
Chapter 1: Waking up

Opening my eyes slightly, its so little amount that is open that its very hard to see around but this is to prevent the ones next to me from noticing that I am awake if anyone is next to me.

Trees, Blue sky and leaves blocking the sun, I inhale the very lightly and the smell of dirt and nature came to me, moving my hands barely feeling dirt and a few rocks my body feels sluggish and the surrounding is spinning, my back must be above a rock as pain is pushing into my lower back from it.

Forest? [?]

Seeing there is nobody or nothing living around me, I set up and then observe my surroundings, I was right a Forest. Looking at my black clothing black gloves, touching my face a black scarf cover my lower face and there seems to be a clock that is covering me, checking my pocket I am able to feel that I have a hood.

I am an assassin that is what I can recall, the memory of my combats skills is partly there but not all about 25% is present, I also have memories of a language but never heard of it. [?]

My name is... Don't know, I know I died and this is not my body it was more flexible then this so this is a different world? How did I die? A vague feeling tells me I saved my last contract Life and finished my mission at the same time but required my life in return. [?]

Getting on my feet, the surrounding started spinning even more then before.

Poison? [?]

Grabbing onto a tree close by, I stabilized myself and then started walking in a direction anywhere but here, using the trees to help move my way, I go through many trees and finding a small village, I take a step to move to the village but lost all energy and I collapsed and was knocked out.


A man probably 26 years old walking with his upper body displayed for all to see as he has a wood axe on his right shoulder he walked to a tree and started swinging at the tree.

{Thud!} {Thud!}

Hitting the tree the axe was hit deeply into tue tree, the huge tree was hit a few more times then it fell, even if the tree was thick as a mans waist it only took a few hits to cut it down by the man, there he stood back as the tree fell, it hit a few tree branches from closer trees and ripped and snapped them from the trees.


The tree landed hard on the ground, there the young man moves to the tree and started cutting the tree into fire wood logs and like before it was only a few hits and a log was made but the further he moved to the top of the tree the faster he got as the tree got thinner it needed less power to be used and increased his speed.

Just as he was about to swing he spotted something black on the ground curious he moved over and seen that its a human all in black.

Running over and seeing branches had hit the person that is face down in the dirt on the back the tree he cut down had almost landed on the figure. Moving the branches out of the way and some needed to be cut to move them, but he moved quick and arrived pushing the figure onto his back he noticed its a man and slapping him on the face to wake him up, he moved the scarf off his lower face and seen his lips are dark purple and blue mix.

Poison? (??)

Dropping his axe, and picking the man up he made his way quickly to the village, people moving about but many stopped and seen the man running past quickly. The man got to a wooden house and kicked the door open and scared the ones inside they looked over and a woman with blond hair and large breasts a yellow staff with runes glowing on it made her way over and the axe man placed the man on a table.

Doc, I think he has been poisoned he was in the forest and almost had a tree land on him. (??)

Poison? Or you slapped him to death? (Doc)

The red hand print clear on his face where the axe man slapped him he looked away seeing his mistake.

looked over the purple blue lips and then feeling his pulse that is slowing at a noticeable pace, there she tapped her staff onto the wooden floor and a golden light lit at the top of her staff and then it became a golden mist and moved into the mans mouth and nose, the purple blue lips faded back to normal color.

Feeling his pulse again its stable and strong.

He will be fine, he will wake up fine not even realize you slapped him half to death to wake him. Now as for the pay. (Doc)

Haha! Alright, I almost crushed him with a tree I can at least pay. (??)

And slapping him to death was not part of it? (Doc)

I will pay once I am done cutting the tree and moving the wood I don't have money on me as I go cutting. (??)

The man left, more like ran as if a savage beast was drilling holes into his back as he ran.



I am being chased by a huge mushroom they are yelling, eat me! As they gave chase, running and running they never seemed to give up, but I am not one to give in, my lungs hurt, breathing heavy, legs are feeling like noodles, but I never stopped running.

I look back and the mushroom seemed to be smiling like it has won, I look forward to run faster only to see it drops to a rapid running river below, there I ran off and fell into the rushing water below.


I open my eyes and look at the wooden roof there I scan my surroundings and there is a woman with blond hair flowing down, her body structure is curved beautifully.

Looking around a bit more there is no dizzy feeling the room has many tables and there is a few others on them, there is a white blanket over everyone even me.

Gr. (?)

Looking over to the grunting sound, the woman made her way to the man laying down and spoke in a language I know but never learned.

In pain? (Doc)

Doc, my insides are hurting as if I had eaten fire. (??)

There she tapped her staff and a golden light appeared at the top of the staff even though its bright it does not hurt ones eyes, and then it turned to gold mist and entered the mans mouth and he inhaled deeply as he relaxed.

Thanks. (??)

Now get some rest, the pain will be gone one more day so hang in there. (Doc)

So she is a doctor and I was right this is a different world, Magic as in the manga and novels. [?]

Moving my limbs and seeing they are not as sluggish and hard to move as before, and I don't feel weak like before.

Setting up, the doc looked over and made her way over she has blue eyes that are pure as jewels that scanned over him like she can see everything.

Good morning, I am Haley, the Village Doctor, everyone calls me Doc, how do you feel? (Haley)

Haley, nice name. I feel pretty good no pain well there seems to be a phantom pain on my face as if been hit by a beast other then that feel very well, are you the one that found me? (?)

No, Jack our wood cutter found you, he brought you here after noticed that you got poisoned do you know how that happened? (Haley)

So I was poisoned. [?]

No, I don't, I actually don't remember much of anything maybe amnesia just woke up and started walking and my body was getting weaker and weaker till I passed out. (?)

You don't remember? What is your name? (Haley)

My name? I don't know. (?)

Amnesia it seems, the poison could have damaged your memory it should be temporary hopefully. (Haley)

Okay, take it easy and rest here for tonight and tomorrow we can see if you remember anything and processed from there. (Haley)

Feeling tired already I lay down and fall asleep right away without knowing it.

The doc put the white thin blanket over him and waving her staff the candles that have a blue flame was snuffed out turning the room dark and she left.


{Tweet! Whistling!}

The sounds of birds and a warm feeling the surroundings is bright even with my eyes closed, opening the window has sun light beaming inside bathing me in its glory there the others are still sleeping.

Getting up, I make my way to the wooden door, opening the door and walking out the village is active the people moved about with smiles on there faces and laughing as they talked to each other, the village is so peaceful.

Checking all my pocket to find anything of help telling me who I am there in my clock outer pocket seven gold coins is, putting it back and checking for and inner pockets and finding one pulling out a black coin with a white skull and purple eyes engraved on it.

Flipping it over the words Death is carved on it.

Your awake. (Doc)

Closing my hand holding the coin and putting it in my inner pocket again, there Turning around to face the doctor.

Thanks Haley, I feel better, how much do I owe you? (?)

No, need. Jack already paid your bill he almost dropped a tree in you and as a sorry paid for you. (Haley)

I see, I need to thank him later. Haley, I don't seem to remember many things, can you tell me a few things. (?)

Sure. (Haley)

Come, lets have a seat. (Haley)

Following her inside and closing the door once more, sitting at a desk and sitting on the opposite side of her.

What would you like to know? (Haley)

Can you tell the money system, where I am and a few of the surrounding areas any dangerous areas and what is dangerous and what is not, is there a blacksmith here if not where is the closest one. (?)

Well, that is quiet the list you tossed out to me. (Haley)

Alright, money. Gold is the highest one gold coin is 100 silver, one silver is 100 bronze. (Haley)

You are at Gray forest village, this village is on the Northern edge and north is the closest city called north gray forest city, the dangerous areas are the inner section of the gray forest magic beast are abundant in there and many different types, and the trees get taller and leaves will block the sun out and makes it hard to see, in the morning you will have very little amount of light enough to see but that is it. (Haley)

The road to the city is safe, then there is a more dangerous path that can lead you to the south city called south gray forest city but you need to pass through the inner section of gray forest and very dangerous. (Haley)

There is a blacksmith his name is smith he can be found at the village west edge side. (Haley)

Thanks for all you have told me, I have some things I need to go do so I will take my leave. (?)

Alright, take it easy while running about I don't want to see you back here. (Haley)

Waving good bye I leave and head to the Blacksmith, making my way west, I find that this village is actually large there has to be at least 3000 people present, passing the active people and working my way over I arrive close enough to here the smith hammering sounds, following it like a guide I arrive at the large stone building and heat just pours out from the building.

Getting inside, the room has many Weapon racks with swords and shields, spears and more.

Walking around and finding a few bows and testing them, I see they are actually weak. Finding a black bow picking it up its heavy its still wood but heavy, pulling it back and it was difficult but still able.

Not letting it go but weakening my strength the bow string sprung to life as it pulled my arm but slowing it down.

Not bad, help me get better arm power as I use it. (?)

Funding rows of Quivers of different types I grabbed a black leather one that will fit the arrow size needed for the bow and finding arrows next, grabbing and placing as many I can inside the quiver until full holding 50 arrows.

Looking aroumd some more and finding daggers, picking them up one by one and feeling there balance, after finding the right one being a straight double edged, the the daggers sheath is black leather the same leather for the handle.

Making my way over to a counter, I placed everything down on it and made my way looking for one last thing a bag, and finding just that a black leather sack and a leather strap, bringing it over I place it with my other items and yell out.

Boss! (?)

Coming! (Smith)

A large man with a brown leather uniform on and many black scorched marks on the leather, muscles are bulging, he placed a hammer down and took large brown leather gloves off and placed them on the side.

Kiddo you have quite the pile of goodies. (Smith)

How much will it be? (?)

Hmm, one second. (Smith)

Grabbing the quiver and scanned over the arrows, then the other items, once done he spoke.

248 silver. (Smith)

Do you have any feathers and just arrow heads? (?)

I do, how many? (Smith)

100 normal arrowheads, and 400 feathers. (?)

That will be 52 silver. (Smith)

Sounds good that should be three gold right? (?)

Your right. (Smith)

Placing the gold and Smith walked into the back and some rumbling through items was heard then he came back with two small sacks and placed them down.

Easier to carry. (Smith)

Taking the two sacks and tieing them to the outside the black leather bag then putting the bag on my left shoulder, and putting the quiver on my right shoulder, putting the dagger on my left waist side and holding the bow in my left hand, having to move the bag and the quiver about until it was set right.

Good doing business with you! (Smith)

Thanks for your equipment! (?)

Waving I leave and head out to get some food and and a waterskin.

the preparation are done and able to leave the starting village, haha!

LordSpecter3366creators' thoughts