
World of mysterious

A bus filled with 30 students and teachers, had left for a trip to the local Mountains. Four ours into the ride, the bus had disappeared.

B1gduff · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Approaching death

Al could feel death approaching, min by mins, seconds by second. it approached.


Paul quickly rushed over with a spear, followed by Elena and April. Each carrying a spear.

At this moment, all of Al's thoughts were directed at the approaching raptor. Regardless of the injuries he had suffered, right now, the only thing in his mind was to survive!

Just then, Al blood started to burn, he had found out that everything around him had slowed down. It was as if time had slowed down.

He looked at the raptors, that was now approaching him at the speed of a snail, then he turned to look at Paul, Elena, and April. Who were runnings towards him with fear. He also noticed the tears coming out of the girl's eyes, especially Elena.

" She's actually crying..."

Finally, Al looked over at the spear that was laying next to him, with his last bit of strength.

He picked the spear up, positioned it where the spearhead was placed at the approaching raptor's head.

He held there and waited and waited for the raptor.

Sweat started to pour from his forehead.

To Al, this went slow, but to others, time didn't slow down at.

For Paul and the rest, time seemed to speed up.

Bang! the raptor and the spear collided.

" No"

to them, Al picking the spear and positioning it towards the raptor, occurred the same time that the raptor had pounced on Al.

Just than heard a loud scream from Al.

" Garrrrrrrrrrrrr"

And then it ended.

Paul threw his spear and hit the raptor's head, throwing the raptor off of Al.

The girls rushed over to Al.

" Al....Ohh no "

" please noooo."

Tear stricken faces they appeared to Al.

To their hope, Al was still alive and breathing. But he was in pain, his right arm was filled with blood."

Paul, who comes to the raptor, was surprised to see it dead. Al spear had directly gone thru its open mouth and through the brain

Next, he returned to the Al.

" It's fine. He's still alive. we need to take him to the campsite; now, he's losing blood."

Peter and Richard came up to Al, and along with Paul, they carried him back to the camp. While Elena and April had bandaged the wound on his arm.

They rushed back.

In different part's of the world. In a place that looked like a ruined city; in a small corner, with broken walls and pillars, on one of the broken wall, wording had appeared.

" aw...ake...bl lin.....Ult Sensitivity"


When the rest of the group had noticed, the group carrying AL., they rushed over, Jessica in the lead, with tears dripping down her face.

" Don't cry, Don't cry," Al said, as he gently touched Jessica's face and removed the tear. " It's just a small. wound"

Lisa also walked over and removed the bandages that held the wound. ' NOO! Al we need to close you wound now!"

" Shit....Shit....Fuck, how are we suppose to that...fuck!"

Lisa started passing back and forth.

In a weak voice, Al spoke, " Burn the wound."

Lisa looked back at him..." What?"

" Cauterize it!"

SHocked appeared in everyone's eyes.

Jessica/Elena/Lisa: No Al!

"We can't wait! it'll get worst," Paul said as he walked over to Al and helped him lay next to the fire pit.

" I'm sorry, Al. But this is going to hurt like a muther fucker" He quickly grabbed a wooden stick and told Al to bite on it.

Next, he took a stick and started to poke it into the fire until it hot enough.

He also had happened to clean Al's wound up.

" Al, I'll make it quick" he took the stick and placed it on the wound.

" AHhhhhhhhhhhh"

" Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

Seeing Al screaming and being in pain, the group turned their eyes away and went back to sheds

While Jessica and Elena held on to each other.

Lisa and April helped hold Al down, Tears dropping from April's eyes down onto Al's face.

Soon it got quiet. Due to the pain, Al had fainted, but his wound had been closed.

" ugghh..."

Slowly opening his eyes, Al slowly got up from the bed.

To his right, layed the sleeping Jessica, who had was holding one of his hands.

Noticing movement on the bed, Jessica hoped her eyes to see Al's sitting up.

" Al, your up!" she quickly got up and hugged him, followed by a kiss to his lips.

Al returned the kiss with some tongue action.

" Stop!" Jessica quickly pushed Al back, just as Paul, Lisa, and Elena had walked in.

" HAHA, good boy, knew you were going to get through it." Paul came up to him and gave him a high five, followed by Lisa and Elena, who had given him a hug as well.

After the hugs, Al looked over at the burned arm and noticed that scar on it.

Seeing him looking at that arm, Lisa " I'm sorry Al, but we don't have any treatments or ways to treat."

Al looked over at her and smiled, " don't worry, we find better ways to treat and heal!"

" So, how long have I been out for?

" it's been about a day; you fainted Around mid-day, and now it's morning; everyone else is still asleep."

" A day," Al was bewildered by this, " is there anything else to do or need?" he said as he got out of bed.

Paul: "We need water, at least two full pots, we need to save the meat from the raptors and the hide, and then there needs to be worked done in the camp. I'm gone take Peter and Richard and deal with the meat.

Al: I help get the water.

Jessica: I'll go with Al!

No one said anything about that, and quickly went to work.

Al and Jessica walked towards the waterfall while Al was in his thoughts.

He was trying to remember what happened yesterday. When it felt like time had slowed down. It felt different. He felt different.

Since the first few days, he had noticed changes occurring to his body. Increase in strength, faster reactions, and even now, he felt like his sense had improved more.

He could hear. Further, his smell was more potent, the reaction was faster.

Was it due to the near death experience? Al wonder.

Slowly he stopped thinking about it and looked at the curving figure walking in front of him.

He still remembered her and even Elena crying yesterday. It was something he did not want them to experience.

Al quickly caught up to her, and using his hand, he grabbed hold of that magnificent bottom of her.

Jessica blushed after that action and looked over at Al.

Back at the Campsite.

" Damn bastard, had everyone worried, and now he's probably enjoying himself," Elena said as she helped Lisa.

" Come on, girl, you can't be like that; who was it that didn't want to leave his side either" Lisa replied back with a smile.

Elena now started to blush, " Hey, I was just making sure he was doing fine, and if Jessica needed any help."

" Off course...."

Lisa had decided after seeing Al getting hurt abd not able to do anything to look more into studying the creatures and plants to see health treatments and the nature of the animals.

Currently, She had asked Paul and the boys to get her the bones for her to study. Elena and April would Help her.

Back to the Forest,

" OOh yes, that's it. AL do it harder."

At the moment, the two were in a moment of bliss.

" This is amazing!"

Jessica was bending over a rock while Al stood behind her going back and forth.

Just than AL stopped.

" Jessica I'm going to pick you up"

" Wait..wait...."

Al, quickly turned Jessica around, who was now facing him.

Without a second, Al gave Jessica a deep kiss. Jessica had lost full sense, and was not in a moment of bliss.

Al picked her up, holding her by her buttocks, and walked over to the waterfall.

Still holding and kissing her, Al inserted his divine tower into her and started to thrush harder.

" Oooooooooooohhhhhh, Al I'mmmmmm Cumming" At this point, jessica eyes rolled back, and she had gone into another world while Al enjoyed her!