be the fastest men alive.

" The total time it took for them to complete the challenge... five minutes and forty-nine seconds

" Heh! Guess we're both the fastest man alive."

Kai said to Barry as he stood up straight.

" Yeah, guess so."

Barry replied.

Kai and Barry both shook hands before racing off to enjoy the rest of the charity event with the people.

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