
You've Got A Mission

"You must call me my sweetheart or my husband, Audrey Gane!" asked Demian. "We just got married for a mission, so don't get personal feelings!" said Audrey Gane. "I also don't want to marry a secret agent like you if not forced," said Demian answer her who reject it. Demian Taylor married Audrey Gane on a secret mission. They must find clues unnatural death of sexual offenders named Julian Bolt. However, it turned out that their case was not as simple as they had imagined. There was a dark conspiracy that makes it difficult for Demian and Audrey Gane to reveal the truth of the Julian Bolt case. Audrey Gane was a secret agent who goes on a mission to find out who killed her brother who died on the same mission. Can they both reveal the case?

Van_Theglang86 · Urbano
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

"Kyaaaaa ... why did you open here, you did it on purpose!" shouted Audrey, still turning her back to Demian who was busy wearing his clothes.

Demian did not immediately respond to Audrey's protest.

"Pick up the phone first, the ringing tone is so noisy. You're so stupid putting on a ringtone like that!" exclaimed Demian.

"Why are you insulting so much, Super Junior is my bias!" said Audrey curtly.

"What the —"

"Shut up. Four Boys has already disbanded, Super Junior was still holding out until now, hurry up and get dressed! Or I'll record and sell it to adult sites!" said Audrey spicy.

Demian pouted. What did she say earlier? She will record his body and will sell it to adult sites. Too much. But did she see his earlier? Is she shocked or just calm? Demian became curious. What was the real reaction of Audrey when she saw him naked?

Audrey then picked up the phone with her back to Demian.

"Hello, Mr. Noah."


"Yes, we are already in the room."


"He's naked, uh I mean he's dressed." Audrey seemed nervous and it was heard that there was a misunderstanding between Mr. Noah.


"It's not like Mr. Noah, he just took a shower. Ah, there's no way we ... ah please don't talk about it!" shouted Audrey angrily.


"Yes, I understand. We will report the progress every two hours," said Audrey.

Demian, who didn't hear what Mr. Noah said on the phone, only paid attention to Audrey's gestures. Demian then tidied up his clothes. Buttoning up all his clothes and tidying his hair, which he previously used hair cream to make his hair look thinner.

Audrey has finished talking to Mr. Noah. But she didn't dare to turn around yet.

"Have you finished wearing your clothes?" asked Audrey.

"Turn around if you want to know," challenged Demian smiling sarcastically.

"Watch out if you're still naked, I'll take a picture and pass it on," threatened Audrey jokingly. Then she turned around and held her cell phone ready to record. But it turned out that Demian had finished dressing and was also neat. He looks handsome and charming in his tuxedo. Audrey seemed to be hit by a prince's aura magic from Demian.

"Trust me, you did it for your collection, right?" accused Demian with a grin on his face.

Audrey then immediately waved her hand. If it is not possible to collect nude photos of a man. But Demian didn't just believe it.

"Hey Demian, I'm not a girl like that. How can I know things like that," replied Audrey innocently.

Demian just chuckled at Audrey's answer like that.

"Come on, hurry up and take a shower and wear the dress I bought yesterday! I'll be waiting for you there," said Demian.

Audrey just took a deep breath, annoyed for sure. Because Demian seemed satisfied that he had laughed at her innocence.

Demian walked out of his room. He tried to look around the whole corner of this ship before the opening ceremony began.

While waiting for Audrey who was taking a shower. There's nothing wrong with taking a walk in the Mars Ship first. Many people passing by, on average they are the crew of the ship and also the event committee. Demian occasionally greeted several celebrity couples who had also attended the event. Small pleasantries to greet them. Demian returned to continue his move.

Already two decks he saw. By the plan that Mr. Noah showed first. If the space and shape of the Mars Ship are the same as shown by Mr. Noah. Five rooms seemed empty. If he not mistaken, among the five remaining rooms. It belongs to Jack Bolt. The other four were probably the committee crew, or he doesn't know what Demian did.

Demian walked towards the main deck of the yacht. There are many decorations with neatly arranged tables. Like a party will be held. There is also a small stage with a background that says "Plant Z Care Fundraising Night for Humanitarian Aid".

Several celebrity couples who had come to the place also seemed to be enjoying the atmosphere that afternoon. A waiter approached him and offered to drink. Demian took a glass that was already filled with champagne. Then look for an empty table and chairs in a position that is not too close to the stage. While continuing to pay attention to the people passing by there. Demian is looking for the figure of Jack Bolt. The president director of Plant Z Group and also the owner of this Mars Ship.

While enjoying the atmosphere of the afternoon and also the songs played by the musical accompaniment on the stage made Demian a little carried away. And didn't realize that Audrey had come. Some people seemed amazed by Audrey's arrival and made murmurs and fuss.

"Honey!" said Audrey screaming in annoyance.

Demian lifted his head and saw Audrey who looked elegant in that dress. Her straight hair and wavy ends make Audrey look dazzlingly beautiful. Demian didn't even blink at her. There is one thing missing that should add to Audrey's beauty. That is, Demian should have also given a beautiful earring to add to the natural beauty of Audrey.

"Why do you look annoyed?" asked Demian, who caught the annoyed face of Audrey.

"You left me alone!" Said Audrey a little sulking.

"I told you, that I'll be waiting for you here," replied Demian a little exasperated by Audrey's cute expression on her face.

"I thought you were just kidding me saying that," grunted Audrey.

"You're so pretty tonight, make sure that Jack Bolt will approach you," whispered Demian.

"Are you seducing me or are you praising me Honey, and why are you talking as if Jack Bolt will tease me?" asked Audrey.

"Both," said Demian smiling. Somehow every Audrey called him Honey. He felt his heart always pounding. Even though he had told Audrey to call him like that for their play. Did Demian just get carried away with his feelings?

Audrey blushed when Demian said that he was seducing her and praising her at the same time. Audrey tucked her hair into her ear to treat her nervousness in front of Demian. And Demian's eyes immediately clouded with passion when Audrey's hair was tucked behind her ear. Her white and smooth neck made her have to swallow his saliva several times. As an adult, Demian is always visited by naughty thoughts and sex obsessions that appear whenever Demian sees the opposite sex. Moreover, the one in front of him is Audrey. The girl who manages to make his heart always flutter when close to her.


A greeting came over to them. Demian and Audrey immediately turned their heads at the voice calling Demian's name.

It turned out that the ones calling him were Mark Bryan and Cindy . One couple who just married two months. Mark Bryan knows Demian because he was introduced by a member of Four Boys who is now an actor like him. Stevan introduced him at an event. Demian then greeted Mark Bryan and Cindy again.

"Bro, how are you?" asked Demian politely bowing his body in respect of people who are older than him.

"Fine, how are you two doing, when did you guys arrive from Berlin?" asked Mark Bryan.

"This afternoon Bro, how are you, Cindy?" asked Demian greeting Mark Bryan's wife.

"Praise God Good, Demian. Is this your wife?" asked Cindy while staring at Audrey's face, who looked nervous with her smile.

"Yes, her name is Audrey!" said Demian introducing Audrey as his wife.

"Please sit and join here Bro!" said Demian inviting the two to sit down with them.

"Okay, thank you," replied Mark Bryan who immediately pulled out a chair for his wife and invited his wife to sit down lovingly. After that Mark Bryan sat next to his wife Cindy .

"Wow, you guys are so intimate!" praised Audrey with envious eyes.

Mark Bryan and Cindy could only smile in response to Audrey's chatter. They just looked at each other and smiled at Audrey.

"You seem to be more affectionate than us," replied Cindy with a friendly smile.

Audrey even coughed at Cindy 's words.

"Intimate, huh. He often annoys me," muttered Audrey to herself.

"Thank you, but you are the ones who are much more intimate than us. All are jealous of your intimacy. No wonder if you are given the Most Intimate and Romantic Couple award for this year," said Demian giving back praise.

"Demian,, you are so exaggerated," replied Mark Bryan.

"You should learn from Mark Bryan how to be a man who was romantic to his wife!" Audrey sneered at Demian.

Audrey's words were, of course, greeted with crisp laughter from Demian. He wondered why Audrey told him to learn to be a romantic man with Mark Bryan. Does she hope to be romantic with him? Demian just chuckled at Audrey's babbling.

They returned to discuss other things. Make the atmosphere more familiar, of course. While waiting for the event to start and they also haven't seen Jack Bolt coming on top of the Mars Ship.