
Wrath of The Ice Witch (MCU)

"Even by the fire, Warm bodies will freeze, For you have invoked the witch's ire"

HikariYukine · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

I: The Frozen Child

In a snowy cabin in the 16th century..

A small white-haired girl with red eyes was playing Chess with her father. Her father was a burly brown-haired man with a vertical scar down his eye. "You're a smart girl Ana. No wonder you were able to beat your brother so many times." Her father stated. The young girl, now identified as Ana responded with a simple, "Checkmate." Ana's father applauded her, exhaling deeply. "Well, time for bed Ana. I have to go light the fire. The cold tonight will be bone-biting. " Right as Ana got up, her father and her heard a knock on the door. "Who could be knocking at this hour, especially in the woods?" Her father was suspicious, so he looked through the peephole.


A bullet went straight through his eye.

Ana screamed. Her mother came running down the steps and saw the scene, and, without panicking, told Ana to get her brother and go "You know where." Listening without hesitation, Ana went to grab her brother but then heard the door get knocked down.



Ana snapped her head back and saw her mother with a gash in her shoulder. Mutiple spell circles appeared on her mother's fingers, which froze the wound shut.




Ana stopped watching and went to grab her brother, but only heard a voice behind her.

"Looking for me?" Ana recognized this voice as her brother's.

"You know how much money someone can get with a Witch's blood?" Ana's brother manically questioned.

Something in Ana's brain snapped...

"Is it just me or is it getting cold in here? ..Wait are you--"

Then, a massive spell circle appeared under him.

Suddenly, everything in the house was covered in ice.




Ksh, ksh, ksh...


Ana, now having a satchel on her waist, plops into the snow, falling into a Cryogenic Sleep.