
wizard novel

Different novel, together separated by volumes.

Fernrir_Zero999 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
838 Chs

Chapter 72 Prophecy

After chatting with Cassandra for a while, Jiang Ning felt that he had talked enough. In order to prevent any accidents, he asked Cassandra to contact Anubis. As the breath of Anubis emerged from Cassandra's body, a great will descended.

  "Wizard, are you here to make a deal with me?" Anubis' voice seemed to be unchanged as usual. However, Jiang Ning clearly heard the joy hidden in it.

  Jiang Ning said directly: "Great Anubis, I want to sacrifice a soul to you!"

  "Soul?" Anubis was a little disappointed.

  Jiang Ning nodded: "Yes, a soul. I think you will be interested." After that, Jiang Ning captured the soul of Apocalypse from the sea of ​​spirit. Placing it in the palm of his hand, the hazy soul emitting gray gas kept struggling in Jiang Ning's palm.

  Anubis looked over with his divine eyes, and Jiang Ning felt that Apocalypse was trembling.

  "Interesting soul! I agree, wizard. What are your conditions?"

  Jiang Ning thought for a moment, then said, "Please set up a barrier on this island. Anyone with extraordinary power will become an ordinary person as long as they step into this island!"

  "You are very considerate of your descendants! However, it is just a soul, it is not worth my spending too much power on it!" Anubis obviously wanted to get more benefits.

  Jiang Ning secretly complained that in the movie, Anubis would go to great lengths to make Amshe Oasis as a shelter for a pet like the Scorpion King. Now, the soul of Apocalypse is obviously better than the soul of the Scorpion King. Death said this, obviously wanting more benefits.

  "Great Anubis, I don't have any extra world origins!"

  "In that case, the deal is void..."

  "Please wait a moment, great Death!" Although he knew that the Death was deliberately manipulating him, Jiang Ning still had to take the bait. Who asked him for something?

  "Anything else?"

  Jiang Ning gritted his teeth and said, "I will make you the faith of this country, with this as a condition, how about it?"

  "It seems that it is still not enough..."

  Jiang Ning lost his patience. This Anubis was too greedy. He took a deep breath: "That's a pity. Since the god of death is not satisfied... I seem to have no choice but to find other gods to try."

  "Well, I mean, this condition is completely fine!" Anubis changed his words.


  Although he was a little speechless about Anubis's integrity, Jiang Ning was still very happy to do so. Although he didn't know what role the soul played for the god of death. However, even if the value of the soul was great, he was not qualified to peek into the secrets of the gods so far.

  "Thank you very much! Your Highness Anubis!"

  Then, a more magnificent divine power descended from the sky and enveloped the entire island. With a flash of light, everything returned to normal. The apocalypse soul in Jiang Ning's hand was taken away by Anubis, and his majestic voice rang out: "The transaction is completed, wizard!" After that, his will left the mortal world!

  Jiang Ning breathed a sigh of relief, with the barrier set up by Anubis. From now on, there is no need to worry about mutants threatening this place. Thinking of this, he walked up quickly, helped up the depressed Cassandra, and cast a healing spell on her.

  He said with concern: "Dear, are you okay?"

  Cassandra shook her head: "It's okay, I'm just too tired. Just take a rest!" This kind of mortal spirit to carry on the will of the gods is too harmful to Cassandra. If it weren't for his son and future generations, Jiang Ning would not be willing to let Cassandra do this.


  Then, Cassandra took seven days to recover completely.

  And in the distant Egyptian region, because Apocalypse and his four knights all died, the entire Egyptian region fell into chaos again. Various ambitious people attacked cities and attacked each other until a man named Aha Menes unified Egypt. Thus, the first dynasty of ancient Egypt was created.


  In the palace, Jiang Ning and Cassandra were lying on the table and writing something.

  To be precise, it was Jiang Ning who was writing.

  Jiang Ning put one hand on Cassandra's back, and Cassandra closed her eyes tightly. An eye pattern lit up on her forehead, Cassandra was predicting the future. Jiang Ning blessed her with the origin of the world, shared the perspective with Cassandra, and constantly recorded the future fragments he saw in obscure language.

  Jiang Ning specially made a parchment book for this purpose.

  It is nearly 1.8 meters long, nearly 1.5 meters wide, and about 1 meter thick. A very exaggerated book, it should be regarded as a prophecy book that has never been seen before and will never be seen again!

  "...I saw that the steel was roaring, the fire was burning, the people were crying, and the country was wailing..." Jiang Ning wrote about the First World War.

  "...Long spears like forests, military formations like mountains, they came across the sea...The evil invaders will suffer a disastrous defeat! Even if it is dozens of times..." Rome invaded.

  "The great conqueror conquered Egypt, Anatolia, and Persia, but was defeated in Tutchem!" Alexander invaded. "The

  hardworking and brave people of Shenzhou, they went through an arduous eight-year war, and finally drove away the invaders and established a new country!" China, eight-year war of resistance.


  It took a full month to finally compile this extraordinary book and complete this task. Jiang Ning finally felt relieved. Then, he used the ruby ​​(blood diamond) he got from the underground temple to make a scepter for Tutchem. Of course, this scepter also had his witchcraft. And these things he did were consistent with the records in later history.

  Jiang Ning gave this masterpiece that he and Cassandra worked hard on to his son for safekeeping. In order to protect this book, Jiang Ning took great pains to draw a magic circle on it. From now on, the safety of this book will be guaranteed forever.

  Tuthheim also knew that his parents were about to leave, so he was a little sad.

  Jiang Ning and Cassandra kept comforting him: "Son, although we are gone, we will come back. Time can change. Maybe the next time we meet, I will take you to a new world."

  "Therefore, your mission is to ensure the survival of the people and the survival of the country!"

  Tuthheim nodded heavily: "I understand, father! I won't let you down!"

  Jiang Ning stroked the armor (Odin's sacred cloth) beside him and said: "This armor will be the exclusive armor of the kings of all generations in the future! I have added special power to the armor to better protect you!"

  After saying something to Tuthheim, Cassandra pulled Tuthheim aside and kept saying something.

  When the mother and daughter finished talking, Jiang Ning embraced Cassandra and walked into the carriage, then disappeared into the vast tunnel.

  Tutchem, on the other hand, stared closely at the backs of Jiang Ning and Cassandra, who had already disappeared. For a long time, he never left.


   Continue to ask for your support!

  (End of this chapter)