
Written Together

Mia always had a plan—she had to. It was what everyone expected of her. She was destined to become a successful journalist, win a Pulitzer Prize, and live happily ever after on a constant coffee buzz. Everything was going according to script—until Andrew Weston reappeared. The one person she hoped was gone for good keeps coming back, throwing her perfectly ordered life into chaos. Now, Mia must navigate her career ambitions and the unresolved tension with Andrew, all while trying to stay on track. Can she achieve her dreams, or will Andrew's return derail everything she’s worked for?

breadcheeks · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
58 Chs

At Last

Mia was just about to close the distance between them when Andrew turned sharply to the sink. "Alright, let's get to it, then!" he said, clapping his hands with a sudden burst of energy. The sound snapped her out of the dreamy haze she'd been floating in.

"Right! Right," Mia echoed, a little too loudly, blinking as if the spell had been broken. She spun back to face the sink, trying to steady her pulse.

They settled into a quiet rhythm, the kind of easy silence that felt more comfortable than awkward. Mia soaped the dishes, Andrew rinsed and dried. There was something soothing in the simplicity of it, the way their hands moved in sync without needing to speak. By the time the song faded out, they had finished cleaning up all the glasses and bowls as if they'd done this a hundred times before.

"I guess we can call it a night," Mia said, stepping back, resting her hands on her hips like she was trying to ground herself.