
Would You Rather Start An Apocalypse

A simple game of would you rather turns into a deadly apocalypse. Who will survive in the harsh conditions, and who will come out on top. Read my book to find out. This book is loosely based of of a homebrew apocalypse dnd a friend of mine made called Zenno. He is also a writer on webnovel and goes by "Z_Kuro_Z" His book on Zenno titled "Zenno: The Virus System" is posted on his old account called "The_Demon_Child" Please check him and his work out, and show him the credit that he deserves.

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Getting Comfortable

After arriving back at the motel, we turned Ray's old room into a storage shed. We took all the furniture and threw it outside, and put a tarp to work as a makeshift door since the old one got smashed by the sound dog.

We put all the wood inside the newly refurbished shed, and went back out to grab more wood. After about 4 trips it became hard to move, so we took out the walls of each adjacent room making the shed 3 times larger.

With the extra room we were able to organize the room a bit better and separate the wood into individual piles. After this Ray had an interesting Idea, we would use the wood to build a makeshift wall around the motel. Allison agreed to stay behind and help ray build while I went out to pick up the wood.

I told Ray to dig some holes about 3-4 feet deep while I grabbed some concrete mix. I wanted ti make sure this wall would STAY! I also got Allison to measure out the 4x4s to be around 15 feet long each. This way they could be decently in the ground, but also cover us enough to protect us.

After that I left and went to pick up a bunch of concrete. While looking for the concrete I picked up a wheelbarrow to make my life easier. I loaded up all the concrete I could and noticed that there was still a lot of room in the trailer.

I thought for a bit and decided to grab more wire mesh fencing and some staple guns. I figured we could build a wire roof over the area to protect us from anything that can fly. I also grabbed some wire cabling to use as a support so the wire mesh has a better structure to it. I so grabbed an armfull of cable fasteners and used a dolly to load a cable coil. The cable was a quarter inch thick, so it should be plenty for now. I also grabbed a small coil of thin wire to use like stronger zip ties.

My truck was really sagging in the rear, but it was still driveable. After arriving back I rolled the cable coil off the back and immediately my truck suspension breathed a sigh of relief while standing up as the heavy load was mostly gone. I unloaded the concrete and realized that I didn't have a mixer to make the concrete. I figured I could just grab one on my next wood run.

I decided to check on the progress Ray and Allison were making. Ray had 4 nice holes dug and was working on the 5th Allison had 20 4x4s measured AND cut and was now getting ready to start slow cooking the sound dog meat in a croc pot. It was definitely a good idea to get all that meat cooked since we couldn't shrink seal it to preserve it.

After being satisfied with the incredible progress made by them, I headed out to grab more wood and a concrete mixer. After getting that loaded up, I made sure the mixer was strapped down good and headed out. After arriving back Allison and Ray were both getting holes dug and they had made decent progress getting a total of 9 holes dug.

I decided to start pitching and and helped dig the rest of the holes after I got everything unloaded. By the time it started to get dark we had 15 total holes dug and decided to make dinner then turn in for the night.

We had to stop Ray from stealing from croc pot since the meat hadn't been fully cooked and wasn't fully safe to eat yet. He got even more disappointed when he found out it would be done tomorrow night and that he'd have to wait a whole day. We ended up slicing some of the sound dog meat into sliced strips like bacon or ham for sandwiches. This allowed us to cook it quickly while killing any possible bacteria.

We decided to do a quick taste test and found that the meat was tough like a steak, but it tasted like wild beef. It reminded me of the burgers my dad would make with 50% beef 50% deer venison. It tasted like beef with that wild taste you get from most wild animals meat. Over all it was an extremely interesting taste and texture that I had never fully experienced before. I guess Ray liked it too. Because he was trying even harder to sneak a nibble from the croc pot.

Allison ended up locking the croc pot in her room and turned in for the night. Me and Ray ended up doing the same thing. This time I unfortunately had a dream again. This time I was back in lowes running through the aisles. Everything was the same, I ran to Allison and Ray, turned around and started firing. After a bit I hear a scream from behind me followed by a yell. I turned around to see Allison and Ray being eaten alive by zombies. I then heard a noise above me, and when I looked up I saw a zombie jump off the top shelf on top of me and woke up in a sweat afterwards.

It was at least light out, so I got a shower and went out to dig more holes. I got half way through one before Ray came out to start helping. We got 3 and a half more dug before Allison came out to help too. She said the meat was coming along nicely, which made Ray work a lot faster. By about noon we had holes around the entire front half of the motel. We decided that was enough digging for a while and spent the next couple of hours getting the 4x4s put in, leveled out, and cemented in. With that we got to take a break to eat lunch which consisted of sound dog rice with spinach. I can't complain, it tasted really good.

After we got done eating lunch, we chugged a bunch of water and got everything laid out for tomorrow. We mapped out the flat sheets of wood and how they would fit along the wall, got a bunch of nails, a hammer, and got to work. This was luckily easier than digging the holes. The only tricky part was getting some 2x4s to work as a structure for the panels in between the 4x4s. By 5 we were halfway done and it seemed to be pretty structurally sound.

We then chugged more water and exitedly went upstairs to try this new slow cooked goodness.