
Wolfe Queen

People dressed in black, with their faces covered by masks. In the hall of the villa stood men dressed in black, with their faces covered with masks. Don't recognize, all the men or women standing there, just bowed their heads. Standing in front of you wearing a three p suit. And even with a mask on his face, the eyes in which the thirst for someone's blood is clearly visible, the devilish smile on the lips, it is clearly visible. His purpose is about to be fulfilled. For which he had been waiting for ages. At last that day has come. In the darkness of the night, where all the worlds, fast asleep, were dreaming their dreams. On the other side, in the middle of Jaglo, many people, dressed in black, stand outside the villa, as if they are keeping watch. People dressed in black, with their faces covered by masks. In the hall of the villa stood men dressed in black, with their faces covered with masks. Don't recognize, all the men or women standing there, just bowed their heads. Standing in front of you wearing a three p suit. And even with a mask on his face, the eyes in which the thirst for someone's blood is clearly visible, the devilish smile on the lips, it is clearly visible.

Malti · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


Harry clenched his fists in anger. Lily, seeing Harry's anger, sat in front of him, towards Libardo, who was laughing thinking it was a joke when Harry asked.

After some time, to stop your laughter, take a sip of the glass kept nearby. This whole area is mine.

Everyone knows who comes and goes here.

Harry, listening to his answer, I knew the area and its chieftain.

Come on, the night is over.

Go to your room and rest. Libardo spoke, standing up. Lily has already gone from there to her room ok ok her health is fine she was not feeling.

Harry, standing by the gate, looking out Harry may be acting calm but a volcano is erupting in his mind. Was engrossed in some thought.

Then Harry felt someone's hand on his shoulder. As soon as I turned back, I saw Liberado standing behind him, his face very calm, only then I know.

You are upset about Lily going back but always remember one thing. No one can put what will happen, and what is about to happen. They are preordained.

Harry understood the meaning of everything she said very well.

Without saying anything, he turned back and started looking at the snow falling outside. Lily has gone to the room. If you don't want to sleep in a separate room, then close the room Lily slept in and go to the first room. Libardo said coughing. Harry talked about Libardo, the cuts went well, as soon as Harry turned around, no one was there.

Then look, I felt something on my leg, bent down and looked.

Seeing the white wolf, opening his green eyes, sat beside him and raised one of his eyebrows while holding his hair, where are you going now. You said something in your voice but Harry did not understand anything.

Libardo, left.

Harry went to his room and found Lily fast asleep with one hand on her stomach. Harry went over to her and kissed Lily on the forehead and lay down next to her, wrapping his arms around her. It is not known when his eyes fell.

After all, what is Lily going to do? will comment.

Lily and Harry were both fast asleep. Pain as Lily's eyes opened. Feeling pressure on stomach. As soon as Leli's eyes fell on her stomach, Harry put his hand on her and the sleeping Lily slowly removed his hand, only then a wave of pain in her stomach caused Leli to open her mouth.

The scream went out. Harry woke up quickly on hearing the check What happened Lily holding my stomach with hands I am in a lot of pain.

Harry felt Lily excruciatingly, her heart pounding. Harry quickly picked up Lily in his arms and went to Libardo's room. Finding no one in the room, where are you, Libardo? Come quickly. Started searching the whole house making noise.

Libardo, standing on the top of the mountain, was looking down at the deep chasm, when he heard his name calling in his ear. Libardo was far away from his hut but the power of listening to the radio is more than any other animal.

That's why as soon as Le Pado realized that Harry was cooking him, he ran away from there at a speed faster than lightning.

Harry, let Lily lie down on the bed made in the living room and hold Lily's hand, have some courage. Libardo will be coming soon.

That's what Lily was saying in pain as if this pain would kill her right now. Harry was sitting next to her, he was saying something when the wolf came in.

As soon as I saw the atmosphere inside. The wolf came in human form. What happened to him after going to Lily?

Harry didn't know that suddenly he felt unbearable pain, which might be his life, then Libardo touched his stomach, the whole face turned white.

There Harry, do something quickly, everyone orders in my voice, I can't do anything.

.Libardo, probably because of Lily's aggressive power, is about to take the baby ahead of schedule.

So do something, so that this unbearable pain can be reduced.

Libardo quickly goes to a room where some medicines are kept.

Then Lily, in a very critical condition, started bleeding from her body. ,

Lily fainted due to bleeding from the body.

Harry pats Delhi with his hands. Tries to bring him to his senses. As he leans back to pick up the glass of water.

So his eyes see the red color on the bed only then he sees it.

And he feels that it is blood.

and flowing from Lily's body.

Only then does he call out to Libardo. Come here quickly, Laila has fainted.

Blood is coming out of his body.

As soon as Libardo heard about his departure, he went to him. His body cold, fell.

So what are you doing standing there, come quickly and take it, Harry said, she has fainted.

Lily, get out of his body.

Seeing the blood

Why don't you do anything Harry, I have come from so far to see you only for my child.

listen to harry libardo despair maybe i can't do anything harry angry how can you say you can't try you have to save lily and baby's life at any cost.

no i will kill you

Hari, look at the eyes. Libardo, I can try. But I can't promise.

Both of them survived. Libardo went to Lily.

You closed your eyes and brought Lily to your senses with your powers.


As soon as Lily gave birth to her child.

The whole room started echoing with the cry of the child.

Harry was overjoyed to hear the child's voice, while Libardo held the child upside down in his hand.

Libardo, as soon as he had given the baby to Harry. Harry was so happy with his baby in his arms, his face red with joy, a big smile on his lips, looking at a little part of himself, he was feeling it today.

What is the happiness of becoming a father.

Harry's eyes shifted from the child's.