
Young justice: Magics new champion

The old wizard manages to use the last of his vestiges to save the life of a young man. Now, using the powers gifted to him by the gods, he must help save the world. Or if necessary, Destroy it. S. power of shango. H. speed of hermes. A. wisdom of Athena. Z. Courage of Zabba. A. stamina of atlas. M. the strength of mahadev. Cover art not mine!!!

Thomas_Hodge · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs


" Sorry guys, didn't know all that was going on. Me, Donna, and Wonder Woman have been busy these past few weeks. A bunch of Magical crap has happened. Even had a run in with Cheeta. She actually managed to cut me up pretty good."

Kai explained to the team after hearing what had been going on the past few weeks.

" Don't sweat it man Kaldur was more than capable of handling things while you were gone. And did I not mention how I was the one who saved a queens life."

Wally jeered

" Yeah, good job Wally."

Kai said as he strode over to the couch.

" Any way's what's on the agenda today guys?"

Kai asked.

[ Watchtower. November 25th. 06:54EST]

" Times like these, one feels the very weight of the world upon us."

Wonder woman said to batman and superman as they looked out of the tower and at the earth. Their attention is drawn towards the newly arrived aquaman

" Everyone is here."

Aquaman said as the entire league showed up to the watch tower.

Batman, aquaman, superman, and Wonder woman all walked into the meeting room greeting the other heroes.

" Our agenda is clear. What's at stake should not be underestimated."

Aquaman explained.

" The decisions we make today will reverberate for years to come."

Superman interjected.

" And influence whether or not the world will continue to trust in the justice league."

Wonder woman explained.

" Please take your seats. We have work to do."

Batman stated.

The leaguers all pulled out a chair and sat at the table ready to begin.

" Another expansion of the league could generate another escalation of hostilities from our enemies. No one need another injustice league."

Martian manhunter explained.

" Point taken! But the options remain to vote no on all candidates. So, I nominate Icon for league membership."

Superman said as a projection of Icon appeared in the middle of the room.

" Why? Because you suspect Icon might be kryptonian like you did with Captain Marvel?"

Green arrow asked while poking jabs at superman.

" You thought I was Kryptonian? Cool!"

Captain Marvel said excitedly.

" Icon interests me also. As does his protege Rocket!"

Diana said as an image of rocket replaced Icon in the middle of the room.

" Athena knows the league could use more female members."

Wonder woman stated.

" Agreed!"

Black canary chimed in.

" Here! Here!"

Hawkwoman yelled in agreement.

[ Mount Justice. November 25th. 10:25 Est]

" Gobble gobble! Oh, I love thanksgiving."

Wally said as he ate cranberries

" Hey man get your hands get your hands off the food."

Kai said as Wally kept eating.

" Wally those are for dinner!"

Megan stated as she slapped his hand with a wooden spoon.

" Okay, Zatanna let's season this thing."

Kai said. Zatanna looked at him and nodded back with a smile on her face.

" Yelsrap egas yramesor dna emyht!"

Kai and Zatanna said as they instantly seasoned their turkey.

" Hey, aren't you eating you eating with your family?"

Kai asked as Megan levitated the turkey into the oven.

" Oh, yeah dad will kill me if I'm late. See Ya!"

Wally yelled as he run away.

" Wally!"

Megan yelled as Wally grabbed another hand full of berries.

" What about you Kai aren't you and donna spending thanksgiving together?"

Megan asked.

" Yeah, I invited her to the cave since Wonder woman is busy handling league stuff today."

Kai explained as he helped Zatanna wash the dishes.

" Handsome, kind, a good cook, and does the dishes? Donna is a lucky girl."

Zatanna stated

" Hey, I'm the lucky one. I'm lucky she puts up with me like she does without beating the crap outta me. I mean seriously you should have seen the way she acted when we first met. She tried to kill me every day."

Kai explained.

" And yet here you are smiling about it."

Zatanna replied back.

" Yeah, I mean. I love every moment I get to spend with her. So even those bad days are happy memories for me. I love her."

Kai explained with a smile.


The two girls cooed.

" Oh, Shut up!"

Kai yelled with a blush on his face making the two girls laugh at him in response.

" Connor you and wolf gonna help me out here?"

Kai asked

" What? He man that's all you."

Connor replied.

Kai then turned his look towards Wolf. Wolf grunted and then turned his head awkwardly.

" Come on you're supposed to be my best friend man. And you wolf, you're supposed to be my wingman don't leave me hanging here!"

Kai yelled from the kitchen. Megan and Zatanna both walked away from kai laughing as kai just stared hurtfully at Connor. Soon the two boys both grunted and grabbed their heads in pain.

" With superman off world. Only one thing alive with less than four legs can hear this frequency superboy and that's you. Meet me in Washington Dc. East Potomac Park. Come alone. I promise it'll be worth the trip."

Kai and Connor both heard the noise, but only Connor could actually make out what was said. Kai walked over to Connor agitatedly.

" What the devil was that man?"

Kai asked.

" I don't know. I'll check it out."

Connor replied.

" Take your communicator. If you run into trouble, call me. I'll be there with the team."

Kai explained

" On it!"

Connor replied as he took the communicator from Kai and left the cave.

[ Watchtower]

" Seriously the atom? I mean how useful could he be at that size?"

Captain Marvel asked.

" It's the size that makes him useful."

Batman explained

" Absolutely! Still, we could always use more raw power and the earth has another green lantern guy Gardner."

The flash interjected.

" No!"

Both Hal Jordan and John Stewart yelled shutting flash down.

" But we could."

Flash tried arguing.

" No!"

Both lanterns responded again.

" Blue devil would be a nice addition."

Zatara said as an image of Blue Devil appeared in the middle of the room.

" Well, if we're considering blue devil then I nominate red arrow. Roy has more experience and he's no kid anymore he's eighteen a legal adult."

Green arrow argued.

" Red Arrow has been uncooperative and disrespectful. If we reward that kind of behavior what message does that send to the rest of the team?"

Aquaman asked

" If we're considering members of the team then I nominate sentry!"

Black canary said as an Image of Kai appeared in the middle of the room.

" He's sixteen yes, but in the time, he's been on the team he's proven himself an outstanding leader. His team trusts him with their lives, and he does the same for them. He's a remarkable fighter and strategist without the use of his powers. And he's more than capable of holding his own against the villains we face every day. Just a month ago he took on and bested Black Adam by himself while also holding off Wotan. He's more than ready for the league"

Black canary explained.

" Agreed!"

Captain Marvel responded.

" And I'd like to add on his skills in deduction. He's quick on his feet and he's capable of solving many of his problems without trying to just punch them away."

Captain Marvel interjected.

" No! Red Arrow maybe eighteen, but the rest of the team is too young. We are not inducting children into the league."

Superman stated

" That seems niobic. Dr. fate has been one with both Kid Flash and Aqualad and deemed them both worthy host. They've also both grown tremendously since the team was formed."

Red tornado explained.

" Growth or not they are still too young."

Superman stated.

" And Sentry? is he too young? Does his age speak more than his accomplishments?"

Canary asked.

" Let's move on, we can vote at the end. So, moving forward I nominate Plastic man."

Flash said

" Hehehe!"

Captain Marvel snickered trying to hide his laughter. The other league members all just stared at him.

" The guy cracks me up."

Captain Marvel said trying to defend himself.

" How about we all talk about the elephant in the room. Should Captain Marvel remain a member now that we all know he's really only ten years old?"

Flash asked as an Image of captain Marvel appeared in the middle of the room.

" He does possess an adult body and the wisdom of Solomon."

Red tornado explained.

" Wisdom does not equal maturity."

Aquaman stated

" Hey, I'm sitting right here."

Captain Marvel replied

" Then Billy, maybe you should leave until we've hashed this out."

Black canary said to Captain Marvel.

" No! Captain Marvel is a member and is entitled to participate until or unless he's voted out."

Batman explained.

" it's not just his age. It's the fact he lied about it."

Wonder woman explained.

" I didn't lie about it exactly. I just left out the part about being a kid."

Captain Marvel explained.

" A lie of omission is still a lie no one in the league knew the truth."

Wonder woman explained.

" I did!"

Batman stated

" I shouldn't be surprised considering you adopted robin into crime fighting at the ripe old age of nine."

Wonder woman replied

" Robin needed to bring the man who murdered his parents to justice."

Batman explained.

" Why? So that he could turn out like you?"

Wonder woman asked

" So that he wouldn't!"

Batman stated making the woman go quiet and ending her argument.

" Besides everyone in this room is entitled to keep their identity a secret. A practice that most of everyone in this room practices. Including Flash, Superman, and myself."

Batman explained.

" We can vote on Captain Marvel, but we're still not inducting anyone else under eighteen!"

Superman stated getting a nod of approval from almost everyone in the room.

" You seemed to have reached a consensus that eighteen is a suitable minimum age for joining the league. But what of Miss Martian though she is a biological adolescent by Martian standards she was born forty-eight earth years ago."

Martian manhunter explained.

" So, what is the deciding factor. Chronology or biology. Take superboy for example. "

Red tornado explained

" Exactly he's less than a year old. Does he have to wait seventeen more to stand beside us?"

Black canary asked making superman uncomfortable. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Wonder woman.

" Does anyone else have a nominee?" Superman asked trying to dodge the subject. Everyone in the room shook their heads no.

" Then here are the nominees for new or continued league membership."

Superman said as the icons of all the names brought forth appeared in the room.

" We've debated origin, gender, size, experience, age, temperament, and background. But what is the fundamental criteria for membership?"

Batman explained to the leaguers

" When all is said and done the question must be whom do, we trust. Trust to fight beside us. Trust to have our backs. Trust to uphold the high standards and Ideals of the justice league."

Wonder woman explained as a console appeared in front of each and every member.

" Time to vote!"

Batman stated.

" First up, Captain Marvel."

Batman said.

The members of the league began entering their votes and after a few seconds the results were read aloud to the room.

" Majority voted for Captain Marvel to remain in the league."

Batman said

" Next is Atom."

Batman explained.

The team went back in deliberation and a vote was cast quickly.

" A unanimous decision. Atom is inducted into the league."

Batman read aloud

" Icon!"

Batman brought up the next candidate. This decision took a little longer than the other two.

" The majority has voted yes for Icon. Moving on next we have Blue Devil."

Batman explained. Once again, the leaguers took more time than previously before coming to a decision.

" Majority has voted No in allowing Blue Devil League membership."

Batman explained as the league voted for their first no.

" Rocket!"

Batman stated.

The leaguers followed quickly in their decision here.

" And majority has voted no in allowing rocket league membership."

Batman explained.

" Next up is Red arrow."

Batman stated

The leaguers with the exception of black canary and green arrow took their time deciding. After a few minutes the results were read out.

" Majority has voted in favor of Red Arrow. We welcome him into the league."

Batman stated much as Black canary smiled at green arrow.

" Robin!"

Batman stated bringing up the image of robin.

" Another unanimous decision. Robin is denied league membership."

Batman exclaimed before moving on to the next candidate.

" Kid flash!"

Batman exclaimed.

The leaguers besides flash quickly voted. Soon, however the result came in.

" Unanimous once again. Kid flash is denied league membership."

Batman stated

" Aqualad!"

Batman exclaimed.

After a few minutes the vote was read aloud.

" Majority votes no against Aqualad!"

Batman explained

" Next is Zatanna!"

Batman stated

Zatara was quick to voice his opinion once again his fellow leaguers following suit.

" A majority vote against Zatanna."

Batman explained.

" Sentry!"

Batman stated as Kai's image appeared in the room. The leaguers all took their time to cast this vote, but it wasn't too long before a vote came in.

" Eight in favor for league membership. Eight against it. We have our first tie. We will move on to the others and return once we are finished to cast another vote."

Batman explained as the image of Kai disappeared.

" Next up is plastic man."

Batman stated

Due to his criminal record, there was some doubts amongst the leaguers.

" Majority vote in favor of welcoming Plastic Man as a league member."

Batman explained as he introduced the new member.

" Up next is green lantern Guy Gardner!"

Batman stated as an Image of guy appeared.

Both lanterns quickly cast their vote while the others took time to ponder the thought.

" Majority has voted No in favor of Guy Gardner!"

Batman stated as the lantern was turned down.

" Okay that is the last of the nominees. Now, we vote one last time on Sentry for league Membership!"

Batman stated as the image of kai once again appeared in the middle of the room. After a few minutes a decision was made.

" Seven in favor of Sentry joining the league. Nine against. Sentry is denied league membership."

Batman stated making a few of the leaguers shake their heads. Captain Marvel, Black Canary, Zatara, Red Tornado, And Martian Manhunter seemed to be displeased by the outcome of the vote.

" We have reached the end of our meeting. We will announce those inducted tomorrow. We're done here."

Batman said as he, Wonder woman, and superman left the room.

" I just want to ask who voted for Sentry?"

Captain Marvel asked.

Black Canary, Zatara, Red Tornado, Martian Manhunter, Hawkman, and hawkwoman all raised their hands.

" You mean Wonder Woman voted against him. Wow."

Captain Marvel stated.

" He's come far, but he's still not ready. None of the team are."

Aquaman stated

" Agreed! But we can't deny the kid has done some impressive things considering he's only been around for what four months."

Flash stated

" When he turns eighteen in two years, I'll gladly vote for him."

Captain Atom stated.

" Same here! Honestly I only changed my vote because I feel the kid could use a little more time in the field."

Hal Jordan stated.

[ Mount Justice]

" Recognized Donna Troy B13]

" Hey, babe! Happy thanksgiving."

Kai said as he pulled the woman into a hug, kissing her softly on her lips.

" Happy thanksgiving Kai."

Donna replied with a smile.

" Come on, foods ready."

Kai said as he led Donna into the living room where Megan, Zatanna, and Connor had been waiting. The five of them enjoyed their Thanksgiving Day without any more roadblocks. Soon however the fun time came to an end. The five friends cleaned up the mess they made and retired to their rooms Connor to his, Megan to hers, And Zatanna to hers. Donna had stayed and spent the night in Kai's room.

" Did you have fun today?"

Kai asked as he cuddled in bed with Donna.

" Yeah, it was nice to meet the new girl. You better not be cheating on me?"

Donna joked as she lifted herself up onto Kai's chest and looked into his eyes.

" Come on, why would I cheat on my very own Goddess?"

Kai asked as he kissed the woman.

" I'm kidding. I know you wouldn't do that."

Donna said as she snuggled into the man's chest.

" Well, anyways I'm glad you came donna. I love you."

Kai said to the woman.

" I love you too Kai."

Donna replied as she kissed the man goodnight.