
With Kyoka Suigetsu's Powers in One Piece

A normal man gets reincarnated into One Piece with the powers of Kyoka Suigetsu. All that's left is to "stand at the top".

EchoSilence · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs

A Rising Tide (Raises All Corpses)

Sipis Island, Seneca Town

Nicole Robin was walking down the main street in Seneca. She could scarcely imagine - what if she was like these people? What if she had not been born on Ohara? Maybe she would have lived a nice quiet life like these people? Or maybe she would have been murdered by one of the pirates that were popping up like weeds after Roger's words? Either way, it would have been a relief, for she was in quite a predicament now. She had to survive to chase her dream, but her remaining alive had left a trail of bodies in her wake that would rival a pirate groups'. Why? Well, every time she "exited" an organization, it led to that organization rapidly being dissolved by the CPs or the Marines just to prevent any "leakage of the ancient weapon". She knew it for what it really was - they just wanted to make sure the truth of what happened on Ohara didn't come out. Initially, she had been wracked with guilt, but she had become more and more immune when she realized the men and women in these underground organizations were scum, just like her. So if a few died, maybe it could be considered good for the world. 

Laughing audibly, she remarked, wryly mocking herself to no one in particular "in my own way, I guess I am a hero then, aren't I?" 

Although it seemed no one heard her as life around kept moving on and she finally entered the forest where the "unbreakable stone" was supposed to be, she noticed the News Coos heading toward the town. 

She was unaware that deep in the forest lay a trap to catch her - the first part of an initiative that promised to make her experience true hell. Not only that, the News Coos were bearing information that would have made her blood run cold and the restart of a nightmare from Ohara's end.

Off the Coast of Sipis Island, Marine Warship 27-E, 1 day ago

The plan was going as expected - the attache from Marine Branch #82 would run into Robin soon. She would probably escape, but would get injured in the process. I had arranged it so that the only ship that was leaving over the next week was a cruise ship that had accidentally strayed out to the boonies "accidentally". After all, I had to make a strong first impression on my future assistant when I "accidentally" ran into her. 

"Pero Pero Pero"

"Sosuke speaking"

"Sosuke, this is a catastrophe! The Gorosei are demanding an explanation for why an entire CP squad has been obliterated! Have you found ANY survivors?"

"No, Marshall Sengoku. It seems that damned Nico Robin not only killed the CP agents and some marines from our base that were cooperating with them, she seems to have escaped the net while we were on the hunt for survivors. This is totally different from the reports! Has she actively started seeking conflict with the CP and Marines? It seems out of character, but I'm not surprised since she was able to sink warships at age 8".

"Yes, Sosuke. It seems there has been a paradigm shift in her behavior. This is a big problem, as someone with her cunning and skill-set could cause major damage to the world. We need her caught now!"

"Yes Sir. In the meantime, should I continue searching for survivors and clues to her whereabouts?"

"Yes Sosuke, do those things. Meet up with the delegation from headquarters that should arrive in a week or so. We will end this scourge once and for all".

"Yes sir, will do".

Well, I certainly pity what Ms. Robin is about to face next. Once she's been injured and chased by all parties after a long time, will she be able to survive without Kuzan's help and the eyes of the world focused on her?

Now let me guess, who will be in the delegation that will go after her? A bunch of rear admirals? One or two vice-admirals? Or maybe...an admiral?

Marine Headquarters, Marineford, 1 day ago

Sengoku sat pensive in his chair. If Nico Robin was to start a retaliation for her childhood experiences, she could start a firestorm with her knowledge. People had turned a bind eye to her to some degree, but with this action, it was no longer possible. She had to be stamped out hard. A vice-admiral would no longer suffice, since she had already outsmarted a few. She need to be found and ended once and for all. Ideally, Kizaru or Aokiji would be good candidates for her liquidation - Kizaru due to the speed at which he would be able to get to West Blue, and Kuzan due to him being able to travel solo for long times due to his "ice-bicycle". However, Kizaru was currently stationed in the New World, and Kuzan in Holy Land Mariejois. Neither could be moved. This left only one man. Perhaps it was for the best. Although he had a brutal style and believed in a scorched-earth policy for hunting down criminals, he was probably the best at hunting and ending problems completely. Perhaps that is why his epithet in the Marines had become "Red Dog".

If this wasn't enough, he probably would have to increase her bounty and make some moves to at least make sure that she returned to the public's mind. It had been a couple of years since the events of Ohara. Most people did not recall the Devil's Child, Nico Robin. That would now change. It had to. It can only be said she brought this upon herself. His only regret was that he would have to deal with that annoying Morgans. Thankfully, this news would probably fit his criteria of "big news", so he should be able to negotiate a hit piece on the girl pretty easily. 

Guess he's have to set these things in motion first. With a weary sigh, Sengoku told his assistant the words that would plunge West Blue in terror very soon.

"Ari, tell Sakazuki to come to my office. I have an assignment for him".