
Written Together

Mia always had a plan—she had to. It was what everyone expected of her. She was destined to become a successful journalist, win a Pulitzer Prize, and live happily ever after on a constant coffee buzz. Everything was going according to script—until Andrew Weston reappeared. The one person she hoped was gone for good keeps coming back, throwing her perfectly ordered life into chaos. Now, Mia must navigate her career ambitions and the unresolved tension with Andrew, all while trying to stay on track. Can she achieve her dreams, or will Andrew's return derail everything she’s worked for?

breadcheeks · Urbano
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58 Chs

Step by step

The room was thick with tension as the four of them, Mia, Andrew, Claire and Sarah who they decided to loop into the situation, huddled around the small, dimly lit space in Claire's office. 

The recent developments had shifted the entire course of their investigation, revealing a truth that was more insane than any of them had anticipated.

Mia leaned against the wall, arms crossed, her mind racing. They had finally cracked the code and accessed information on the Argors', but the information they uncovered was overwhelming. 

The Argors, were a rising mafia, notorious for their ruthlessness and known for making bold moves to expand their territory. They were headquartered in the city of Rune, where Mikee had moved to after graduating from university.

But the real shock came with the discovery of the Grangers.