
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

A Sister's Sacrifice

Chaos reigned outside as the prophesied catastrophe descended upon the city. Inside the tower, the companions mobilized, steeling themselves for the battle ahead.

"The shielding enchantments around the tower won't hold forever against this assault," Emily said grimly, fortifying the magical barriers with swift motions. "Our only chance is to find the source and stop this at its root."

She turned to Timothy. "You must focus past the destruction around us. Follow the dark presence back through the veil of your visions. Lead us to the heart of this calamity!"

Timothy closed his eyes, trying to steady his breathing and penetrate the visions swarming his mind's eye. But the smoke and screams drifting through the window threatened to distract him, sowing seeds of doubt.

Percy stepped forward then, placing her hands on either side of Timothy's head. As her star-flecked eyes began to glow, Timothy suddenly felt a sense of tranquility envelope his thoughts. The clamor around them faded into the background as Percy used her abilities to isolate Timothy's psyche from the surrounding chaos.

"I will shield you from distraction," she said, her voice echoing as if from a distance. "Now seek out the source!"

Bolstered by his sister's intervention, Timothy delved deeper into the tempest of his dreams, searching for the dark presence lurking just out of sight. There...on the periphery, a swirling malevolence awaited.

With mounting dread, Timothy traced the inky tendrils back through the kaleidoscope of visions, slowly revealing a shadowy figure wreathed in violet flames. Their sinister laughter echoed all around as the world burned before them.

"I see them!" Timothy shouted. "A being consumed by darkness...they're the one behind this!"

With Percy anchoring him, Timothy projected his consciousness towards the robed silhouette. But as he approached, their head snapped towards him, eyes blazing.

"You will not stop me, fool boy," a chilling voice rasped. "This world will burn until naught remains but ash!"

A wave of violet fire surged towards Timothy. Crying out, he desperately tried to withdraw back to himself, but felt his mind snared by the dark being's grasp.

"Timothy!" Percy's terrified voice seemed to echo from some distant shore. Frantically he reached for her presence, feeling it waver as the shadowy flames engulfed him.

Just as panic threatened to overwhelm him, the inferno penetrating his defenses, Percy hurtled into his psyche with a defiant scream.

"You will not take him!"

Her starlight aura flared, beating back the shadows temporarily. Timothy felt her desperately trying to shield him at the cost of leaving herself vulnerable.

"Percy, no!" he cried out, but it was too late. As he watched helplessly, the dark figure turned the full force of its wrath upon his sister. Her light guttered like a dying star until only embers remained.

With a gasp, Timothy wrenched himself back to awareness in the tower. Percy was slumped on the floor, her breathing labored and blood trickling from her nose.

"What happened?" Emily asked urgently, rushing to Percy's side. "Her pulse is faint!"

"The shadow being...it was too strong," Timothy choked out, anguish gripping him as Percy weakly lifted her head. He could tell she was barely clinging to consciousness after expending all her energy to save him.

"I'll be alright, Timothy," she whispered. "Find them...stop this..." Her eyes drifted shut again as she slipped into darkness.

Rage and grief battled within him. The malevolent presence had nearly shattered his mind, but Percy had paid the price instead. For her sake, he had to keep fighting.

Turning to the others, new resolve burning in his eyes, Timothy said "Percy won't have sacrificed herself in vain. We end this threat here and now!"

Emily laid a gentle hand on Percy's forehead. "She's stable for the moment - her life force remains, though weakened. We must make haste before the shadow being launches another attack!"

Ryan drew his sword, the gleaming blade seeming to radiate hope. "With our powers combined, we can slay this fiend before their ruin spreads further."

Mad opened the mysterious tome, which had fallen silent since first summoning Ryan. "The time has come to unlock the secrets within...and unleash its full potential against our enemy."

Timothy steeled himself, Percy's limp form driving him onward. The showdown with the robed figure lay ahead. He would see their apocalyptic plans ended once and for all.

The fate of the world rested in his hands. Glancing back at his sister's wan face, Timothy vowed to protect her - and all those they held dear. No matter the cost.

"For Percy...for the future."