
X-men: Soundwave

Nathan Drake {Because I'm unoriginal} Is a young man born with an innate ability to control Sound

Thomas_Hodge · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
39 Chs


" Huh?! Where am I? What happened?"

Nathan asked as he suddenly reappeared in the living room of Warren's house.

" I was fighting Summers and then... I don't remember. Why can't I remember? Fuck! Where is everybody else?"

Nathan asked in annoyance as he looked around the empty house.

" Stryfe to Wolverine. Where are you guys?"

Nathan radioed to the man.

" Strfye? Where the fuck you been?"

Wolverine yelled over the radio as he dodged an attack from wither.

" I don't know, I can't remember. What the fuck is going on?"

Nathan asked as he overheard the fighting in the back.

" Listen, get to the ruins of utopia kid, there's a lot of shit going down and we really need the fucking back-up. Emma watch out!"

logan yelled to the woman.


Logan yelled before cutting transmission.

Nathan turned and ran towards the balcony of the house as fast as he could and jumped.

' Got no time for practice. I hate doing this!'

Nathan thought as he plummeted towards the ground.

' Feel the waves. Ride them.'

Nathan thought as he fell. He relaxed his bodies muscles as best as he could and started churning the soundwaves around him, and slowly his descent halted.

" Huh? Huh? Hahahaha! Let's go."

Nathan yelled as he started to hover in the air.

" Okay, let's see... If I lean for... WHOA!"

Nathan yelled as he suddenly took off into the air.

On the Island ruins of Utopia the X-men and X-force, along with Magneto and his forces where all busy fighting Selene's undead army of mutants.

" Kevin, please. Please, stop this... This isn't who you are, you're being controlled... Oh god, please tell me..."

Cessily begged her former friend Kevin to stop the fighting as she wrapped her body around his.

" Cessily... You're pathetic."

Kevin said before blowing the girl's body off of him.

Blink using her teleportation powers teleported the scattered girl's body to the other side of the island.

" Dust, I need you to turn to dust and take Kevin down now."

Cyclops ordered as he fired at Blink.

" Raaaah!"

Logan growled as he stabbed both of his claws into the body of senyaka but the attack seemed to have had little effect on the man.

" Do you think I have not been killed before little man?"

Senyaka asked as he looked down upon Wolverine.

" Maybe, but you've never been hit by a blast made of pure sound, have you?"

Wolverine asked the giant man as he looked over his head to see a person flying in above them.

" What are you talking about?"

Senyaka asked as he grabbed Logan by his throat.

" Don't worry about me just hit us both kid!"

Logan yelled as he wrapped his arms around the man's body.

" Senyaka Move!"

Eli yelled to the man.

Nathan having arrived to join the fight slammed the palm of his hand into the giant mans back and sent out a shockwave that killed him and injured Logan at the same time.

" Argh!"


Selene's inner circle and the rest of the X-men all yelled as the shockwave blew them away.

The force of the blast shook the building all the way to its core.

Down in the med-labs.

" ARgh! WHat the hell was that?"

Vanisher asked as the building shook violently.

The courtyard.

" Comrades did you all see that?"

Colossus asked.

" Yeah, something hit the tower and fast. What the hell's going on up there?"

Rockslide asked.

" Whatever the hell it was I hope it's on our side."

Julian stated as the group looked up to see smoke from the tower.

Back with the main group.

" Ugh! Damn, what the hell was that?"

Kevin asked as he got to his feet.

" Another one of X-forces dogs. He's what stopped me securing Magus in the first place."

Eli said as he remembered the night, he had faced X-Force previously.

" What the hell! I can't say I'm not happy to have back up, but did you need to do all that? You nearly dropped the entire tower on us."

Emma explained as she and scott got to their feet.

" Emma, play nice. Glad to see you've decided to join us again Stryfe."

Scott said to the man.

" Heh! Look at you guys having fun without me. Looks like you found a good damn fight, mind if I cut in?"

Stryfe asked as he held the eviscerated remains of Senyaka in his hands.

" Who are you?"

Kevin asked as he looked upon the newly arrived stryfe in anger.

" That would depend on your answer.

Stryfe stated as he held up Senyakas body.

" You can surrender peacefully. or end up like him."

Stryfe explained to the group.

" You can't kill me. You can't even touch me."

Kevin stated to the man in defiance.

" Die it is."

Stryfe said as he crushed Senyakas head in his hands. Stryfe threw the body at Kevin and rushed the boy. Kevin stuck his hand out and used his power to wither and destroy Senyaka before he could hit him.

" The power to decay. Scary."

Stryfe said as he watched Senyakas body turn to dust.

" You'll see just how scary it is when I turn you to dust."

Kevin stated boldly.

" Sorry, but as far as matchups go, I'm the last opponent you want to face. Now, check this out. I call it white noise."

Stryfe exclaimed he stuck his fist out at the boy and a beam of pure sound shot from his hand. It hit the boy in his chest and slammed him against the wall knocking him out instantly.

" What? That's it it's over? Oh, well guess you were all talk after all."

Stryfe said as he looked down at the boy.

" Don't kill him!"

Emma yelled.

' What? Why wouldn't I?'

Stryfe asked himself.

Stryfe turned and looked at the woman in confusion, before blink appeared in front of him and Grabbed Kevin.

' SHIT!'

Stryfe thought. He turned around and tried to cut the two of them in half, but Blink had already used her powers to escape along with the other members of selene's inner circle.

" Damn it! Why'd ya stop me frost?"

Stryfe asked.

" He was one of us once nathan. He was our friend."

Sooraya explained.

" Well, some friend he must be. He didn't think twice about killing any of you."

Nathan explained.

" Girls, do you know where they went?"

Scott asked the stepford sisters over the radio.

." Genosha, and they took Warpath with them."

The girls explained.

" They went to Genosha, and took Warpath with them."

Scott explained to the rest of the group.

" So, that's why they bugged out. They got what they wanted."

logan stated.

" No more reacting. Warpath is on genosha, so is selene. Emma and I along with the rest of the X-men will stay here to defend Utopia. You and X-Force are going to genosha to save warpath and stop selene."

Scott explained the new mission to the man.

" I don't want her stopped."

Emma stated.

" Emma?"

Scott called out.

" Let me make this clear Logan. You need to kill her and everyone else on that Island including Kevin. That's the only way this will end."

Emma declared.

" Hmph, Let's go."

Wolverine said to the three members of X-Force still in the room.

" Wanna tell us where the hell you've been?"

Logan asked Stryfe.

" I don't know. And I'm not being sarcastic. I don't remember a thing from the time I attacked Scott earlier."

Stryfe explained.

" Kid that was a week ago."

Logan stated, Stryfe immediately slammed on the breaks and looked at the man in shock.

" Are you serious?! I blacked out for a week?"

Nathan asked.

" You really don't know kid? We'll figure it out later. For now, we have a job to do. And you have a very moody Girl to go apologize to."

Logan stated as he and the rest of X-Force continued their trek to the med bay.