
World of mysterious

A bus filled with 30 students and teachers, had left for a trip to the local Mountains. Four ours into the ride, the bus had disappeared.

B1gduff · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


Slowly two days had passed. To Al, these two days were different than what he had envisioned. Even with the change, Al still was enjoying life.

He had gotten closer to Jessica, and in these two days, he was able to display everything he had learned.

In these two days, a lot had happened. First, they were finally able to make clothes.

It started with Jessica and Al, spending a good morning and collecting fibers from the flax trees and breaking them down into single layers. Then, taking the piece of fibers, Al taught just how to knot them together to make string.

While Jessica went to work on creating long strings, Al had created a woven machine, using wood and rock. ( do to the need of moving this story, and people wishing to see the ntr, I'll skip the direction on how to make a woven machine, it actually quite simple, if people are curious just search a survival videio on :).

After making the woven machine. it was already afternoon; taking a small break and eating the barries for lunch, they moved towards fishing. Another few hours went, by and it was evening, But Al was able to catch two medium-size fishes.

Al left them for Jessica to cook, then he went back to fiber and started woven them, using a sharp fishbone, a small branch for the texture.

Using the fishbone, he went up and down, while with the branch, he went lateral and created a criss-cross pattern.

Eventually, it was lunchtime, and they ate lunch. Then Al returned back to wove the fiber, and Jessica joined in to help.

In total, it took a day an half. Still, Al was able to create two pieces of one peace clothes (Think of an Apron, but cover both sides well, but has to tied, Using the extra strings AL also decided to create under wear for both him and Jessica using, the local leaves and the tree. The last piece was a oversized blanket.

It wasn't fashioned nova quality, but it provided warmth and protection.

Next, in her embarrassment, Jessica asked him to create a few bras, using the large coconut shell leftover.

Which he agreed.

Then on the second half of the second day, Al went to the river bank and worked on his fish trap, where he used wood, blocked a specific bit of the bed, and left an opening. Where the fish or crab could enter but not leave.

Today was the fourth day since they had been on this island. Both Al and Jessica had decided to explore and fix a few problems for the shelter.

Wearing his created Apron/coat, Al carried a spear along with him.

Followed by Jessica, who also had the same Apron/coat. While Al had decided to create his trap, she had gone to woven more fiber and made a shirt that was a lot larger than, but still, she wore it.

The two set out, going further into the small island they were located.

" look, Al, there are mangoes on the tree!"

" coconuts!"

Along the way, Al and Jessica many different plants and trees that could have been found on earth and other species of plants that were foreign to them.

A few hours had gone by, and the duo finally decided to rest.

Al and Quickly ate the food that they had brought. Thanks to Jessica, who had the bright idea to smoke the extra fish meat and make fish jerky.

Just as there eating, there hear a rattle-like sound coming from one direction. Grabbing his spear, he told Jessica to be quiet as he slowly moved towards the sound.

Just as he got there, he heard a bunch of screams and then the next thing he noticed was that he was on the group and a girl with brown curly hair was on top of him, while still yelling and pounding her fists into his chest.

" get off me, Get off me."

Al quickly grabbed hold of her and yelled to her.

" Can you shut up and stop!"

Hearing his voice, the girl finally stopped and noticed Al's face about a few inches away from her.

A few seconds had gone by, and the girl still hadn't moved her face, which was still glued to Al's face

" Hmm, hey, are you still there? Hello," Al nicely called out to her.

Instead of moving herself, the girl still had her face glued to Al, and then she started crying..

"Al, is that really you? "

" Al..... is this a dream...