

this is by Midasman on fanfic.net non of this is mine. this is for personal reading.

But · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs


[Created Greater Health Potion]

In a flash of light, where there had once been a pile of ingredients and an empty vial, now stood a vial filled with sanguine red liquid. A low level health potion.

For the last hour or so I've been experimenting with my abilities to see what the limits of my abilities were. My latest project, trying to see how one would make potions. Without the Yggdrasil systems to work with.

The homunculi have no idea why I was doing this. After all, I was the 'Grand Alchemist of Nazarick!'. The creation of a simple health potion was a task far beneath my station. Let one of them do such a menial task they argued.

I told them I wanted to see if making a potion in this world was the same as in our previous one.

They all, of course, nodded in agreement with me. Obviously I wasn't just making a basic potion because I didn't know how to make positions, but because I was experimenting with the 'magics of this new world'. I was a trailblazer in yet another field of research! Not a novice fumbling about!

They all oo'ed and ah'ed at my work ethic and forward thinking.

I did not correct them.

Of course I was shutting myself away for solely work related reasons.

Not because of the horny vampire that's been stalking me all week. Pushing the envelope from simply pawing at me to almost legitimate harassment.

I swear I could still hear Shalltear's voice when it was really quiet.

"Oh, what a coincidence to see you here Citrinitas!"

"Silly me, let me just bend over and pick this little thing up; oh sorry for bumping into you again!"

"Sorry, but your lap is just so comfortable to sit in!"

And then there was this morning.

For years, I had no basic needs of any kind; being a series of 1's and 0's after all. I had no real need. Now that I was 'alive' again suddenly, my needs returned to me. Food, water, sleep, air, etcetera.

However, one need I had completely ignored, or more likely forgot about, was that of basic hygiene.

In other words, I needed to bathe.

For all the detail that Tabula put into this room, the small personal touches here and there, he had never seen fit to put in a bathroom.

Thankfully for me, Ainz Ooal Gown was filled with compulsive role players. The entire ninth floor was given over to provide for the various 'needs' of the tomb's denizens; as if the NPC's would suddenly come to life one day and demand basic amenities. Spa's. Grocery stores. Movie theaters. Libraries. Recreation rooms. Restaurants. And, most importantly for me, bathing areas.

And one such area was just a few minutes walk from my lab.


"What, molesting you? I'm not molesting you. This is skinship; Lord Peroroncino wrote that this is the fastest way for two girls to build affection for one another! Now hold still so I can wash your back."

I shuddered at that memory.

'She even used a paralyzing spell on the two homunculi I had on lookout outside the showers to block her entry. I mean, they wouldn't be able to really stop her, but they would have given me a heads up at least instead of me finding out the moment she walked into my stall!'

Shalltear surprisingly didn't do anything untoward to me, she literally just washed my back. But still, the whole situation is more than a little creepy.

When I finally got back from..that... I threw myself back into my own research.

The results were quite exciting! Already my desk was covered in a myriad of different vials of varying quality and potency.

So far, I have determined that I can create potions in two different ways.

The first method was the straightforward way, using ingredients to create the potions. As long as I had the necessary reagents and other ingredients, I could make practically anything. It was just like casting a spell, but no mana was consumed in the potion's creation. This is the traditional way.

The second method I found was to simply conjure the potion into existence. Naturally, this did consume mana, but the created item was permanent. As far as I could tell anyway, it's only been a few hours.

However, there seemed to be some kind of built in limit to what one could create purely with magic. True, I can create Lesser, Minor, and Normal variants of most basic potions health, magic (which do not actually restore mana but either increase spell power or decrease mana cost of spells), stamina, resistances, etcetera no problem. But when I tried to go any higher, nothing would happen. No mana used. No spell cast. If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say that the Devs put some kind of cap on potion conjuration to keep members of the Alchemist class and its derivatives from being rendered irrelevant in the face of high level magic casters just conjuring everything.

Now onto the really exciting part of my research.

I placed the new vial on my makeshift coaster, a research file given to me by my homunculi.

Demiurge was true to his word.

Yesterday, I was handed a packet of papers from one of my returning alchemists on what they had done with Demiurge in his 'Healing' Experiment. The packet came with a little note from Demiurge himself, expressing his gratitude for my assistance, reassuring me he'll only need my homunculi for a short period of time as they get the 'procedures' off the ground, and a comment to never hesitate to go to him if I need anything from him in my own studies. Even wrote 'with humble gratitude' before his signature.

I haven't opened it yet.

Didn't even need to open it to know that it wasn't research but sadistic torture by another name. Now I wasn't going to say that the people being subjected to it right now were innocent in any way, shape, or form. They did try to slaughter a village of people just to smoke out a single knight from the Kingdom. They were barbarians at best, savages at worst.

Even then, was that enough to condemn them to being Demiurge's guinea pigs? To be literally made incapable of dying? To possibly be tortured and brutalized till the end of time?

Honestly, I don't know why I even kept it. It was tempting to just burn the papers. To get rid of this bloodstained work. Work that I was, by association, responsible or now.

Yet, curiosity nagged at me to take a peak.

Just one.

It's already said and done anyway.

And they are horrible people.

If I could gleam anything 'good' from this barbarism, then at least something would be gained. Something to make all the suffering worth it? Like how doctors use the papers of medical experimentation done on prisoners during the Holocaust or under Unit 731 and rationalize using the useful bits to benefit all.

My fingers drummed over the folder as I mulled it over




I took the phials off the folder and placed the blood soaked documents in a small drawer; slamming it shut.

I exhaled a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

My stomach twisted and churned something foul. Couldn't tell if it was because I even considered using such tainted material at all, or if it was because I didn't feel any disgust about using said material in the first place. Disgust that I wasn't disgusted.

'I need to get out of this Tomb of monsters,' I decided.

Not forever. No going AWOL. That would be a definite death sentence. Ignoring the whole, NPCs are tracked by the guild system thing I'd have to deal with. I just needed to get a bit of fresh air, so to say. A vacation. Just plain old freedom of movement.

But how…

I heard the door swing open.

"I thought I said I was not to be disturbed," I called out, not bothering to look up.

"My lady….I….You…" one of the homunculi stuttered.

Strange. They never acted like that the other times I said that. Normally they just stood there and took it, not retreated like a meek dog.

"What could possibly justify interrupting me?" I flipped the page of the alchemy book I had laid open on my desk.

"M-...My...Lady...He…" she kept stuttering.

I rolled my eyes at this sheepishness. I knew I didn't sound that mean. This is the same tone of voice I always use.

I looked up from the text, "I asked what could possible justify interrupting-"

Only now did I realize that she was not alone.

Towering over her was a cloaked figure. Garbed in elaborate purple robes with gold accents. Though said robes did nothing to hide the clearly skeletal nature of the individual. An exposed ribcage where the robes parted along the chest area with a shining red gem at the 'core' of it. Bone fingers adorned with all manner of rings and accessories. Under the hood was a skull with blazing red eyes.




I see.

That would do it.

I couldn't tell what his expression really was, his skull face betrayed no obvious emotions. Though, knowing him, he's overthinking something. Or internally debating with himself about something.

Actually knowing who he really was, it was probably both.

I eyed the homunculi who was staring at our interaction before returning to Ainz. Clearing my throat as I walked in front of my desk and gave a curt bow.

"Apologies my Lord. What I meant to say, is how may I serve you?"

He held up his hand, "no need to apologize Citrinitas. I did enter unannounced."

Okay wow that voice doesn't sound like how he used to!

"Be that as it may, you are the Lord of Nazarick," I tried to sound as servile as possible. "We serve at your leisure."

"Like I said, it's alright," despite the deep tone of voice, he sounded a little flighty. Like he was uncomfortable with being addressed or reminded of his position as the 'Supreme Being'.

"Regardless what can I do for you Lord Ainz," I gave the best smile I could muster.

"I'm preparing to head out in a couple of days to the City of E-Rathel," he explained. "I intend to masquerade as a new adventurer and gather intelligence of this world."

"Forgive me, but aren't you too powerful to be just a new adventurer?" I just had to jab at him a little bit.

Sadly for my enjoyment, Ainz didn't freak out or stutter at all when pushed. "True. If I were to reveal myself as I am, with all the power at my disposal, then yes. Ainz Ooal Gown would be far too powerful to be a mere adventurer. However," he paused for dramatic effect. A bright blue light engulfed him. Emerging from the light was not a lich in robes, but a figure clad in black armor. "The hero Momon is but a mere warrior on his first adventure."

I'm pretty sure skellyman here doesn't actually know how medieval economics worked. Or more accurately, random nobodies don't just 'have' a suite of enchanted plate armor lying around. Only rich people can afford stuff like that if I remember my history right. I blame the JRPG's he must have grown up with that gave him this perception that plate was a common form of armor in medieval times. And how it became ubiquitous in medieval settings.

Best not argue with the 'boss'. He wants to larp. Let him larp. Not like he's in any real danger out there.


"I see," I really don't want to argue with him about medieval logistics and economics. "Then, will the hero Momon require potions, elixirs, or other alchemical items for his journey?"

Ainz dismissed his armor, back to his robes. "Indeed he will," he conjured a piece of paper and handed it to me. "I will require all the items on this list ready by tomorrow morning when I leave for E-Rathel."

Taking the paper, I quickly skimmed the list. Lots of minor health potions. Bombs. Oils. Poisons. Etcetera. Kind of overkill but really anything this Tomb has is overkill by this world's standards.

"It will be done," I gestured for the homunculi over. She scurried over, stuck between being in awe at Skeletor and following my order. I handed her the note, "please make sure that these items are ready for Lord Ainz before he leaves tomorrow."

"Of course, My Lady," she snatched the paper and rushed out, closing the door behind her.

I was now alone with his 'magnificence', the looser salaryman.

This...This would be the perfect time to bring up my situation. To lay it all out. All the facts that I can think of. The NPCs; how they worked and worshiped him like a living god to the point where he had nothing to worry about. The whole thing.

I was a real person just like him.

I come from Earth, just like him.

Keep the 'different century' thing to myself of course.

But...should I?

A cold line of logic crept through my mind.

My only real weapon, the single most powerful thing I have right now, is foresight. I know what's going to happen. I know, mostly, how future events are going to play out. The second I tell him anything, it all goes up in smoke. Events start occurring out of order. Or not at all. What little protection I have, agency, power, I wield gone over the course of a single conversation.

Up to this point, Ainz seems to be following the storyline of Overlord point for point. If I start telling him all my knowledge, he'll start acting differently. By extension, future events I assume will not happen due to butterfly effect.

Logically speaking, I should not give up such an immense tool so easily. True, me simply being here upends so many things. But if Ainz goes off script, I can't even predict what will happen.

Or I can play the role to the best of my abilities. Let Ainz think he's alone. Let the world tremble at the dreams of a man child living out his childhood fantasy. All the while I scurry in the dark, knowing all the real secrets of this world. And using them to my advantage.

But can I really do that?

To let some man slowly lose his very humanity in a vain attempt to conform to a collection of monsters who will obey him regardless of what he does? To allow him to knowingly, or otherwise, cause such ceaseless destruction, death, and pain across a world just so I can feel like I have a modicum of control over my life due to knowing about events that may happen?

….. Could I...

"My Lord, there's something actually I wanted to ask you."

Ainz watched as Citrinitas walked over to her bookshelf. Skimming the titles one after another.

The whole situation was still a bit surreal. Just over a week ago he was doing almost the exact same thing, having Citrinitas make potions for him before we would go off on an adventure. Only now the situation is vastly different. The Great Tomb of Nazarick was in a whole different world. He was his player character. The Guild's NPCs were real.

A part of him was still dreading if this was just some hallucination from some nanite spillage from the VR system. That he'll wake up any day now in some corporate hospital. Assuming that all of this wasn't just occurring over the course of a few minutes in his head as he died of some brain aneurysm.

But something about all of this just felt too...real. In a way he couldn't describe, he knew that this was all real.

And here he was, about to go on his first real adventure! Even with the emotional suppressants this lich form had he couldn't help but feel excited about it!

But he needed to play it cool for now.

So far, all the NPCs he's met have shown nothing but loyalty to him .But if they ever found out he wasn't really what they thought he was. That he was just another 'weak' human….

"If it's reasonable, I don't see why not," he told her. "What do you need?"

She hummed to herself, mulling over something. Then she nodded to herself and turned to him, " I would like permission to explore the New World."

Wait what? "Oh, do you?"

"Yes," she replied. "I want to explore this world and catalog its magical anomalies."

That was unexpected. All the other NPCs he's talked to seemed more interested in what he wanted rather than having wants of their own. Not that they didn't have personalities and drives, but they seemed passive in terms of personal wants. Her sister Albedo wanted a guild ring so she could get to him faster when he called for her. Mare wanted to know what work he could do for Ainz. Sebas only wanted to serve Ainz to the best of his abilities. And so on.

They seemingly had little initiative of their own. They weren't mindless drones of course. They did things of their own volition and accord. Such as Mare concealing the Tomb's entrance without prompting. But all the NPCs seemed to have no personal drive other than serving him, the Overlord of the Tomb of Nazarick.

Yet here was Citrinitas. Wanting to go out and explore. Something the former salaryman could relate to.

Was it something in her bio? NPC bios seemed to be quite important in determining their overall disposition and personality traits. Since Tabula was her creator, that meant Citrinitas's bio was long and in depth to a fault if Albedo's was anything to go by. Then there was the 'Gap Moe' aspect. Albedo was a beautiful, serene looking woman, who was secretly a complete bitch.

'And in love with Momonga'. Even now, he cringed a little bit at that edit.

Umu. What was Citrinitas's 'gap'? Umu. Tabula-san must have told him over a dozen times. Tsundere? No, he remembers Tabula saying they were overrated. 'Looks pale and weak but loves the outdoors'? No that's not something he would even consider. He could swear Tabula mentioned something about her being an 'Idiot Savant' but that can't be right. She doesn't seem like an 'idiot' to him; actually she seemed like the most normal NPC yet.

Ah well, unless it's something like 'sociopath with a kind disposition', then it's nothing too important to worry about right now.

"Anywhere in particular?" Ainz was curious to see how far out she had thought this through.

She nodded. "Yes. I've heard from the prisoners that the human empire to the east has an academy of magic. They seemed to think it was one of the greatest institutions for learning such arts in the known world. I wish to verify this claim and see how they compare to our own magical prowess."

Honestly, Ainz was torn on the issue. On one hand, she wanted to go out and explore not just for his sake, but to also satisfy her own curiosity. Just like he was about to do as an adventurer.

But Citrinitas wasn't just any NPC.

She was one of, if not the, most vital support NPCs the Tomb had. She was the primary potion maker in Nazarick and, until he could determine otherwise, the sole source of prismatic metals in the new world thanks to her transmutation ability. He hated to think of her in such terms, she was real now after all. But facts were facts.

It wasn't like she was defenseless. She was Level ninety. Despite her primarily support and crafting build, going by his own encounter with the Sunlight Scripture and later interrogations, he was confident in her abilities to defend herself. But still…

An 'Evil' Overlord would say 'no' and keep her in the Tomb to protect the sole source of scarce resources that he had access to. Keep her working day in and day out to fill his stockpile of prismatic ores and to keep the potion stores stocked.


After everything he's been through in life, the brutal corporate ladder he lived through, could he really knowingly subject one of his own subordinates to such a fate just for material security?

'..no. No I can't.'

"I believe that's an excellent idea Citrinitas," Ainz agreed with her.

She beamed at his approval. "Thank you, Lord Ainz. I hope that what I learn can aid Nazarick in understanding this world, and its oddities, better."

"Of that I have no doubt you will succeed," even if she failed to find anything unique or interesting, just having another set of eyes out in the world was beyond beneficial. "So how do you plan to go about this expedition of yours? Do I have to worry about a rival adventurer in the east?"

She hummed to herself, then smiled. "Nothing of the sort, My Lord. I plan to disguise myself as a traveler from a far off land wishing to learn more about their magic systems. With it, I can be both the clueless foreigner while still presenting myself as one knowledgeable enough in magic to hold a scholarly conversation with. The perfect plan!"

Ainz gave the display a good natured laugh, "well you certainly do not lack for confidence. Do you plan to leave soon?"

"If possible, tomorrow."

"Then we can depart from the Tomb together in the morning. Then go our separate ways when we reach the metaphorical fork in the road."

She blinked for a moment, her mind obviously running through something. She looked like she wanted to say something. Then a smile, "an excellent idea Lord Ainz. I shall begin packing immediately."

Ainz began to collect his 'health' potions, "good then I'll leave you to prepare. Remember, we shall leave at dawn."

She nodded, "yes my lord."

As he turned it leave, pleasantly surprised by the turn of events, he heard her call out to him.

"Actually, Lord Ainz," he heard Citrinitas call out. "There is one other thing you could do for me."

'Something else?'

"Go on," he told her.

"Well," she looked sheepishly at him. "I don't mean to sound demanding, but...could you please give me one of the guild rings?"

She wants one of...Oh right. Teleportation. Ainz almost slapped his boney hand against his forehead. Without one, you can't teleport across the Tomb. Probably wants to avoid walking up and down all those stairs.

He quickly took one from his personal inventory and held it out to her.

"Thank you Lord Ainz," she accepted the ring from his skeleton fingers. "I was not looking forward to walking past the first three floors."

Umu, the first three floors? "Is there something wrong with them?"

She looked sheepish, hand behind her head. "It's nothing serious. Just rather not be on any floor Shalltear is on."

"Any particular reason?"

Citrinitas looked embarrassed, "she's been...stalking me."

'She's been what!' He felt the familiar feeling of the emotional suppressers kicking in.

"And making provocative...sexual advances towards me…"

Ainz's jaw felt like it was going to snap off. The emotional suppression flared up once more.

'Umu, Peroroncino-san! What did you tell Shalltear to do!'

Say what you will about him, but after working in a cut throat corporate world his whole life he knows sexual harassment suits are quite damaging. From the way his emotional suppressant kept kicking in as I described what I went through, he was thinking of this from a 'modern' perspective.

He feverishly apologized for allowing Shalltear's antics to go on for as long as they did and promised to talk to her immediately.

So that was nice.

I am pleasantly surprised that he agreed to let me wander about. I was tempted to break out a trick from the Demiurge playbook, implying to Ainz that I knew he was going to send me out because of X, Y, and Z. I was just being proactive and asked to leave early on the mission he was obviously going to send me out on.

Pleasantly, I did not have to do that. That whole traveler thing was just a bullshit excuse off the top of my head. 'Examine magic?' What was there to examine? These people think that Tier three magic is 'powerful' and tier four is enough to make you a 'legendary' spellcaster.

The people of this world were kind of like puffer fish in a way; puff themselves up in a way that makes them look strong, but they have no real way of competing when push comes to shove. Hell even I could level a whole nation if I wanted to.

More to the point, I expected him to be a bit more suspicious of an 'NPC' just wanting to move about without restraint. Wasn't he supposed to still be paranoid that the NPCs would turn on him? That's why he played up the whole 'Overlord' thing.

Then again, has he been given any reason to deny me?

Doesn't really matter to me. In a couple of days, I was going to be able to put some distance between myself and this tomb of monsters.

I tried to not think about how I also just doomed this world to the tender mercies of Ainz Ooal Gown's wild ride. But the deaths that followed were in now way my fault. I'm not the one who's going to give Demiurge the idea of a flaying farm. I'm not going to kill tens of thousands of soldiers over the course of an afternoon. Neither will I be the one who exterminates almost the entire population of Re-Estiez over a single caravan of food.

No. Those will be his actions. Not mine.

Speaking of actions, I now have a guild ring! With it, I could teleport around the Tomb at will!

I actually tried to teleport around a few days ago, but nothing happened. Let's see if its any different now.

With the ring snugly around my forefinger, conforming to my finger size, I tried to teleport to the entrance of Nazarick.

For a split second, everything went dark and I feared it didn't work or worse something went wrong. All I saw some pink haired girl staring at me.

Did I do something wrong?

A split second later the world around me shifted.

I covered my face as light blinded me. Reflexively, I took a step back. Shortly thereafter, I tripped and fell to the ground. My ass landing on the grassy ground.


Slowly, my eyes adjusted to the light around me. What at first seemed like a spotlight shone right into my eyes slowly revealed itself to be not a light but the light. The sun. More specifically, the setting sun. Slowly drifting below the horizon.

Looking around I saw nature. Tall trees. Vibrant bushes and flowers. birds flew and cawed about. A cool breeze of fresh air hit my face.

As I soaked in the natural world, it dawned on me that this was the first time in years at least since I was outside. I don't even know the exact length with how my consciousness kept jumping forward in time.

Tears built up in my eyes as I thought back to that time…..

I forced them back. There was still so much to do. Get ready to go out and get some distance between me and this monster den. What was my 'foreigner' persona going to be? How would I travel, teleport or mundane? How could I suppress my magic ability to not draw the eye of those people who had the ability to tell magic power at a look? To what extent could I use magic? More immediate, how long would I remain away after Shalltear's...incident happens?

So many worries. So little time.

For now, I think I'll just enjoy my first sunset in years.