

Contemporary Romance
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What is ydiaaaNA

Leia o romance ydiaaaNA escrito pelo autor ydia_Pierce publicado no WebNovel. ...


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Phoenix Seeks Home

Xu Xiaoyao was naive. A legitimate di daughter by birth, forgotten and neglected in her small bamboo courtyard. A wife, fought and won battles for her husband, lord, and emperor. Stood fearless and unyielding in war only to be disposed of, dethroned, and die an honorless death by the hands of his consort. A mother, useless and helpless. Her only son suffering, his status unknown. Unable to ease his pain and wipe away his tears--- far from a mother's embrace. Bowed down to her father; followed her husband; and died for her son. As she closes her eyes, who would think that death could be a relief? Sighing, she lay her self to rest. But life wasn't done with her yet. Shoved back to the past, in her younger years; the world she woke up to has the same people, faces and places but different fates. She was not thrilled for her rebirth nor as hot-blooded as she thought she would be after the entwine destiny jumble in the face of her. Tired, she decides to sleep away this whole new life. Chances are but lies. We live only to die. Struggle is futile and unrewarding. ----- "Xiaoxiao, every winter, when the first snow touched the ground, covering the earth and the sky in blinding whiteness, I search for you... A glimpse of your sleeves, a whip of your scent, or even a tiny blurry silhouette of yours... I look for a piece of you." ----- This book is my break from writing my other book, 'The Employed Empress', and also a practicing work, hence the slow update.

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My lovely CEO

Leah was about to go take a bath when her phone suddenly started ringing.She looked back at the door and said that she would ignore it..She started walking towards the door but her phone abruptly stopped ringing.She sighed and walked away from the door but got startled when it started ringing again!! She rolled her eyes and walked in her room to see that her "husband" is the one that was calling her..Her eyes grew wide and she immediately picked up the phone... "Leah are you alright?" He asked."......" She was stunned for a while and was speechless..He became even more worried when he didn't hear her talk.."Hello?Leah??"He got off his chair and said "Baby are you okay?Stay right where you're at im coming!" She stared blankly at the wall and she heard "Im coming"She snapped out of it and quickly answered,"Why?" He frowned and said "Why what?" She smiled and said "Why are you coming?Don't you have an important meeting tomorrow?" He sighed and said"I do.....but your more important." She blushed and said "I..-ok" He smirked and said "What are you doing?' She dazedly said "I was going to take a bath." He closed his eyes and said "Without me?" She didn't answer..He chuckled and said "How about...you do something for me when i come back??" She clicked her tongue and said "Tell me what you want and I'll do it for you." He smiled and said "I want you to put on something very pretty so we can go eat somewhere then i'll eat you up." She blushed and said "Pervert!!" He smiled even brighter and said "Only for you wifey" She raised her right eyebrow and hung up the phone. Right at that moment the air around Elias Hudson,Leah's"Husband" went down.Everyone around him felt it and shrank back in their seats.. *Please do know and remember that this is my first time actually writing a full story with full chapters.And also english is not my first kanguage.I want to grow and bevome better ay writing so if you have any suggestions or ideas for a certain chapter then feel free to comment it.I do read and listen to my reader's ideas. Thank you

kitty_r · Urbano
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  • Taxa Geral
  • Qualidade de Escrita
  • Atualizando a estabilidade
  • Desenvolvimento de Histórias
  • Design de Personagens
  • Antecedentes do mundo


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