
World of Amethyst

What would you do if a God gave you 1 wish and you wished to go to another world? what would you do when you arrived in that world and found out that beings can destroy mountains with just a punch and pluck stars from the sky with their own hands? James Amethyst is a boy who wanted to become strong but never had the chance because he was always sick but that changed after a God offered him 1 wish. Now lets watch James Amethyst become strong by working hard in another world.

Qhio · Fantasia
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2 Chs

A New World.


It has been 2 months since James Amethyst came to this new world he has found out a lot about this world like to cultivate you need to have a spiritual Root not everyone is born with one but James was lucky he found out he has an unparalleled Spiritual Root called ''Divine star Spiritual Root''. When James heard this he was so happy that he could feel his blood moving out of excitement but to James surprise their is always one person who is jealous of another person so they try to destroy that person.


''Wow this world is really beautiful, okay now isn't the time to view this world first I need to find a city or a place with people in it.''

While James was wondering around trying to find places with humans he remembered that God said he would give him a system this instantly made James think.

''How do I activate the system do I just say ''System appear'' when James said this he heard aloud noise in his head.

''Ding! Congratulations to the Host for Activating the system, you have received 2 Gifts from the system please check your inventory''

When James Amethyst heard this he started by asking the system questions.

''System what are your functions?''

The system replied immediately

''Ding! The systems functions are to help the host by becoming the strongest in the world by giving you missions for you to complete, by completing these missions the Host will receive rewards that are suited for the Host to become the strongest but you will have to work hard for these rewards.

''Okay can you show me my status and the missions as well''

''Ding! Congratulations to the host for finding out the status function, you have received a cultivation technique called ''Divine Star Technique'' please check your inventory.''

''Ding! Host this is your status and the missions.''

Before James could say anything a screen appeared in front of him.

[ System: No name( Host please give me a name)

[ System level: 1

[ Hosts level: 1

[ Host: James Amethyst

[ Age: 40 years old

[ Inventory: 2 Gifts and one Divine Star Technique (please check these when you have time.)

[ Physique: 1

[ Strength: 1

[ Agility: 1

[ (Average humans strength is 1)

[ Shop: Host needs to reach level 10 before unlocking the shop.

[Spiritual Root: None( Host can receive a Spiritual Root after you open up the Gifts in the Inventory)

Missions: Do 10 push ups.

progress 0/10

Mission rewards: 10 points into all stats.

James inspected the system for about 1 minute before asking the system.

''System won't I become overpowered because the missions are too easy''

The system replied immediately

''Ding! Host yes and no''

James was confused by this.

''System can you please explain.''

''Ding! What I mean is that you will be overpowered but not right now the missions get a lot harder over time right now you will receive 10 points into every stats but that's because you are too weak in this world normal humans strengths reach 10 for each stat so the system has given you a mission that will give you 10 points so you won't die instantly.''

''Oh okay I get it but why does it say normal humans strength reach 1 under the agility?''

''Ding! Congratulations for the host to find an error in the system, we will fix it right away it should take 1 second.''

''Ding! the system has fixed the problem, Host please check the status again.

James opened the system panel.

[ System: No name( Host please give me a name)

[ System level: 1

[ Hosts level: 1

[ Host: James Amethyst

[ Inventory: 2 Gifts and one Divine Star Technique (please check these when you have time.)

[ Age: 40 years old

[ Physique: 1

[ Strength: 1

[ Agility: 1

[ (Average humans strength is 10)

[ Shop: Host needs to reach level 10 before unlocking the shop.

[Spiritual Root: None( Host can receive a Spiritual Root after you open up the Gifts in the Inventory)

Missions: Do 10 push ups.

progress 0/10

Mission rewards: 10 points into all stats.

James saw that the system repaired the error but this made James doubt the system because if there is one error the system should have some more.

Before James could open his mouth or say anything the system said

''Ding! Don't worry Host the system only had that error because that was the average number for a human in your old world.''

James got confused he didn't even say anything but the system replied to him.

''System can you hear what I'm saying'' The system replied ''Ding! of course I can hear you I am in your soul so I can hear what you think.

''Ding! Host please choose a name for me.''

James rubbed his nose, showing a bitter smile on his face

''Hmmm System ill call you Ava.''

''Ding! Thank you Host for giving me a name, the system has now updated the system panel please check.''

''Ding! The system has levelled up to level 2 please check the other function that have appeared.''

James checked the system panel again when he opened it he saw that the system had an ability function he saw that he had an ability called Infinite life.

[ System: Ava

[ System level: 2

[ Hosts level: 1

[ Host: James Amethyst

[ Age: 40 years old

[ Inventory: 2 Gifts and one Divine Star Technique (please check these when you have time.)

[ Physique: 1

[ Strength: 1

[ Agility: 1

[ (Average humans strength is 10)

[ Shop: Host needs to reach level 10 before unlocking the shop.

[Spiritual Root: None( Host can receive a Spiritual Root after you open up the Gifts in the Inventory)

Abilities: Infinite life(Immortality host cannot die even if the whole world gets destroyed)

Missions: Do 10 push ups.

progress 0/10

Mission rewards: 10 points into all stats.

James was so confused to why he got an overpowered ability.

The system replied saying ''Ding! Host you are given Infinite Life because the God of your old world decided to help you one last time by giving you the chance to live forever.