
World Awakening: Nine Heavens Mall

Kyle transmigrated to sci-fi world where everyone has a chance to become super powerful. Everyone can awaken their own world at age of 16 and become powerhouse. Can he dominate this era? Or will he die straight away?

DaoistYIAJXu · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


As the world creator, Kyle also saw intruders but he didn't act immediately. His subjects should also temper themselves.

'Can I open portal to their world?'

'Its possible. The cost is 10000 faith'

When he saw that it's possible, he was sure what to do next.


"My emperor, what are the plans?"

A lizard-like humanoid animal said.

"There is saying that best defense is attack, mobilize all troops!"

A mighty voice said, he is current emperor, a human Mahayana Cultivator with title of Dao Emperor. He is now Aureolus

In next month's, army was converging towards court and the enemy slaughtering some villages. Court spies were also informing the ruler about the situation while armies were marching towards otherworldly demons.


The sun is setting and the dark was blossoming, it was also the day or more precise, the night when two enemies met.

On one side, ten thousand foundation establishment stood with hundred golden cores and ten nascent souls and other side was flocked by demons of all kinds, most of them were tens of meters big while the commanders were tens of meters big and big boss commanding eveeything was almost kilometer long. "You finally found us, huh." said biggest demons with form of a beat. He is comparable to nascent soul Cultivator but is more powerful as he cultivates hid body.

It was quiet for next hour and two armies were looking at eachother, but a human cultivators broke this scene and attacked bear demon at same time. It was this time that everyone started charging at eachother. At the beginning, it was demon who had upper hand but as battle goes on the humans were winning because before they had almost no fights. Blood was splattering every second and just as the humans were about to win, a femine and yet mighty voice sounded "all the demons, retreat" and a huge portal that was touching the sky appears, but Kyle as the world owner wouldn't let this opportunity waste and bought portal to invade attacker while shouting "all cultivators, go kill and conquer demons". When the Empire soliders heard it, everyone was excited and frantically shouted "Obey the Great Immortal, we shall not disappoint you".

[You gained 1110 fanatics]

[You gained 111100 faith]

The more powerful a creature is, the more faith it can contribute that's why it's so much faith.


When the woman attacking this world heard it, she paled and tried to escape but it was too late. She stands no chance against this world's people so it's even more impossible to kill world creator. She was running towards portal but a human immortal in white robes appeared, it was Kyle. When this lass saw it, she knew her chances disappeared. Kyle didn't say much but mobilized the world strength and killed her.

[It is detected that world you were conquering currently has no owner. Do you integrate?]


The next seconds felt like hell, volcanos erupted and earth was shaking. Everyone felt scared as its first time they experienced it. It was like this for a full week.The Heavenly Dragon Empire already knew the answer of this phenomenon, it was world expanding and the aura was getting richer every second.

Every practicioner broke through a layer even Aureolus and became first immortal in world.


'I want to buy an array that transforms spirit energy into mana' Kyle said to nine heavens mall when he saw that he can afford it. This step will make his world be closer to truly immortal realm.

Every action of his will have profound impact on his world so sun felt like it lost energy and world plunged into darkness while spiritual energy was rapidly declining. This calamity lasted for 10 years and finally whole realm was covered by formation and all his faith was spent again. After transformation, immortal world once again ushered in big changes. Various immortal roots and trees were ripened and golden cores became cannon fooders. The realms after Mahayana are : fake immortal, virtual immortal. Aureolus is currently virtual immortal. The names are based on properties of realm, fake immortal has just stepped into immortality and only transformed his energy so it's possible to kill while virtual realm is like third- dimensional creatures while the rest are two- dimensional. His body can be turned into particles of mana and even if there's only one left its possible to ressurect. The world now is also 600 square kilometers and immortals are basically probhited from shooting as it would destroy too much.

--real world--

Kyle is currently in his house, he resigned from school and is loose guy that should have no potential but reality is different. World creators also have realms that are based on 1-9 system with rank 1 as lowest and rank 9 could be a god. There's also universe creator above but it's not known how much of this kind of powerhouse are on earth. What everyone knows is that major countries have at least one universe creator. The biggest countries are: Poland, China, USA. There are also some smaller countries. 'I should be able to become rank 2 world creator. Most creators rely on faith to sublimate world but energy like mana or reiki is also fine.The more energy, the more it will expand so it's theoretically possible for rank 2 creator to have world bigger than rank 9.Kyle is relying on world energy to upgrade his world. He started breaking through and inside his realm the mana was converging into earth and started expanding. From starting 600 square kilometers 1000 kilometers.. 3000 kilometers... 15000 kilometers... 60000 square kilometers. Finally, it expanded almost hundred times and remaining mana was solidifying earth and space. After breakthrough, fake immortal and virtual immortal couldnt do much damage. First 100 years were desolate and finally mana rejuvenated.

------Finally, breaking through successful.

My world expanded hundred times and space Is ten thousand times more stable. I should conquer more world's.


"The Dao era shall begin, you should attack otherworldly demons and enrich Heavenly Dao" Kyle transmitted to every creature.

[You gained hundred milion fanatic believers]

[You gained bilion faith]

'I want to open ten thousand world portals'

[Are you sure? It will cost hundred milion faith]

When he opened portals, all preys felt sudden tide of mana and everyone was greedy. All worlds mobilized army and marches into Kyle's world

'I want to buy another formation that will transform mana into innate energy.

[Do you want to spend 500 milion faith]


In this instant, another miracle happened and reiki sublimated again. Two world formations merged and conversion rate became higher, trees mutated and began forming mana in their own. Every strand of grass could be counted as fairy grass in ordinary rank 2 world.

'I want to buy small world rule'

In this instant, his last savings dried up and he become poor man again but this was all worth it. Small world's began forming everywhere, in sands, grasses, caves and everything you could imagine except creatures. All sects are now seated in small words where innate energy is richer than outside. Now, most of outside world is inhabited by loose cultivators and mortals.


While the changes were happening, other worlds started attacking.

"What a rich energy, if we win the deity will make us immortal!

shouted a middle aged man and behind him there were hundreds of thousands of warriors.

Every warrior had some kind of beast on shoulder and the bigger it grew the more powerful they were. They called it totem and it's kind of ancestral power that works a bit like bloodline as everyone who has for example dragon is arrogant but powerful.

After marching for few days they saw first cultivators who just started cultivating and were only at foundation building.

"What a weak world, there are only so few people with power and yet they are so weak but spirit medicines grow everywhere, what a waste of natural resources" said some cannon fooder in army. The sects were currently rebuilding their bases so they had no time to deal with these ants that were only comparable to Mahayana. Most people in sect were fake immortals while sect leaders were golden body immortals, a stage after virtual realm. A golden body immortal condensed blood and flesh so much that it will look golden so now a drop of blood will be enough for them to ressurect. While it may sound worse than virtual immortal, the virtual needed to linger in world for thousands of years if they wanted to resurrect.

With such power it's a sweep of finger to kill these people but everyone agreed that it's a test to temper younger generations.

That's why only Mahayana and lower cultivators went out to fight. In just ten years they sweeped 25% of world's so 2.500 world's were integrated into immortal realm. There are all kinds of spirit fruits, trees and grasses everywhere. The world is now 6 milion square kilometers so it expanded ten times. Cultivation system also got perfected and so heavenly Dao.

---real world---

Kyle intends to start his own sect so that he will get money and cultivate subordinates at same time. He intends to name it "Immortal Lotus Sect". He intends to use his realm resources to make profit. The realms can be extracted into real world in shape of cards and others can use it. He can extract 1000kg od iron and it will be 1000kg iron card or extract entire vein and it will be iron vein card that's refilling every year. His believers are also steadily increasing and he's saving to buy starry sky card so that his world will expand again.

He can also conquer other worlds but it will be much harder as realms with stars are harder to find and their strength is much higher.

Now, Kyle intends to get startup money by selling techniques that are currently worthless to him. He opened his stall on bazaar and there are books listed "Lotus Core Art", "Golden Body Condensing", "Dragon Tendons Method" and everyone passing by was sneering as when they read the description of these methods they thought it's impossible for a youngster to have this kind of art or its some noble family but thats even more impossible as which aristocrat family lacks money. Finally a girl about his age went to his stall "Are you selling these?" she asked with a doubting voice. "Yes,why should I sell fakes?" Kyle retored but it seems that she didnt believe and yet "I want them all" In the end, she bought it for 250milions.