
Young Justice fanfic

When Raiden transfers to Happy High and meets Megan and Conner, and he has a secret

CherryBlossom1990 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

True family will come help

The team got a call about a water and fire tornado. They got there. Gar was flying. "There is a child in the middle of it," he said. Raiden touched it. He covered himself in a small electric field and left his hammer outside for Gar, just in case. Raiden bends down. "What's wrong must be something big," he asks. The child looks up and cries more. "Watch this," he said. "Hey, gar, stand outside. I want to show him a trick," he asked. Gar lands. "Okay, I am here," he said. He held his hand out, and Mjölnir flew in his hand. The child was amazed, and Gar held his hand out, and Mjölnir disappeared. "Where did it go," he said. The child stood up and walked around him. As he did this, both fire dragons landed back on his right arm's right rib cage. Both ice dragons landed on his left side, one on his arm and one on his ribs. Gar was holding it. "Hold on, how did you get it," he said. "Magic," Gar said. "Know what got you all worked up," he asks. "Mommy said she hated me because I had dragons for powers and left me in the street," he said. Raiden's hand was sparking. Gar put his hand over it. Gar bends down. "Your safe," he says and puts his hand out. The child took his hand. "Can I try?" he asked. Thor smirks and snaps his fingers, and a light blue and a red thread appear on Mjölnir's handle. Raiden put Mjölnir down. The child tried, but it was too heavy. Thor laughed and made small lighting storms. Raiden smiles. They head back to the cave. "So kid, what is your name," Raiden asks. The child looks "Ladon," he said. Raiden tried fo keep his snicker to himself, but Gar hit him

"You have a beautiful name," Gar said. Ladon smiles happily. "Thank you so much," he said. Raiden was cooking. "Do you wear the pants in your purple hair relationship?" Ladon asked. Tim laughs, hearing him. "Well, I help him think clearly when in the field, is all," he said. Raiden puts food down. Ladon smiles and gets food, and eats. "Thank you, angry man," he said. Tim laughs so does Conner—gar giggles. "My name is Garfield. You can call me Gar, and the angry man is Raiden," he said. Ladon smiles and eats. "That is Tim," Gar points. Tim waves. Over there is Conner and Megan." They wave. Ladon waves at everyone