
Yes My Lady

The Kingdom of Newberry was regarded as strongest of the counties because of their special knights. The seven was comprised of the strongest warriors on the continent each regarded as a specialist in their field. They are run by the eldest woman in the royal family. However the royal family always had bad luck with there line, all that was left was the princess, Ivory, and her father the king. Can they protect the last of royalty? (Updated Every Friday)

Rachael_P · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

A Meeting of Three

I sit in my office tapping the wood floor with the top of my shoe as I wait for the two of them. The door opens and I look to it and see the two of them entering.

"Good evening Ivory," Cloud greets.

"Please don't be so formal, thanks for coming what I have to talk to you about, is very important. Last night I had an unexpected visit."

Liam looks quickly to Cloud, who gets quiet before looking at the table," you're ok, right Ivory?" Cloud says lifting his eyes serious.

"I wasn't harmed, but we did have another incident similar to that of James."

The words click with Liam who quickly changes his body language to that of concern and anger.

"They didn't do anything did they?" Liam ask.

"No, I'm unharmed. He wasn't here for that, or to take my life, quite the opposite."

The two of them get quiet as they stop to listen.

"He was James' brother, he came because he figured out the lie. He was searching threw my documents on James. I told him the truth."

"Ivory!" Liam says shocked.

"Are you sure that was a good choice Ivory? That could come back to bite us, we have no way of knowing if he will keep the secret."

"Yes I know, but he came so far, so I wanted to do this for him. I mean his brother died, who would be satisfied with a story such as that. Especially when I knew the truth."

"I think from a protective view point the information couldn't do as much damage as killing or hurting the next Queen could do," Liam says.

"I see your point Liam, but I am still uneasy."

The room is silent for a moment," Ivory, while we're here I have something to discusse with you," Cloud says to me.


"It's on the madder of the increase in numbers of the Kiro Clan."

I fight the flinch when I hear the name. The memories flood my mind, and I try my best to stop them from consuming my thoughts.

"Are you alright Ivory, you don't seem as if you've been ok today," Liam questions.

"I'm alright really, I just wasn't expecting this matter to be brought up."

"Didn't his majesty excuse you from work anyway?" Liam interjects.

"He did.., but please continue, I'd like to hear what you have to say on the matter."

Cloud looks to Liam before looking back at me.

"I'm, as usual, only just looking out for your safety Ivory, so I don't know how much I should say. I just thought I should warn you."

"Thank you Cloud, I'm grateful," I say looking down and clenching my dress in my hands.

"My lady, if I may," Cloud says standing," maybe we should take you somewhere where you can relax. You've been stressed and now it sounds like you have some time off."

He touches the bottom of my chin, and I look up at him the loose strands of my hair moving out of my face.

"I haven't seen you take a break in years," Cloud says," I think it's long overdue."

He pulls his hand away," maybe your right, you usually are."

"Ivory," Liam says to me," from what it sounds like, we either need to have someone watch your room or move it. I believe I speak for the both of us when I say that this reoccurring incident isn't comforting."

"Yes," Cloud agrees," it's not a comforting thought."

"I understand, but move the room? Isn't that going to be difficult, to find a room?"

"I can arrange it," Cloud says.

"You could always just sleep in the heir sweet, I'm not sure I understand the reason you don't."

My eyes widen as I look at the table, and the two boys stand talking.

"That could work, and it's in a well guarded area of the castle," Cloud agrees.

I know that it's a good option, and I know that I should have started living there already anyway. However that place didn't fill me with hope of new beginnings, it gave me pain. I'd have to get over it anyway eventually, and it's not as if I can blame them for not knowing.

I stand up hands on the table," Cloud what did you have in mind, I think I'll take you up on your offer of relaxing."

"Oh, yes of corse, I was thinking to bring you to the private bath house so you can relax on your own."

"Sounds great let's go."

I walk twards the door ready to go out, the two boys pause for a second before hurrying to my side. Cloud stands next to me and offers his arm and I take it.

"Are you sure you want to go now Ivory? It's a little late in the day."

"I'm sure, it's not like we're going that far away."

"Well it into the woods isn't it?" Liam asks.

"Yes," Cloud responds," I guess it depends how far you consider far."

"If you two are around I don't think there's need to worry."

"If we're around?" Liam says a smirk on his lips," is that an invitation to be in the room?"

"You wish," I say giving him a flat look," even if I was going to let the two of you stay in there I would still probably make you stay outside Liam."

"Is this your way of saying you only want Cloud to watch?"

Clouds face lights up red as he averts his eyes to the wall next to him.

"N-no, you just look into it to much Liam. I just don't prefer anyone to watch me bathe especially if I know them."

"Ya, sure, totally believe you. On another note, Cloud are you feeling alright you look red."