
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Videojogos
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161 Chs

Expedition Marshal Episode 6 : Warfare Test

I am now still following this war which is actually boring to me, like the One Skill that actually kills the demon army in an instant.

Until meeting someone who has a high rank from the Demon army, Archimonde.

"Mortal you are strong, join us to Burning Legion" I looked at this damn Eldari, I was a little interested in becoming Burning Legion but I had a better plan, Your army will be mine and you will die, that's the priority right now.

"I understand, let me test if your proud Legion can fight me" I used Minerva Wisdom, the Seven Virtues Orb appeared and I used Leviathan Fury to obliterate the many Demon troops ahead, Archimonde could not fight me with my great magic power.

I increased the power of my Leviathan Fury then used Bahamut Rage, Archimonde cried out in pain which was heard by All Kalimdor, I left him in a coma while I walked away in the shadows.

News of their defeat by some pebble men angered Sargeras, he sent his confidants to kill me.

"My lord, let me do the job"

"Alright, Akaari. I hope you can kill this mortal and get his body for me" This assassin left, I sneered, I stood up after that I ran towards my assassin, who was none other than Akaari. I remember her like Serenity in Fate but I think she looks more like Kagura in Senran Kagura.

"so you're the one" let's skip the dialog, you know what atrocities I did to her? Yes, I fucked her nonstop for 5 months, regardless of the war going on outside.

After I finished raping her and took Goremaw's sword, I made a fake body of Akaari and Goremaw's destroyed sword and left a note there.

"Is that all you can do? Coward, and helpless demon, you should die with the other titans" and that was it, I went back to my love nest to experiment with the gene, after making Akaari subdue, don't ask me what I did to her after the brutal sex, only I "fed" her.

I studied the effects of Fel and studied Akaari's body as my archive meanwhile a random doomguard showed up and saw Akaari's dead body with Goremaw's sword shattered, he reported to Sargeras and he was furious beyond measure, he lost Archimonde who was in critical condition and lost his dog sword and trusted assassin in just 6 months since the invasion.

"FIND THAT HUMAN AND PRIORITIZE HIM TO BE CAPTURED ALIVE. I GIVE A HIGH PRICE TO ANYONE WHO GETS HIM" I sneered again at this, why did I sneer? Because of the Cultivation Energy talent that I hated, I could feel Fel Energy like my own but now was not the time to do this, I had to upgrade the Dark Elf Gene.

[  ⚔️ Forge  ]

[ Material ]

Transcendence Lifestream + Dream Imagination > Hope

[  Σ Enhance  ]

[ Main Attribute ]

Divine Night elves > Celestial Elves Gene = > [ Requirement : Hope ]

Pinnacle Celestial Body >[ Celestial Elves Heritage ] = >[ Requirement : Celestial Elves Gene ]

[ Forge 56×10⁵³ Orbs ]

"Hope? Ah. that Hope" I clicked on Forge and I was enveloped in Hope as a light blue element appeared on my body.

[God Arm : Hope]

[ Hope : blessed power and the "most powerful weapon in the world" according to Athena, powerful enough to kill any god. This power originate from God Of War Series, now live inside your soul as eternal inhabitant.

this power counter power for all of the world's evils; pride, wrath, lies, anger, hate, despair, arrogance, envy, vanity, lust, fear, misery, greed, etc. all the evils that poison, influence, corrupt the hearts, minds and souls of the humans.

Despite Hope inside you more stronger as long you believe that is possible Hope will grant you possibility in no limit, no matter impossible it be, no matter how futile it be, how long it take, as long you believe that something you believe will happened, it will become hope that decided future, decide outcome, decide event end]

[ Celestial Elves Heritage "Kal'eldorei Gene" : Kal'eldorei, distinguished within the Warcraft universe as fusion between Quel'dorei and Kaldorei, comprise a unique and revered subset of elven beings celebrated for their profound connection to celestial energies that suffuse your very essence.

These extraordinary individuals is one of the kind, possess the rare ability to manipulate an aura purified of dark forces as Moon and Light Force as Sun as your source. your mastery extends beyond mere manipulation, allowing you to sculpt this radiant aura with exquisite precision, all while remaining unswayed by the allure of darker intentions and light intentions. your strength arises from unwavering discipline, unyielding faith, and indomitable determination.

In the realm of physicality, Kal'eldorei exhibit an ageless visage, forever preserving the Ethereal beauty of beauty. your forms taller in stature, with above human height, with your elven features are both distinctive and captivating. Elegantly pointed ears, paired with strikingly large eyes, adorn your countenances. Skin, hair, and eyes often shimmer with enchanting, celestial hues, casting an aura of mystique. 

However, the true essence of Kal'eldorei lies in extraordinary connection to celestial energies and their innate mastery over the very essence of life itself. Within your beings resides a profound wellspring of life force, granting you unparalleled power and abilities that transcend the bounds of ordinary existence. This life force encompasses the physical, spiritual, and mental dimensions, endowing you with the authority to command its boundless potential.

Yet, their uniqueness extends further. Kal'eldorei embody living embodiments of hope, drawing upon the optimism that resides within all beings, including themselves, to transmute it into a potent energy source. This hope energy not only bestows upon you an indefinite extension of life but also manifests as a formidable weapon] 

I coughed blood then i faint, my body return back into sephiroth appearance. Akaari she me fainted panic, she try to help but she cant move.

She scream for help hope that someone hear her. eventually Resistance scout arrive and see myself and akaari lock in chain, they help Akaari and roll over me.

"He !"

"Mael ! We must return to Headquarter, we finally found greatest ally. Lets go" Scout bring my body without alerting Demon scout, including Akaari but they mistake let akaari bring with them, Sargeras can track her.

"I found the resistance base, All unit full scale attack" in that time, i woke up to see myself in camp, A elf surprise to see me awake.

"Mael, you remember me?" I remembered for a moment and then I clapped my hands.

"Dejahna, you, what happened to Suramar ?" Dehjana cried and tell me Suramar is no more, it burn into ashes by burning legion, that place is beautiful, i enrage making all azeroth enrage with me. i get out the camp and see Akaari get tortured.

"ENOUGH" Loud thunder booming up the sky making all people in here stand still tremble upon its might.

"Master you awake"

"Akaari, im glad you alive. listen to me Resistance, your stupidity bring doom to you, now Burning legion army will pinch us from three side, you should abandon her in that cave, she one of Burning legion elite personel that i personally chain to bait the demon lord himself. now this is siege, i need all of you guard this place until i call an aid too push back Burning Legion. i will take the lead, you not listen, you unsaveable. i dont care who are you, god, demigod, spirit or Elune descendant herself. dont blame me you die become one of them or worse betraying your own people and living immortal life serving under the very enemy you swore to banish from this world. Come Kaldorei Resistance" I use my Saint Aura making buff that all Resistance can feel the power inside them roaring need to be released.

"Victory Awaits" We doing war cry and we do siege war, we got pinch and my prediction was right, This is Wave one of Burning Legion, i command all of them at once, using their skill, abilities, power, how to use properly, how to defeat burning legion army with greatest efficiency with no casualty in 3 day siege that we before outnumber but now our number equal.

5 Day after great siege, Reinforcement appear, Wild God and Dragon Aspect arrive aiding us the banish Burning legion as i highest command in Resistance, Illidan and his army appear despite their betrayal of choosing the other side, i accept him as my own people, Illidan grow respect and we fight together as unity.

We push back the Burning legion without casualty, more reinforcement arrive and arrive in our side, burning legion get pushed back again in 7 month, in our side is literally no casualty at all, it impossible feats but i have hope, impossible is question the answer is possible by me.

Akaari got free and i help her to overcome fel even Illdan force i teach them how to control Fel to own right, they choose that fate and will live by it, everyone must respect it.

in mere 9 month, we close portal in south by force, then closed portal in north by force, last portal is Kaldorei empire heartland Zin-Azshari, the main portal that used by Burning legion.

I plan the battle plan, counting the force and many Kaldorei betrayer in there, Some of us think Azshara got jailed of someone cannot escape the invasion but the reality is Xavius the culprit, i will kill him in Nether.

After battle plan, we decided to speed up the invasion, the overwhelmed victory until last ditch that is Portal, Azshara defend it with her might because promise by Sargeras me returning until i appear making her surrender instantly.

Xavius told us that Azshara bring Burning legion here. i dash to him throw him to Nether portal and look at malfurion, Malfurion nod and put magical spell known to man, the close the gate forever. until Sargeras hand appear from portal, i push Azshara and it grab me. Akaari dash toward to portal and we vanish.

great sundering happened, the world destroyed its continent and leaving nothing but destruction and ruin, while me in Nether having tuesday walk.

"stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself" i punch Sargeras with his own Fist while my symbiote and slave i mean Akaari do the rampage.

"You foolish mortal" punch him again

"you cant" punch him again but more harder

"youu" Punch him more with build up power.

"ENOUGH" Sargeras become so angry and going rampage, while me just stand there and ready up.

"Im not done yet, but you gave me no choice" i break every single bone in Sargeras by Shun goku satsu then grab his head that blast Penance Stare.

"Sargeras, Fallen titan. your sin is innumerable. i will condemn you to eternal damnation of living hell. fall from the grace and fall from the right of Titan Pantheon" Sargeras scream and agony then i blast Fel energy with Penance stare eliminating all Demon in here and instant, including Akaari.

"good bye master" i sad ? nah, she Eredar, i already fuck alien race, that is priority now i call back symbiote to me.

[ Claim Reward Here ]

[ 79 x 1027918291 Orbs Gained ]

[ God Arm : Argent Energy, Fel Energy, Lucifer Soul, Azeroth Soul ]

[ Argent Energy : from doom no explanation needed

Fel Energy : you already know it

Lucifer Soul : This soul from Darksider Video game series. Lucifer's motives are mysterious and driven by chaos and destruction. His personality is ruthless, intolerant of failure, and inclined towards creative and painful forms of punishment.

Azeroth Soul : Azeroth World Soul titan in Warcraft Universe, she already inside your blood, she will manifest in your dream. she already choose the vessel created by Azathoth and Phoenix ]

[Dont worry, i create that suit your taste, Azathoth.

She Supernatural being, Part Titan, Part Goddess, Part Youkai, Part Human. Don't you worry she live inside your Wonderland and can be appear in your dream, she cannot manifest in the physical world because she in your head, you can interact with her. Phoenix 

I choose the correct vessel, Azathoth just improve it. She willing about the deal. Satan]

"Did you actually kill a woman and bring her inside my head ?"

[ No, she died with regret so i claim her soul and offer her new vessel and identity. fuse her with Azeroth soul and have resonance of soul and existence, she will be great partner in your dream and mother figure of Nier and Alice, Vivian changed into her. oh shit, spoiler. sorry, sorry ]

"Satan, you owe me one gig"

[Fine, What gig ? ]

"Can you enhance Lucifer Soul ?"

[ Enhanced Lucifer Soul : This Lucifer's soul created by chaos and destruction. His sole purpose is ruthless to anyone who stand in your way, intolerant of failure especially for your own end, and inclined towards creative thinking to satisfy, serve and do your duty and command in absolute desire. and love to inflict painful forms of punishment to anyone who you hate]

"Thank you, we know even"

[ nope, you miss that Wine ]

"Ck goddamn it" i then brew most delicious wine for him and hand appear and i give him the gallon of wine.

"WE HAVE PARTY TONIGHT BOYS !" Hell portal closed and i take a deep breath, and i go to meditate in here, until a bunch notification appear ringing my ear.

[ +583293838927484992827374848398384849499382728384883832827266183847861639495983717949283774892983848292938948488283847478287374838297273728172773829191963654904971010384729916364959757289182739499405982619193739927274671918364874959264147298638558928278262384885927649927283938392020288293838283664848592827282929292838389292919191948829292....]

"How long this gonna end ?" The number still up and up until it stop, It reach almost duodecillion. Fuck me, Satan give me something that i didn't ask for

[ Claim your price ]

[ God Arm : Burning Legion ]

[Burning Legion is in your command > Race in Burning legion are.

Man'ari Eredar > Proficient about magic.

Annihilan > Proficient in raw strength

Ered'ruin > Proficient as leader Common soldier

Mo'arg > Proficient in Science purpose

Shivvara > Proficient in combat to bloodlust of combat and Highly fanatic (Beware of their fanatic behavior, their mouth can be poison to other especially showing your confindental secret)

Sayaad > Proficient in Intelligence gathering and torturer ( They race mostly Succubus but Ratio already made 50/50)

Daemon > An Infantry of Demonic army, They are limitless and have many potential.

Aranasi > Proficient in Toxin

Darkhound > Demonic hound proficient in magic detection

FelHound > Demonic hound proficient absorbing magic ]

Well, I didn't expect I got Burning legion, and I had to go to shadowland, worst expansion ever.

I arrived in shadowland more precisely in eternal City oribos where is chaos until I use Order Magic from Minerva wisdon, making all inhabitants in Oribos stand still, I order them to search for new Arbiter name Pelagos.

They follow my order and do the job, he come and i taught him about become Arbiter changing current Arbite who missing, i will seek her and tell Pelagos to be benevolence being.

Pelagos nod and i go to world Argus, where i still see remaining of burning legion who survive, i terminated them all leaving Argus empty, I use supernova then remake Argus as reborn planet. I threw a whisper to Eredar survivor to return to Argus as their planet has been rebuild.

Some of them listen while other isn't they afraid same fate happened to them because whisper, i show them the argus now in their dream and vision. despite taking two week, they return and meet me.

After long welcoming banquet, i search other titan who currently sealed away, i found them and free them, I told them i already erase Sargeras from Existence, Azeroth world soul bound to me, she not willing to come out or serve Pantheon, but she will gladly help.

After long discussion with titan, i return to Shadowland returning Arbiter body to Pelagos, She retired and i destroy her physical body and give the sigil to Pelagos.

before i finish of Jovval, i must fuck Fairy queen first. What ? i love big tall mommy. especially immortal one.

When i arrive in ardenweald, I got a rousing welcome from them because apparently, me winning the burning invasion without casualty is another feat beyond them, I meet her. Winter Queen.

"You the one ask my sister about my virginity"

"sorry, my intrusive thought won me over, but thank you for blessing me the opportunity to meet you" winter Queen smile hearing that bullshit, im trying to stick my dick crazy in this fairy antelope woman.

"you good at commanding, leadership and many more feat that not ordinary mortal can achieve, perhaps you indeed worthy as Elune blessing"

"Hmm, She blessing me eternal love, its all Azshara wish. she never know im i dead nor alive"

"You alive and is curiously enough you able walk here full vitality, are you perhaps descendant of First one ?"

"First one, you mean. Light, Void, Order, Disorder, Life and Death. Hmmmm, If i can manipulate 6 aspect of First one what do you think i am ?" Winter queen hear that in surprise, all Ardenweald inhabitant laugh hearing that.

"You foolish, no one can control 6 aspect"

"Challenge accepted, watch me" I sit down and meditate, Reality tremble all shadowland become reality crack, Light Aspect, Void Aspect, Order Aspect, Disorder Aspect, Life Aspect, Death Aspect swirling around me creating orb that represent ix Aspect until i open my eye then reality return back to normal.

This six orb showing its dominance aspect of infinite cycle dancing around me, creating Ouroboros snake or infinity dance of aspect.

"lost word ? that impossible, that, this, bla, bla, you need more learn about world little Faery" six aspect of this dance around her and she panic.

"Do you know this six aspect can create, alter to erase reality, what if i turn you to this" i change her into human, undead, altering her race, altering her origin many thing in span of second then stop return back to normal.

"the more than you know kiddo"

"no wonder My sister favor you, you indeed full surprise"

"Another surprise you will find out" Winter queen raise her eyebrow and she get "plap,plap,plap,plap,plap,plap,plap,plap. Get fucked Get fucked Get fucked Get fucked Get fucked Get fucked Get fucked Get fucked Get fucked Get fucked Get fucked Get fucked" in here, i use this 6 aspect creating a dome that violated her in most wholesome way then proceed to brutal way.

she underrated character in R34 Warcraft, people lazy draw her porn in that site, sigh. i miss those site when i return i must create my own 4th dimensional internet.

After hot and passionate session, we cuddle below the tree, talking about anything we can come across, i especially talk about Zovval, previous Arbiter and She tell me he in the maw.

After saying goodbye to Ardenweald inhabitant and Winter queen, she give me flying kiss. i will fuck her again next time, but i must take this Goremaw to that man.

when I arrived in Oribos, I was immediately confronted by Pelagos who took me to Maw but I dont heard his warning and dive to maw. Maw become crimson red and many thunder roar in there creating cataclysm beyond reach.

I torture Zovval in his own cell while i keep spamming Leviathan fury to all inhabitant here using Symbiote arm.


i keep rambling about fate of arthas, arduin and sylvanas to him by venting up my rage to him.

"And you also the sole reason the expansion when shit, i lost my fucking money because you. do you know how my rage inducing moment you appear in expansion !? YOU FUCKING TREAT MY KING AS TRASH SOUL. HOW DARE YOU, HOW DARE YOU !"

I keep torturing Zovaal until he break down in tear, i dont care anymore, i want torture him so badly even i dont care about humanity anymore, i want him suffer for eternity, by my hand, by my wrath, by endless rage.

"mentally unstable man, after violating a woman then proceed to torture man"

"Duality at the finest, he do what he like to do, perhaps you consider lucky not get fucked by him, talk about beauty and gender in here. perhaps he treat you as companion" Phoenix snuggle in his nest while Azathoth drinking my wine then changing the page.

i done torturing Zovaal then blast him with penance stare that making him more growl in pain, i leave him be and return to Primus who currently Carve the rune in Goremaw twin blade.

"Done" i take the Goremaw twin blade and nod.

"Thank you, now you free"

"I dont know who are you but thank you, will you go to my Maldraxxus homeland"

"Fine by me but wait" i use 6 Orbs again than create balance in this Maw without its jailer, meanwhile true jailer is still tortured by Penance Stare until i done in dunia warcraft.

"already done"

"Wait, that 6 Aspect of First one. My lord, Primus is on your order"

"No, no, no, dont be like that Primus. lets walk around Maldraxxus, perhaps you can be quite about me able summon the first one"

"as you wish" We return to Maldraxxus many people there welcome the primus home, while me got stared as a toy by them Primus ignore it because my order until one of them challenge me, i blast him with omega effect causing his soul and existence erased from reality.

We keep continue to Seat of Primus, in here i talk about dominion and many thing about death in his respective as commander and strategist.

we share knowledge, insight and many thing that i finally found enlightenment, he more experience than me so i must learn and turn that into hope and that hope tun into possibility way of strategy.

I return to Azeroth with many year pass, i settle in dragon homeworld. Alextraza accept me in here but i see death wing there. with many Void energy inside him.

"You must be Deathwing, i hear you pledge alliance to Void God" All Dragon aspect hear that while Deathwing instantly attack me but i knock him out cold, i take dragon Soul that in him and i look at Dragon aspect to tell them the truth, they trusted me and i proceed to turn into seven headed dragon and eat Deathwing alive.

I return their power back and keep little bit their power in Dragon soul, i stay in dragon palace for over 1.000 year to collect all collectible in here especially many rare gem and may resource that can be converted into Money.

Maybe you thinking, No Dragon Pussy ? Obviously. I mate with Alexstraza and Ysera at the same time but behind their Legitimate mate, well they prefer intimate sex with me rather breeding purpose.

I hunt the remaining old God in the north by burning the north into hellscape, in the east turn it into oblivion and below the sea where i reach Naga empire and someone immediately run to me.

"my love" Azshara hug me tight with her Naga form.

"Im back, you look horrifying to look at but i dont mind. so who make you like this my love ?" Azshara told me everything and today we hunt fish, i blast omega beam tracking all Nzoth minion and end Void influence in here once and for all.

what about Titan that guarding the Void God ? i dont care about them, and practically ignore them all.

after living in Naga empire for 1000 Year, i can conclude the world is in peach with out Burning legion exist and Void lord exist but there is the last ditch of scumbag traveling, i go to Dalaran while in the way i Meet medivh.

he and i interact each other, talk about Magic in general. i teach him many magic related to Order or Arcane, Disorder or Fel, Light or Holy, Void or Dark, Death or Necromancy, Life or Druid Magic.

despite we have share common interest but i take detour, i'm gonna fuck his mom as payment of my teaching. we go traveling together to suramar and meet Aegwynn.

a mother and son reunion so touche but too bad for medivh he bring someone that shouldn't bring, i talk about Guardian of trisfal and many related to human thirst of power sometime she and i have share common understanding, human gain power more harder they will fall.

She escape from Order to hide, until i sense something. i activate my new magic that i will not added to System.

"Eye of Azeroth" appear gigantic form of the world where three of us can see it together, mortal any inhabitant there complete without missing action, from what they doing to what they thinking.


"Teacher, you amazing. let me study it for a while"

"Take your time medivh, you still long way to go" we observe the world via Eye of Azeroth, i can sense Aegwynn have interest in me. changing timeline so much easy despite this timeline supposedly Aegwynn death, nope she not.

After living with them, study magic and many thing. this two mother and son is something else, the thirst of magic making them little out of hand.

until that very night when i meditate to control Aspect, Medivh already asleep while Aegwynn watch me from her house, she curious about what i'm doing.

[ Claim reward here ]

Zovaal already death now its time for me to fuse this loot.

[ + 10 x 101010101010101010101010 Orbs Gained ]

[ God Arm : Dominion, 6 Aspect of First One orbs ]

[ Magic Obtained : Cosmic Starfall ]

[ Item Obtained : Helm of Dominion, Frostmourne, Galakrond Deceased Body ]

I stand up and grip my hand tightly. Finally i had Galakrond body, But The Goremaw not included, sigh i must smelt it to created Blade of Chaos.

"i must summon them" i create a Summoning circle below and drop azeroth blood in there, and infuse my arcane to call them.

Bright light appear and 4 Elemental Lord manifest in front of me.

"Finally we are free" i release maximum devil dominion to them making the Azeroth tremble in anger, All elemental know their creator is mad and instantly bow down to me.

"Listen to me you Four Elemental Lord, Join me to eternal Conquest in other world, not in this world but other universe beyond boundary of cosmos. where you can wreak havoc all you want show dominance to every godlike entity that more stronger than here and a challenge to improve thyself better than current pathetic state, sealed, contained, just like a dog in chain on a cage. Azeroth, this planet or world soul are already put her consciousness inside my blood vein and my head, she will travel with me. and ask me to never leave her son behind, that is four of you. now as you foster father and supposedly mother, you must obey me. and i shall give you eternal glory and victory upon this conquest, this world mocking you for your incompetency fighting Void God but this time with me i give you chance that is redemption, on the other world you not fighting a darkness, A Chaos, Just like Fel but more Potent and more dangerous that can wipe you out just by sheer presence alone. A Chaos God Army and possibly Chaos God in 1 v 1 Battle, maybe you will fall but rest assured, me and Azeroth will supply you with Boundless unlimited Magic source, infinite life even limitless chance to improve, adapt, study, evolve and many branch possibility that your feeble mind wish can achieve it an instant. Pact a contract with me and you shall be eternal" All elemental Lord look each other and look at me together.

"we Elemental Lord pledge alliance to All Father" i receive a notification.

[ God Arm : Elemental Lord, Elemental Army ]

"wait here" I open dimension of Elemental Plane and use 6 Orbs of First aspect. i bound all of them together then put it into Svarga.

"Stay here, there is your uncle and aunt, respect them or you shall fear their wrath" i disappear and all elemental seeing Azathoth who make all world destroyed and eternal darkness, Phoenix who roar burn their skin, Horakthy who shin brightly making them blind, Death who make their very soul shiver, Minerva show her authority of dominance over lesser being, Jenova corrupt their mind and last but least Azeroth Appear and wave her hand.

"My child, your dad finally bring you here" All elemental bow down to her, no elemental dare to raise their head to their mother.

"Mother, All Father send us to here. is he saying the truth that we will get redemption"

"That is you father, he never break his promise but i need scold you first" Azathoth, Phoenix, Horakthy, Death, Minerva, Jenova take all their popcorn and snack to hear this family "correction" matter with great interest.

"Hey Valtor, bring another entertainment here. ahahhahaha"

[Hey Valtor, bring another entertainment here. ahahhahaha. Azathoth ]

"I have a problem here right now" I saw Aegwynn who approached me and pulled me back home, she was curious about the history of Azeroth and I told her the history of Azertoh since the dawn of time until today.

it take 6 hour but she enjoy it because my narrative talent, Until she reach me and we start making out, i dont expect the kiss but we stop because Medivh is awake.

She wink at me and return to study magic while me, giving a signal. bait is set, the fish ready to be reel.

Milf temporary Doom is eternal. FORGE TIME.

[  ⚔️ Forge  ]

[ Material ]

Devil Gene + Jenova Cell + Omega Effect+ First Flame + Transcendence Lifestream > Infernal Demonic Body

Flame of God Olympus + Flame of Life Hunt Flame + Dream Imagination + Argent Energy + Fel Energy > Eternal Blaze

Jenova Cell + Omega Effect Energy + Phoenix Force + First Flame + Dominion > Corruption Fire

Argent Energy + Elemental Army + First Flame + Dominion + Dream imagination > Hell Army 

Burning Legion + Elemental Lord + Elemental Army + Hell Army > Infernal Army

Dominion + Enhance Lucifer Soul + 7 Deadly Sins + Transcendence Lifestream + Hope > 7 Ultimate Prime Evil Soul

[  Σ Enhance  ]

◇ South Demon > Infernal Demon

♧ South Demon > 7 Ultimate Prime Evil Soul

♧ South Demon > Eternal Blaze

♧ South Demon > Corruption Fire

♧ South Demon > Infernal Army

[ Requirement Needed ]

Infernal Demonic Body

[  Λ Upgrade  ]

🔼 Infernal Demon > Prime Evil

[ Some material will be lost when Forge ]

[ Forge Half of Your Orbs ]

"Prime evil ? PRIME EVIL !? DIABLOOOOOOOOOOOOO SERIES WHOOOOOOOHOOOO !" I've never had this much fun, I like Diablo especially Prime Evil.

"Accept! Accept !"

[ Choose Form of Prime Evil ]

i get too excited and cannot think straight right now i just imagine what form Prime evil looks like.

"I choose you !" I write it down and new notification appear.

[Prime Evil Form chosen, Inferno Soul Calibur Series <Click here for description>]

[>Inferno "Prime Evil Of Purgatory"<]< p>

[ Description: originated from a South Demon combined by Fel and Argent Energy and an Infernal body, born of chaos and possessing the power of Chaos flames.

> Main Attribute 

◇ Fame Source : The more Inferno get known the more powerful he get, This main attribute passive are able to stack power of his other main Attribute.

◇ Eternal Blaze : Blazing chaotic Flame that never and ever be extinguish, A physical manifestation of Truest purgatory flame, this Condense chaos flame able burn anything into nothing, no matter how thing it made, this fire is truest flame of abolishment.

◇ Corruption Fire : An Demonic Flame that corrupt mind, soul and body of anything that Inferno desire, no matter how strong they are once they see, feel, hear, know about the Fire, it will corrupt them instantly

◇ Infernal Army : Army of Legion from Fel burning legion, Elemental Lord as Commander and Elemental Army who already enhanced further, and deadly Army of Hell from Doom Universe, This army is eternal, cannot die whatever the cause, They immune to corruption and death.

Additional Attribute>

♧ Demonic Magic : Inferno and Infernal Army able to use combination between Death, Fel, Void Magic created new type demonic Magic, this magic is dark force of life, order and light. Absolute destruction of being.

♧ Inferno Knowledge : Inferno and Infernal Army able to learn and adapt any situation, making them hard to predict by enemy, they learn from battle, understand their lack in knowledge, willing admit the mistake and many thing consider they lack will instantly adjust for your cause

♧ Prime Evil Influence (Gift from me, Best Buddy satan) : Born as Embodiment of Seven Prime Evil (Hatred, Destruction, Terror, Pain, Anguish, Lie, Sin) Inferno can gain another Demonic Power that can be use to him to His army as full extent.

Hatred > Inferno Hate everything that stand in your way, disturbing your plan even despise every godlike being who think they are superior than you, He Incarnation of hatred that stop at nothing to make you satisfied. This can give him enhancement additional attribute 2 times even main attribute 10 times depend on situation, the longer enemy standing the more power he gain.

Destruction > Inferno latent ability is destruction, all thing that stand in your way will absolutely destroyed no matter how indestructable the thing, Inferno will destroy it for your cause.

Terror > Terror is mental Influence of Inferno, The more victim feel terror upon Inferno Might, The more Stronger Inferno Mental ability was, no mater how indomitable will the being even have no mind or soul, Inferno can inflict truest horror beyond comprehension even inflict nightmare to many omnipotent being.

Pain > Inferno lack sensation of pain but Inferno Understand Pain other, no matter how small it was, from physical, mental, to soul. Inferno can influence that and corrupt them, to much worse, the Pain cause by Inferno will enhance the potency of Inferno ability and Attribute into greater extend

Anguish > Inferno inflict Suffering to the next level, no matter what thing that in Inferno Path, Suffering is His source of power and dominion, More Suffering Enemy get more brutal Inferno can do to them.

Lie > Inferno is Infernal being, He immune to any kind of deception, lie, to any other false. But Inferno proficient enough even greater to told a lie as Satan taught him to deceptive toward any being that stand on your way or plan, and give many false information no matter how Omniscience the being are via magic science or natural possible, Nobody will know what Inferno Origin even tell what inferno plan was.

Sin > As Devil, Inferno able see all Being Sin, no matter how innocent they are from inside or outside, Inferno despise Sinner and treat you as truest embodiment of sinner since you eat forbidden fruit of Eden that consider source of Sin also be friended with Actual Satan and Devil hell inhabitant that he respect as truest second actual Satan, You are the third sinner since Adam and Eve banishment. (Perfect Description) ]

I called Satan, and he picked up the phone.

"Satan here, your wine amazing, suggest you should join us"

"YOU FUCKING SON OF A *satanic slur, racism many foul language* " Satan laugh his ass off hearing me curse him to oblivion.

"Chill out dude, by the way you should enhance your talent" i take a deep breath and inhale big.

"Say it"

"I Suggest you should enhance your Health Mastery, Technology Mastery, Combat Proficiency, Forbidden Knowledge, Eternal Serenity, Energy Cultivation Mastery,  Chemical Mastery, Research Mastery, Pedagogy Mastery, Bio-chemistry Mastery, Medical Mastery, Improvisation Mastery, Social Dynamo, Devil Knight Swordmanship Talent, Limit Break , Leadership Mastery , The tormentor , Yog-Sothoth Key. It necessary for you journey in Warhammer world, you fighting again god Valtor. dont take it lightly. You just mortal for them"

"any additional suggestion ?"

"your gene, Upgrade them. you have good material and need additional material"

"Thank you fuck you"

"ahahahah Fuck you too buddy" Call closed and i just sigh, i need stress reliever.

I went out to say goodbye to either Dalaran or Quel'thalas, and somehow both of these people tagged along.

"You both cant go there with that current Appearance" I transform them into someone else, an old lady and young man while me a little kid, A kid version of Sephiroth with shorter hair.

"why you choose little kid body ?" Aegwynn see me want to pamper me, i dodge her with floating. 

"i like to be young, lets go" i use Mass teleportation, we appear in Dalaran entrance. Our coming here making great hassle especially many magician never know my teleportation magic was. from south to east an instant.

"What we seek here ?"

"I need to survey landmark, what ? you think i'm learning magic in here ? boring. magic is fun when curiosity appear and we learn to achieve it. lets go" I was still floating leisurely like a fairy, there were even those who thought I was a descendant of a fairy because I didn't land at all, I tried some of the food in the dalaran which was quite delicious and I found it.

"Alchemy !" I dive to there and watch the Alchemist creating many potion and elixir, some of the mage seeing me excited to share their knowledge to youngster like me.

but i ignore their rambling about potion etc, i just want to create a elixir to nullify Galakrond Corruption even take his mutation or endless evolution for nemesis.

"You understand kid ?"

"nope, not at all" I bought my own alchemy equipment which I tried out, some magician looked at me with curiosity about the new generation. I made this Alchemy like mixing liquor, after finishing I checked this on the collection page of potions, elixirs and others. nothing, this Potion is golden in color and I have made it specifically for Galakrond.

"what potion is that Kid ? new variant ?"

"what you want to know magic boy" that mage insulted by my insult then i piss off from here before something annoying happened

"We need go to Quel'thalas, i need Sun well water for this succeed"

"why ?" medivh ask and try to write my technique and material.

"I want resurrect dragon god" all mage hear that surprise even Aegwynn.

"resurrect ?"

"Yep, but i need more study. maybe those fancy building has book" I waved my hand as the entire Dalaran library appeared, every bookshelf with all the magic books shone in response to my call.

"all in line" all the books were lined up neatly with each of their descriptions in magic, I sorted each book and took 7 books, then put them back on the shelf and the shelf returned to the building as if nothing had happened.

I read these 7 books at the same time in 7 seconds, I immediately used this magic, overlaid it with other magic, broke down, erased, enhanced and finished. I threw the book back to the shelf that I picked up earlier.

"finish, Prototype magic. this magic is suffice to resurrect a God" Medivh instantly write that shit, Aegwynn just there cannot comprehend how fast i learn. i yawning and float lazily.

"Lets go, i want try Quel'thalas cuisine" We talk around as we walk away from Dalaran despite many mage think we are some lunatic while Some of High ranking Kirin Tor see that.

"Invite that Kid to become one candidate of Kirin Tor, Hurry" we arrive in border of Quel'thalas, after teaching Medivh Combination magic and Aegwynn, we get stopped by high elves.

"Halt human, you cannot enter here" i yawn and throw them a insignia, they wide eye and bow down to me.

"General, its been honor to meet you"

"Its been long time, how's the kid"

"They're fine general, we will notify lord"

"no, no, no, it create a hassle. i just want to have vacation, you dont mind right ?"

"Yes, General. this way" we followed this Elf and we arrived at Silvermoon city, they said goodbye and I saw many Elves who saw myself floating leisurely trying the cuisine here while Medivh and Aegwynn learned magic but as arrogant as High elves were, they declined to teach us magic. petty elf.

Until the girl i want meet appear, i jump to her and hug her tight.

"Mom" this woman scream, surprised at myself suddenly jumping on her chest and hugging her tightly, her boobs are a little small, we can fix that.

"Let me go you filthy human" i got push down and i cried even make all world rain heavily. everyone panic to see their city almost drown into drought.

"mom hate me...uwaaaaaaaa" i cried louder and louder making wave around sea, Sun well become unstable, Medivh and Aegwynn take cover behind the building. but i can sense Aegwynn motherly instinct kick in when i cried like that, she want to soothe me but that magic rain above too dangerous for her to come out.

"stop, sh, sh, sh. okay, okay, mom here" i stop crying and all the world become bright again.

"mom i want take a bath in sun well" every elf hear that enrage, while me just giggling in my heart.

"HOW DARE YOU" i sniffle and cry again, Silvermoon city tremble, world become chaotic and Sun well gold in color turn into reddish color.

"Stop, okay, lets go" i nod and sniffle my nose, i give that elf smug face and middle finger to absolute mockery

we arrive in Sun well and i swim in it but after i swim i got arrested by ranger, I plea to mom to help yet she cant do anything. well at least i have the vial for sun well.

[ God Arm : Sun well Vial ]

we in jailed but we instantly get out in no time, i teach Medivh and Aegwynn how to use anti magic, making both of them lost their mind, Anti magic is not known, if they know the secret to nullify magic, they will be all powerful.

After escaping from jail we decided separate way, Aegwynn return to her exile while Medivh return to his place while me just stay in Silvermoon.

"good bye teacher"

"yes, remember Medivh, Magic is not about find out, is achieve. you should know the end before the start. i hope you prosper"

"Mael, will you return to suramar ?"

"When i have time, i must resurrect dragon god. i dont want to involve both of you, Dalaran Kirin tor is on our tail, if they aware we already breaking many rule and many insane feat, the petty will be annoying to deal" they both nod and we go, i return to my home and deactive my form.

Sylvanas scream to see me in adult form and i shush her with something, skip the bullshit. yes i fuck her. its been long time i want to fuck this Elf pussy, since Warcraft 3 perhaps, OG not reforge.

After done "Dual cultivating" we talk despite she still hate me after i grape her, remind me of her relationship with Arthas. she curse me and attack me if i get close, but when she drop her guard with my delicious Food and daily massage, she easy to get swayed.

After love hate relationship for almost 500 year in here, she accept me but the fact she still angry about "grape" accident, i blame her for being cute, definitely not screaming for help. i accidentally carried away.

"See you around Sylvanas" She throw her bow to me and scream her lungs out, just like fated demise, becoming banshee, i just laugh and go toward Wound Azeroth.

I create a magical summoning palace above the well, and drop Galakrond body. after that i use this prototype magic is actually not prototype but magic from FF8. 

Combination of Life, Full Life, Triple, and Break magic spell.

[ Magic Obtained : Total Resurrection ]

[ Total resurrection : Revive anyone you want from total erasure even total deletion. use this for extra salt in the wound for your despise enemy ]

i use Total Resurrection and Galakrond arise from the death and roar loudly, i throw Leviathan Fury to him making him electrocuted.

"Shut up" Symbiote devoured Galakrond and i decide to operate Galakrond in here, learning Galakrond infection, i eliminate the harmful substance inside him then proceed to resurrect him once more.

I pour symbiote the elixir then symbiote spread that elixir inside Galakrond, after that, i gain a new notification.

[ God Arm : Tathamet Deceased Body ]

"huh ?" I stop then check Galakrond who already decayed. i take his body back and symbiote appear and give me new material, i create the medicine and pour this medicine toward the well. The wound cured instantly and Fel energy is gone, Azeroth free from Fel and Void in here. she will be grateful meanwhile.

"Finally he cured me, despite he still do something unnecessary" Azeroth angry about me grape Sylvanas.

"He need put in check, sometime he think with his dick sometime he think rationally" Horakthy comment about it, while death and Minerva just quite and all elemental feel ashamed of their father behavior.

"so" I appear in front of Azeroth, staring right into her soul. Azeroth seeing me with surprise and she stumble clumsy for it.

i keep staring at her, without blinking.

"Valtor" i keep staring at her and i stand up, look at the sun and that sun turn into all darkest aspect of universe, my body full of killing intent and my body full of rage, unbending rage that i cant hold it an longer.

"Satan...." i go to hell to have a nice chat with Satan.

"He angry about what ?" Azathoth laugh and cannot hold back his laughter.

"Me and Satan prank him, the body you used and now you live in and become one existence is Valtor First Crush. He wish you become his wife when he was younger, ah, such a innocent and naive Valtor. well consider he always flustered around you and that was his reaction currently unexpected but his rage worth of goddamn laugh" meanwhile.

"SATAN !!" I destroy hell inside out while Satan laugh his ass off.

"What, you dont like her currently ? She beautiful you know"

"that is true, but why dont you tell me that she is the one"

"Enjoy it, you like her too"

"That, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FINE" I can't close my shame anymore, Azathoth and Satan trick me, how could I think that Vivian turn into my first crush before.

she come from legendary site, a mascot of cultured people. a nice milf young lady.

Azeroth soul, with Body of Mifuyu Yukino. while the mind is Azeroth with lust of Mifuyu, FUCKKKKKKKKKK.

Satan walk beside me and pat my shoulder, and he inhale.

"I'm gonna watch your torment, ahahaahahah" i crack my knuckle bone and embrace the cringe, I'm coomer now i must embrace the shame with man up.

"Author really lazy finding woman in video game then he choose from Nuclear Code woman, bastard" I return to Svarga and embrace the cringe and shameful. this is hell.



"Okay, Azeroth"


"ck, Hubby"

"I don't like it, you think i'm Average harem member ?"


"that's more like it, look me in the eye when i talk to you"


"don't me sexualize you" She getting close to my face and whisper to me.

"Husband" shiver, all my body cringe out. just fuck i cant think straight right now. i nope out and leash it upon unfortunate Chaos God nearby cosmos and kill Void Lord as punching bag.

"he's cute, shy to look at me, his first crush" Azeroth return to wonderland while Azathoth just laugh.

I sat down and hit this Void world.

"Pussy, pussy, pussy. such a coward. just because your first crush here you become weaken ? ironic"

[ God Arm : Forbidden Beast ]

[ Forbidden Beast : bio-weapons in the Guilty Gear series, related to Gears. A parasitic organisms which require a host to survive. Currently the beast is in dormant inside your shadow, watch out ]

"Good, Open next world" The portal opened and I walked into the next world, Warhammer 40k.

This world is LSD trip, but i must make my position in Immaterium as solid.

With first, lets built something.

Lets build combination between Immora and Urdak, the inside of this Empire was Svarga, enhance version of Svarga with many landmark.

"God, System aid"

[ Svarga Realm and landmark divided by three region.

Outer > Immora and Urdak as Outer Wall protecting inhabitant inside with solid energy of Purified Argent energy, combine with your Unity of Solaris, This edge of the realm wall is boundary to everyone who lost in multiverse. a Sixth Wall that no multi-versal being able penetrate it. 

Upper : Above the land nor sky continent, this place is massive place that many can offer its beauty > Warcraft Universe : Suramar, Dalaran, Valley of the Four Winds, Dragon Isle, Zin-Azhari, Silvermoon City, Sunwell, Moon well, Teldrassil

Final Fantasy Universe : Altissia , Eorzea 

The Witcher Universe : Toussaint, Skellige

Granblue Fantasy Universe : Auguste Isle, Lumacie Archipelago, Bestia Island

Elder Scroll Universe : Sovngarde

God Of War Universe : Olympus > Zeus Throne Room, Olympia City, Temple of Fate, Aphrodite Chamber

Lower : Below the land or under water city to dark world, this realm or world separated from above but connected each other> Warcraft universe : Ardenweald , Vashj'ir.

elder Scroll Universe : Eldergleam Sanctuary, Ancestor Glade, Shadowgreen Cavern.

God Of War Universe : Alfheim, Vanaheim, Muspelheim, Svartalfheim, and Jotunheim, Elysium Fields

Note: this world can be added]

"Finally, some good society" I then went to my room. Valtor's room, I had to modify that room for myself, for my harem, who am I lying too anyway

despite so many choice in Video Game Character nonetheless, but i never found somone has power of world soul, so instead doing research that hinder my Job in real life, i choose short path, Nuclear code famous woman.

she will crusial plot in next world by the way Sauce is 366224

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts