

A billionaire plays alter ego in this breath taking narrative. He goes out to the same woman using two different identities

vennehlisah100 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
200 Chs




"That's true. I suppose you're right." The next moment, D'barl mocked, "Those two adults are not as clever as Ryan. Do you really think they are capable of teaching Ryan that?"

Douglas tittered. "Oh, Mr. Old Roman, that is too unfair to Mr. Young Roman. We all know he's a clever person."

"Hmph! That cheeky rascal is indeed guileful." D'barl was unhappy when he thought of Davon. "He might not have taught Ryan that, but I'm sure he was the one who asked the kids to persuade me."

Douglas, too, could tell that Davon was the one behind all that. "You're right, or the kids wouldn't come home half an hour earlier."

D'barl was distressed when he thought about the kids' persuasion. "Even though it was the cheeky rascal's idea to have the kids persuade me, but I know the kids really meant what they said."

"Mr. Old Roman, do allow me to be honest with you." Douglas stole a glance at D'barl's expression before he continued speaking, "The kids are very determined to stay with their mother. If you insist on separating the family, they will definitely hate you. The kids are strong-minded, especially Young sir Ryan. If he really leaves with his mother, then I'm afraid…"

Before he could finish his words, D'barl interrupted him. "You silly old bugger! You know I'm frustrated right now, and you're still going to scare me? You should think of something to help me out!"

He hammered the ground with his cane in anger.

Douglas was frightened as he took a step backward. He then said with a hint of uncertainty, "Mr. Old Roman, if I tell you my opinion on this matter, I'm afraid you will be mad at me."

"I won't. Go ahead, tell me." D'barl was at his wit's end. He really needed someone else's opinion.

"Um… Well… Actually, I think…" Douglas was hesitant. Eventually, he bit the bullets and spoke his mind, "Mr. Young Roman is determined to marry Miss Milan, and the two of them already have three children. It's impossible that you could separate them. Why don't you give your blessing to them?"

"You old silly bugger! I asked you to think of a way to separate them, but now you're helping them to persuade me?" D'barl angrily hit Douglas with his cane. Though, the force he used was much lighter than when he hit Davon.

After all, unlike Davon, who was tough enough to withstand his beatings, Douglas was almost sixty years old.

Douglas complained, "You said you wouldn't be mad! And now you lose your temper. How could you not keep your promise?"

"How dare you talk back!" D'barl's anger was further aroused.

Douglas was quick to apologize, "I wouldn't dare Mr. Old Roman. To be honest, I said that because I thought of Mr. Dante Roman bless his soul."

The butler mentioned Dante's name in a barely audible voice.

Dante, Davon's late father, was a man world-famous for his talents. He was great in doing business, and he was strong-willed in marrying the women he loved. Though one died, another broke his heart and the last broke his heart completely.

"Through it all. From you,to your son's and daughter. You have always supported them to settle down with the women they loved. Don't let Davon be an exception. Thrice you accepted Dante's women. Please give Davon just this one chance. "

" Especially now that kids are involved. I know you are afraid that Davon's love for his woman will be the end of him like Dante. But I am afraid if we insist on separating them, the same tragedy will happen again."

"Mr. Roman, you're eighty-six years old now. If anything happens to Mr. Young Roman, do you think you have that much time to nurture Young sir Ryan into becoming the heir of the Roman family?"

"That's enough…" D'barl interrupted Douglas. The latter bowed his head and did not speak anymore.

"I'm sorry, I've said too much." Douglas kicked himself. He knew that his words must have felt like knives in D'barl's heart.

If that were any other day, D'barl would have lost his temper long ago. But that day, he allowed Douglas to finish.

He intended to help D'barl realize his mistake to avoid repeating it.

"I'll think about it," D'barl sighed. "What are you waiting for? Wheel me in."

"Yes, sir." Douglas hurriedly steered the wheelchair into the house. "Are you hungry? Should I ask the servants to prepare some oatmeal for you?"

"No need." D'barl sounded dejected. "I have no appetite."

"Before we left, Mrs. Blake stuffed a little bag into my hand. They were some hot cross bunnies that the children like. Shall I have them heated up for you?" Douglas asked tentatively.

"Mrs. Blake?" D'barl recalled. "Yes, the nanny of the children."

"She used to be the Milan family's housemaid," Douglas explained. "They said when she was young, she took care of Miss Milan's father, and then her, and now her three children. She's like family to Miss Milan and her children."

"I see," D'barl said. "An old maid who is willing to care for three generations even when the family was in shambles. This shows the loyalty of Mrs. Blake, and also the integrity of the Milan's. I also noticed you have a crush on Mrs Blake."

Douglas shook his head with a smile.

" That smile shows how guilty you are." D'barl teased.

"You must have gotten something from that rascal to be speaking so kindly on his behalf, haven't you?" D'barl scolded suddenly, changing his tune, "You are a disloyal servant!"

"Mr. Roman, I have been with the Roman family for four generations…"

"Shut it!" D'barl glared at Douglas. He suddenly touched his stomach and said, "I'm a little hungry. Why don't you heat those buns?"

"Yes sir, right away," said Douglas in delight. He ordered the kitchen to heat the buns. "Oh, bring a glass of warm milk for Mr. Roman too."

"Two glasses!" D'barl corrected. "It's meaningless to dine alone."

"Then I shall keep you company sir." Douglas smiled.

When Violla awoke the next morning, the sunlight had already streamed through the window onto her face with a touch of warmth.She shielded her eyes from the light and squinted at the foliage outside in a daze.

"You're up?" Davon emerged from the bathroom, dressed for casual comfort.

"Yes." Violla stretched. "Why are you up this early?"

"I want to do a little reading with the kids." Davon buttoned up his shirt. The sunlight illuminated the side of his face, accenting his jawline and cheekbones. Violla was mesmerized. "Go back to sleep. We'll leave at ten," Davon said.

"I'm up now." Violla sat up lazily and held up her arms. "Carry me!"

Davon smiled and bit her on the chest.

"Ouch, it hurts!" Violla squealed and hit him on the back.

"Did that wake you up?" Davon kissed the skin he had bitten. "Get up quickly. I'll send for some breakfast."

"Thank you," Violla said as she kissed him on the cheek. She then leaped out of bed to the bathroom.

Davon smacked her a**, adjusted his tie, and walked towards the door with wide strides.

Violla's phone rang as she had finished putting her gown for her first photoshoot.She glanced at her screen and hastily picked up. "Hello, Olympia!"

"Violla…" came Olympia's voice shakily. "Help me, please help me…"

"What happened?" Violla asked at once.

"I'm in debt, and they took me…" Olympia wept, the horror clear in her voice. "Please help me, or I'm going to die."

"Where are you? Tell me your location." Violla loosely tied her hair into a ponytail.

"At the alley behind Empire Night," Olympia said in a shaky voice. "Come alone, or they'll kill me." Olympia hung up.

Violla grabbed her phone and rushed out.

"Miss Milan, breakfast is..." the maid said, but Violla brushed past her shoulder and ran down the stairs in her haste.

"Miss Milan, Miss Milan!" the maid shouted behind her.

"I have an urgent matter to handle. I'll be back shortly." Violla turned back and called. Downstairs, she addressed the bodyguards who were parking their cars. "Drop me off at Empire Night. Hurry."

"Empire Night?" Their newest driver Arthur stared in surprise.

"Yes, please. Right now," Violla answered in a panic.

"Yes, ma'am." Arthur did not dare delay further and opened the door immediately.

"Miss Milan, where are you off to?" Mrs. Blake, who was busy laying the table, ran out to enquire. "You have your wedding shoot by the beach ."

"Mrs. Blake, I have an urgent matter. Please inform Davon of my absence. Tell him I will meet them at the beach for the photoshoot." Violla got into the car without waiting for a reply. "Start driving!" she said to the driver frantically.

"Yes, ma'am."

In the study on the second floor, where Davon was reading with the children, a knock came on the door. The maid peered carefully in at Davon. "Mr. Roman, Miss Milan went out," she reported.

"Huh?" Davon looked away from the book he was holding. "Where to?"

"I don't know. She looked like she was in a rush. I'm worried that something may have happened," the maid said in concern. "I thought you would be worried, so I'm just here to let you know."

Davon shut the book and addressed the children. "Let's continue this tonight, shall we?"

"Yes, daddy!" The children nodded obediently.

"Daddy, use my bookmark. Or else we wouldn't remember where we left off tonight."

Eliana handed a bookmark made of a beautifully preserved leaf to Davon.

"Page 234." Davon smiled and rubbed Eliana on the nose. "Don't worry, I have a photographic memory!"

He got up and walked towards the door. "Come down for breakfast in a bit."

"Alright, daddy!" the children chorused in sweet innocent voices.

"Ryan, what is a photographic memory?" Eliana asked naively.

"That means daddy never forgets anything he sees," said Ryan as he was tidying up the bookshelf. "Daddy is a genius!"

"Oh, only you have daddy's brains. Eliana and I don't," said Jason as he held his chin sadly.

"Jason, you are strong and sporty like daddy," protested Ryan. "Eliana has mommy's artistic skills. Those are great qualities. Please don't underestimate yourselves."

"What is underestimate?"

"That means…"The three children engaged in debates in the study room.

Meanwhile, Davon summoned Cruze outside. "What is going on?"

"I've just heard back from Arthur. Miss Milan just said that she was going to Empire Night and did not explain why," Cruze reported. "Clyde is going there with some men as a backup."

"Good," Davon said with a frown. 'Violla is so impulsive. She never discusses things with me before proceeding.How immature.'

"Don't worry, Mr. Roman. Nothing will happen with Clyde on the lookout," said Cruze comfortingly. "Why don't you have some breakfast with the children? I will have Clyde deliver Miss Milan straight to the beach afterward for your photoshoot."

"Alright." Davon was about to have breakfast with the children when the sound of a car pulling up came to his ears. "Mr. Old Roman is here!"

"This early?" asked Davon, startled. He had no choice but to take the children out to receive his grandfather.

The car door swung open. Douglas, with the help of a bodyguard, helped D'barl out of the car and onto his wheelchair.

"Great-grandpa! Great-grandpa!" squealed the children.They dashed towards him, calling out at the top of their lungs.

D'barl smiled broadly at them. His mood was especially good. "Have you had your breakfast?"

"We are just about to have our breakfast," said Eliana as she held out a boiled egg. "I just peeled this, great-grandpa. Try it please!"

"Mmmh, delicious!" D'barl said after a bite.

"It's just an ordinary egg. What's so delicious about that?" Davon joked.

"Mind your own business," said D'barl fiercely as he glared at Davon. "This was given to me by my beloved great-granddaughter." He turned back to Eliana and stroked her hair. "Your braid is so pretty, Eliana!"

"Mrs. Blake did it for me," said Eliana. She tugged at her braid happily. "This is the princess braid, like the one in the movies."

"My little Eliana is a princess too!" D'barl pinched Eliana's cheek affectionately.

"Great-grandpa, do I look good in this suit?" Jason approached him to show off his new suit. "We are going for a wedding photoshoot later! That is why we are all dressed up."

D'barl was taken aback. He glared at Davon ferociously. 'Cheeky rascal! He did not ask me for permission again! They're taking wedding pictures now? '

"Great-grandpa, are you here to be in the photo shoot with us?" Ryan asked D'barl with a smile. Mrs. Blake and Finny will be there too."

"Be there, be there!" the parrot squawked excitedly and flapped her wings above their heads.

"I'm going to join in the fun as well," Mrs. Blake chimed in. "We have never taken a family portrait before."

"We will take one today." Eliana ran over and pulled Mrs. Blake by the arm. "Mrs. Blake, why didn't you get changed?"

"That dress is so tight I couldn't breathe in it. I'll change into it when we get there." Mrs. Blake grew red at the thought of her dress. "The fabric is too little. There is a whole chunk missing in front and behind. What a wicked designer," she whispered to Eliana behind her hand.

Douglas stifled a laugh as D'barl smiled. The latter was much better at concealing his humor. He turned to Davon and said, "Follow me into the study. I have something to discuss with you."

"Yes, gr..." said Davon, but was interrupted by an alarm on Cruze's watch. "It's the driver!" Cruze cried, his face grey.

Every elite bodyguard of the Roman family owned a unique watch that emits signals in times of trouble such as that. The other bodyguards would receive the distress call and rush to the troubled one's aid.

"Bring the car around. Now!" Davon commanded firmly.

The bodyguards obeyed him swiftly and Davon jumped into the car. "Protect grandpa and the children," Davon ordered as Cruze was about to hop in after him.

"Yes, sir," Cruze answered and watched Davon until he departed. When he turned around, he found the children staring in the direction Davon took off to with terrified expressions on their faces.

"Bring the children in," D'barl ordered, his eyes filled with fury.

"Yes, sir," a bodyguard answered and rounded them up.

However, Ryan flung his arm aside. "Is Mommy in trouble?" he demanded.