
Easter Egg


A new game was released at a very unexpected time. The developer, as well as the publisher, Nebula Universe, was a fairly unknown name in the gaming industry in this age.

Because of their unrecognized fame and unknown history, many doubted their game. Moreover, even the AI didn't have information about this company.

However, a day after its appearance in the industry, the AI discovered that Nebula Universe was a new competitor. They were recently formed on the same day as their game "Pandemonium" release.

A week passed, and people were still hesitant to play Pandemonium. Not until a famous streamer finally shared his opinion of that game.

"Wah. It's so fun and addicting that I forgot to tell you guys how great this game is."

Only after that famous streamer made his statement about how amazing Pandemonium was did people start to flock in.

In just a month after its release, Pandemonium and its developer, Nebula Universe, rose up in position and dominated the global market for the gaming industry.

Anyway, that's enough introduction to the game.

Now, we shall return to the day Pandemonium first launched its server.


Spade idled in a white, infinite space. It was like a void. No matter where and how far one walked, one would always come back to one initial position.

At that time, he was nothing but a blob of floating fire. It was weird. To be something other than human or anything humanoid.

"But I must admit this game's character creation concept is fresh."

True. All games before Pandemonium were still using a character creation mode window to display their players' customizations. Seeing this game breaking from the mainstream brought a new air for gamers.

"Yeah, the pollution clogging my mind has now dissipated."

Spade walked or rather flew toward the blue light ahead of him. Once he reached the point, his body materialized. Naked.

Looking down, he didn't know what to feel because it didn't exist, or precisely, he looked like a djinn.

"Ah, really?"

Then, a copy of his body materialized in front of him. That one was complete. Covered with underwear and a simple tank top.

A moment later, it opened its eyes, causing Spade to flinch.

"Hello. I'm an avatar. Is this your first time here?"

Spade was amazed by the copy. Not only did it mimic his appearance, but his voice as well.

However, the longer he stared at the copy, the more his eyes squinted. His expression also turned somewhat grim.

"Hello? Is this your first time here?"

'What? Does it talk to me? I thought it would start blabbering about the support and guide or so whatever.'

Clearing his throat, Spade responded.

"Oh, nice. Then, let me explain to you..."

'Welp, there it goes.'

The copy explained basic game information but emphasized how the character creation operated, and it would periodically ask, "Did you understand?" to check that Spade was paying attention. If he hadn't, it would explain everything again from the beginning.

In the end, Spade noted the important bits, such as:

[Pandemonium doesn't have levels and specific or determined classes. However, you still earn experience (XP), and that XP can be spent to boost stats and learn skills.]

[There are 7 different races that are selectable in CC: Human, Elf, Dwarf, Beastkin, Skeleton, Goblin, and Homunculus. And, with a little bit of experimentation, you can end up becoming another race; for example, if you're a Human, you can be a Devil if you sign a contract with them. Of course, by doing so, you will become a hostile entity just like the last two races, Skeleton and Goblin.]

[XP is the core aspect of Pandemonium. That said, after your account is created, you will receive 100 XP for a starter. Be careful not to waste it for the sake of appearance.]

There's more, but it'll be too long and info-dumping if everything needs to be explained here.

"Alright, move on!"

Spade thought about what race he should pick. He carefully read each race's advantages and disadvantages. But nothing was of his interest. So he picked the most peculiar among them, Homunculus.

However, after he arrived in the "Traits" category, Spade thought of an idea. He changed his race into Elf. From there, he tinkered with the Traits. And when finished, Spade proudly nodded.

All races had two trait categories: one was for appearance, and the other was innate talent. Each category had a maximum of three slots; it was then divided again into a maximum (total) of four positive traits and six negative traits.

If someone wanted extra XP, they could put negative traits to their characters...

Elf traits were [Magic Aptitude] and [Beauty], so it would cost him 40 XP to just pick that race.

But Spade replaced them with [Impostor] and [Mimicry]. Then, he added additional negative traits: [Featureless], [Hideous], and [Mute].


Trait: Impostor

XP Cost: 50

When assuming a character, people will find it hard to detect your disguise.

Your resistance to detection is increased (High)


Trait: Voice Mimicry

XP Cost: 20

You can mimic voices.


Trait: Featureless

XP Cost: -40

You were born without eyes, mouth, and ears. At least your senses are still working to some extent.

Your vision is reduced (Medium)

Many will find it hard to understand what you're saying.

Your hearing is reduced (Medium)


Trait: Hideous

XP Cost: -30

You are uglier than an orc yet scarier than a demon.

Favorability with NPCs is reduced (High)


Trait: Mute

XP Cost: -20

Your vocal chord is broken.

You can't speak a word, but you can make a growl.

With that, his remaining XP was 80.


It was without reason that Spade put so many negative traits into his character.

He remembered the copy's words, "With a bit of experiment here and there, you can unlock new races."

At first, it was vague. But after it gave an example in which a human character became a devil after signing a contract with them, Spade got a gist of it.

That said, he initially thought it was enough to unlock the race he wanted with only [Impostor] and [Mimicry] (picking it after he put [Mute]). Because it didn't trigger anything, Spade decided to add the appearance characteristics: [Featureless] and [Hideous].

Spade didn't know if the race he wanted and pictured in his head would be the same as the game's lore. Fortunately, it was.

In any case, after tinkering with his race and Traits, Spade unlocked a new race.

With a perfect imitation of Spade's expression, the copy said:

"Wow! I never thought you'd be able to unlock the secret race."

Coming after that was a system window that notified him about achievement.

[Congratulations on discovering an Easter Egg - Chaos Incarnation!

Your experimentation attempt has led to the discovery of a new race, "Changeling"]

[You can change your race to "Changeling" for 50 XP. Proceed?]


[You have changed your race to "Changeling." Traits has been updated!]

As soon as he confirmed the change, the copy transformed into something alien. It was like a mannequin but more horror as if it was something born from hell.

Of course, it couldn't talk anymore because of the negative traits.

But Spade wouldn't have to worry since he was now a Changeling.

He proceeded to skip customizing his character. Well, his appearance was already ruined and looked like a devil. He didn't think customization would help at all.

Then, the next step was to choose an username.

"I'll go with my usual name."

Spade typed in a virtual keyboard.


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