

Chapter: 2 Change

Jim opened woke up feeling lethargic as if he had been paralyzed, he tried opening his eyes, but his eyelids didn't respond. He could even feel his limbs. At this point, Jim started panicking imagining that the tree had absorbed his entire body leaving only a head lying in the crater. After about an hour of crazy thoughts, Jim calmed down and began assessing his situation carefully. Although he couldn't open his eyes, he could strangely feel the sunlight falling on his body making him feel particularly comfortable. As the sunlight came into contact with his body it seemed to be transformed into a different kind of energy and stored in his cells making him feel livelier.

As his senses grew, he seemed to perceive the shape of his body which appeared to be a small tree, his roots could feel the soil texture and his leaves seemed to move with the light breeze. This shocked him as he seemed to realize his situation. He had become a plant. Jim was surprisingly calm, he seemed to relate the small tree to the being he had seen in his dream. Although he was sad to lose his body, he wasn't particularly devastated as he was an orphan who had little to no social interaction. The only nostalgia he seemed to have, was the figure of a girl's back. But it was too late for regrets he didn't have the balls to express himself and had missed his chance.

Before he could continue being nostalgic a large amount of information was suddenly infused into his brain and he seemed to connect the dots on many of his suspicions. The unnamed tree was born billions of years ago but in its evolution, it didn't evolve intelligence. It had been born with the power to convert all kinds of energy and matter into a special kind of energy that could be absorbed by living cells which it could use to make itself infinitely powerful but its lack of intelligence only led it to devour everything in its surroundings without aim nor desire. It had repeated this cycle until it met him and had fused with his soul gaining things it needed to be a more advanced creature.

Jim seemed to realize that he had just obtained a great opportunity too bad the tree seemed to deem the human body too weak to assimilate and could only abandon his human identity. With this information, he seemed to know his next path consumes energy and matter for growth. Jim couldn't stand just waiting for results, so he started immediately focusing on the energy from the sun as he had felt it before deliberately guiding the absorption prosses. As he did so he became more proficient and a steady stream of energy went into his body nourishing his cells and his soul.

It had been about a week counting the days of sunlight when Jim suddenly found that he could perceive things around the tree. It wasn't much at most a meter, but with-it Jim's world came alive. He didn't have to live without a vision as he had imagined. It seemed to be a legendary mental perception. Although it was still weak, and the amount of information passed was very little it gave Jim hope for the future.