
World strongest sage

join Elias as he rise to the apex of this magical world filled with power struggling people, who would do anything to become world greatest...

prynex · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Cerebial lord, blood moon, abyssal snake... OH AND ALSO SOAP....

"One question, who was it that dropped the quest on killing a fire spirit anyways?"Elias asked after thinking what would be the benefit of killing a fire spirit far away from human habitation.

"It's the royal magic academy." The guild master replied sitting on his chair before going through some paperwork. "The royal mage academy! That explains why a meeting with the royal mage court was part of the reward, but why would they put it as a request on the guild, I mean they're also supposed to be powerful enough to do it themselves so why would they pay to get a quest like that done with no benefits?" Elias asked the guild master who the replied with a lazy tone saying

"Who cares, they just want to waste money but look on the bright side you got an amazing reward so you should be glad...Now I'll remind you, you have a pretty tight schedule ahead, tomorrow there's a special occasion at the royal palace, I've been invited but I'm not sure I can make it, I'm already pretty much busy with the guild matters as it is, so I'm sending you in my place to be my ambassador, you'll have to start your journey today if you want to make it in time and get settled after all the capital city is an eight hours journey from here, while you're there you can also take that time to visit the royal mage court". The guild master said to Elias who then laughed saying distance is not a problem that he'll go there tomorrow morning.

[Back at the inn]

"It took me three hours of intense concentration, but with a little bit of reality and memory magic I recreated soap and perfume not to mention their high quality, I could smell it from a mile away." Elias said holding a bar of soap and a bottle of perfume in his hand as he stared at it with such blissful eyes.

"I'm kinda worried though, I haven't seen lilly in a day now, she told me she could handle herself but the thought of her being around other humans by herself gives me this bad feeling, I hope those bastard don't lay a finger on her body." Elias thought to himself as he took a nice warm bath with soap and after which he slept off.

[In Elias Dreams]

"You have to... Only you can claim the inheritance of the Cerebial lord.. Don't forget when the blood moon come you shall face tribulations and only with the inheritance of the Cerebial lord can help you, don't forget you already have the Abyssal snake in you all you have to do is call out...."

[Wakes up]

"I've been having the same dream ever since the day I came to this place, what gives! do the people of this world have only one dream, it's creeping me out... Cerebial lord, blood moon, abyssal snake, those are the things I have no knowledge of....Wait ever since I woke up I feel strange, it's as if there's a squishy soft ball on my chest but that's not all I feel heavy..... I'd recognize that feeling anywhere... when did lilly get here." Elias said looking left only to find lilly sleeping by his side with her body partially on top his own.. "What the it's the middle of the night... I guess I should sleep some more, after all I have a busy day ahead." Elias said falling asleep.

[in Elias Dreams]

"You have to... Only you can claim the inheritance of the Cerebial lord.. Don't forget when the blood moon come you shall face tribulations and only with the inheritance of the Cerebial lord can help you, don't forget you already have the Abyssal snake in you all you have to do is call out...."

[wakes up]

"That's it I'll never sleep again!!!" Elias said in fury as he thought of an idea of a magic that can change dreams. "Why would you never sleep again, that's an intense statement." Elias heard a soft voice coming from the direction of the window as he looked up only to see lilly standing close to the window with her white silk almost see through night gown, the rays of the sun made it even easier to see through giving her the most beautiful contrast on her curves as Elias stared at her with a stiff expression on his face.

"Damn it, How come I can still control my self in this kind of situation....I was just being sarcastic, I didn't sleep well last night that's all." Elias replied stroking his hair as he got up from bed.

"That's probably my fault, when I came back yesterday you were already asleep, but there was this incredible fragrance that came from your body I couldn't help but sleep closely, I'm sorry." Lilly apologized with a cute face which would make even the devil's forgive her.

"Oh you mean the soap?" Elias stated as he could still smell it's fragrance from his body. "Soap! that word sounds familiar, you've mentioned it before." Lilly said trying to recall. "You have such retentive memory, I did mention it the first day we went shopping but they didn't had one so I made mine." Elias said as he magically vanished a bar of soap with the vanilla and rose flower fragrance...

"it's smell so good, I bet it's also as sweet as it smells!" lilly said with hunger for the taste of soap... "It's not eatable silly, you bathe with it." Elias said taking his clothes off for a demonstration. "You mean you let something so perfect waste on a bath, shy would you do that it's...."*cuts in by Elias who used the tip of his index finger to cover her mouth*

" How about a little demonstration, I also have plenty more surprises after that, feel free to join me in the pleasure of bathing with a soap as perfect as this".

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