
With Fusion of Video Game fictional thing, I become Irregular

I was just a regular guy from the modern world, but when I faced bullying, it turned into a tragedy. I don't blame them, but that's where my new life began. Getting three wish from God may sound cliché, but I don't mind. As long as I get what I want, which is definitely not world peace but how to change the world. I love fighting, war, and chaos. Living on the edge is my new motto because I'm tired of following orders from people here and there that are neither useful nor help me grow. Going to a world full of mysteries and challenges is good, but I don't want a peaceful or modern world that feels relatable. I just want to express what I like fighting, war, and making chaos. With the help of the system given by God, and as a link with God when I need to talk. It's time to start a new life, a new path, and change the world as my own canvas. ==================== First World Arknight. Next World will decided when Arknight story end

Shaywalloppp · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
161 Chs

Expedition Marshal Episode 1 : Farming my orbs

I arrived in Gensokyo where I sat at Moriya Shrine next to me was Sanae in front of me were Suwako and Kanako.

"You're the human praying in front of this shrine, I'm quite happy with your prayers let alone improving my Faith. What do you want human ?" I looked at Kanako gently.

"Can I stay here for a while ?" The two goddesses stare at each other and look at me intently.

"No, you have no talent. Even if you can pray well, you should go to Hakurei Shrine instead."

"Wait, how about you clean this shrine. If you can finish it before 2 hours then you can stay here for a while" I nodded and left their side.

"Can that human clean this entire shrine?"

"Let's test it" I put on my gloves and prepared some water, I took the cleaning products from my pocket dimension as well as some tools to help me work. I started sweeping the temple grounds with vigor.

[ Talent Obtained: Cleaning Mastery ]

[Cleaning Mastery represents the highest level of expertise in the art of cleaning. Those who possess this mastery are unparalleled in their ability to restore objects and surfaces to a pristine, like-new condition. They exhibit proficiency in utilizing a wide array of cleaning products and techniques to achieve impeccable results.

With Cleaning Mastery, you can swiftly and flawlessly cleanse, polish, disinfect, dust, and revitalize virtually any object or surface. Your cleaning prowess extends to a diverse range of materials and items, making them appear as if they were just purchased or manufactured]

"Now im motivated" I cleaned the whole place from corner to corner, side to side even the entire exterior of the temple as if it was built for the first time, then in the temple you clean from the roof, attic even the whole place quickly ignoring these three people who were watching me moving so fast that even their eyes couldn't keep up with my speed that seemed to give off an after image.

I took their laundry and saw that some of their clothes were torn, I tried to sew it without their permission but when I see something not right I can't ignore it.

[ Talent Obtained: Sewing Mastery ]

[Sewing Mastery: represents the pinnacle of expertise in the art of sewing and fabric craftsmanship. Those who have attained this mastery possess an extraordinary ability to create clothing, tools, accessories, and more with unparalleled precision and efficiency.

With Sewing Mastery, you can effortlessly and rapidly produce a wide range of items, all meticulously crafted with flawless precision. Whether it's garments, tools, or accessories, you can fashion them with a level of expertise that ensures every stitch is perfect and devoid of any errors. Your sewing capabilities allow you to bring your creations to life effortlessly and in record time>.

"Now im more motivated" I sewed the three women's clothes quickly then washed them again until they smelled good then I let them dry.

I quickly cleaned the toilet and kitchen again, I repaired every equipment by myself and then the notification popped up again.

[ Talent Obtained: Maintenance Mastery ]

[Maintenance Mastery embodies exceptional proficiency in the art of nurturing and preserving, with a remarkable ability to cater to the needs of oneself and others. Those who possess this mastery excel in providing comprehensive care, encompassing everything from food and beverages to bathing and beyond, ensuring the well-being of both themselves and those entrusted to their care is of the highest standard.

With Maintenance Mastery, you can expertly attend to the needs of individuals, offering them sustenance, hydration, cleanliness, and other necessities with unparalleled excellence. Your capacity to maintain and nurture extends to all aspects of life, ensuring the well-being of both yourself and those under your care is maintained to the utmost degree]

"Nice" I can now entertain them more luxuriously and even make them happy, I return to the core temple where they look at me with embarrassment because I sew their underwear and some actions that they should be able to take care of but I am a man who does a woman's work just fine, household husband is a hobby, my passion is war.

"I've cleaned all corners of Moriya Shrine, tidied up all the equipment, repaired some damaged facilities, sewed some damaged clothes and fabrics and reorganized things that can still be used and used again"

"You didn't have to sew our clothes, but never mind. I'm impressed with your persistence and thoroughness in cleaning all of this, I'm not lying. Even the floors of this shrine look like they've just been polished clean and you only need one small bucket to quickly clean the entire shrine."

"I am honored to hear that Goddess?"

"Kanako Yasaka, this lady is Suwako Moriya and the priestess beside you is Sanae Kochiya. Your name?" Fake name or real name? Whatever.


"You're not from here, are you ? Outside world?"

"Yes, I'm from far away land, I happened to be traveling here and I accidentally entered here, seeing supernatural being is great experience"

"I see, do you know about Spell cards"

"I dont"

"Great, now you must have it as your own safety" Kanako gave me empty amulet, I took it and these three people looked at me.

"Put what skills you have in there as a form of attack, whatever it is"

"Is there no defense?"

"You should be able to dodge with your own abilities."

"Alright" I entered the Omega Effect here which I managed to create easily, an amulet with the Omega symbol inside, I saw a notification which was very funny.

[Omega Sign "Red Star Wave Dancing Around Cosmos"]

"Good, you've made your own Spell card. Let's test it then" Suwako took me out and we prepared.

"Lost condition?"


"Alright" Suwako used [Divine Tool "Moriya's Iron Ring"] while I used my spell card, trillions of Omega Beams appeared destroying Suwako's Ring, before the beam hit Suwako's body which was impossible to avoid, the beam stopped, Suwako saw the beam stopped around her.

"Did I live up to expectations?" the beam disappeared and Suwako looked at me with a smile.

"Yep, you passed" I was happy and then, we went back inside the shrine where I chatted with Kanako about business but I got one unique thing.

[Talent Obtained: Business Mastery ]

[Business Mastery embodies an unparalleled proficiency in the inception and operation of businesses and companies. It encompasses an intuitive and comprehensive understanding of banking, entrepreneurship, investing, and financial management. Those who attain this mastery possess an innate command of all associated business skills, including persuasive speech and body language, effortlessly conveying the right signals in any business context.

With Business Mastery, you hold a significant advantage in any business situation, facilitating your path to success across a spectrum of industries and ventures. This mastery ensures that you achieve extraordinary wealth rapidly and effortlessly. Your abilities encompass the continuous generation of profit-generating ideas, astute decision-making regarding financial matters, the strategic advancement of your businesses, and the foresight to anticipate and navigate potential monetary crises.

Your acumen extends to the stock market, where you consistently make shrewd speculations and trades, leading to substantial financial gains. Remarkably, any company you establish or invest in immediately ascends to the prestigious rank of Fortune 500, solidifying your reputation as an unparalleled business magnate.

you owe me one tasty wine. Sincerely Satan]

I immediately used Satanic Business Mastery to make Kanako lose her mind with my planning in developing business for Moriya Shrine where she never thought that my way is possible, then I gave another idea and some input and suggestions for Moriya Shrine to gain another Faith.

"It's a pleasure to do business with you Mael" we shook hands for a moment making us have one fixed ideology for smooth business development.

"Sure. Take it easy, business is sometimes smooth or stagnant, just don't be rash in taking opportunities" we chatted even deeper until we forgot about these two people.

That night when I rested in the temple, they had their own room to sleep in and I tried to meditate by emptying my mind and calming my head which was in the middle of a civil war.

[ Talent Obtained: Eternal Serenity ]

[The Eternal Serenity State is a profound state of being characterized by perpetual calm, serenity, and relaxation, regardless of external circumstances or the challenges faced by oneself or others. Within this state, your body, mind, heart, and soul remain in a perpetual state of perfect clarity and relaxation.

Your mental fortitude and endurance are unwavering and indomitable, transcending any adversity or turmoil that may arise. This unwavering resilience allows you to remain composed and tranquil in the face of any situation, upholding your inner peace and poise. Regardless of the tumultuous nature of the world around you, you remain an oasis of unshakable calm and unyielding strength, fostering harmony within yourself and offering solace to others in your presence]

I inhaled and returned to meditation, it was like cultivation but why did I hear the familiar sound again.

[ Talent Obtained: Energy Cultivation Mastery ]

[Energy Cultivation Mastery enables users to harness their chi, energy, or other forms of life force and manipulate it in precise ways to gradually and permanently fortify various aspects of their being-Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul.

This profound enhancement can be achieved through a diverse array of methods, each with its unique approach. These include rigorous martial arts training, the pursuit of enlightenment through understanding the Dao, transformative epiphanies that alter perception, elixirs or spirit stones with magical properties, deep meditation in areas rich in diverse types of qi or energy for absorption, and even the duality practice known as "Dual Cultivation."

Through these diverse avenues, practitioners can steadily augment their physical prowess, mental acuity, spiritual insight, and the resilience of their very essence, attaining an ever-heightened state of being over time]

This is very awkward but that's okay, time to cultivate Omega Effect with new talents. literally Omega effect is entropy embodiment so I must understand what is entropy. until the Omega Effect in my soul tries to take over but my Marshal Unimind is four parallel universes ahead of them. i conquer Omega Effect in just 7 minutes and i literally conquer Entropy Force. now i coat myself with entropy that is volatile making the shrine bright red.

A bright red light comes out of my body and coats me, I can feel Omega Effect now giving me power or more like deleting something not useful for me for example, hunger. I forgot to eat and Omega Effect is supplying myself with entropy energy where I'm like a stomachache and fullness mixed together now.

I stop this and Omega Effect energy is now in my hand, this is good. i can use Omega Effect without shooting my fucking laser beam to them.

The door opened and a woman who was none other than Sanae appeared where I immediately swiftly hid the Omega effect energy behind my back.

"Is there a problem?" Sanae looked around where there was nothing unusual.

"I saw red light from here, maybe it's just my memory. You weren't sleeping?"

"I was surprised to hear you open the door, thanks for worrying about me."

"Go to sleep" I nodded, Sanae left. I tracked her walking back to her room then I put this Omega Effect away.

[God Arm: Omega Effect Energy]

"It's a good thing I can store this in God Arm" I went back to meditating to control the Omega Effect.

In the morning I took a shower, cooked breakfast and practiced. Although my training was only a simple exercise of small martial arts, nothing less nothing more even though I use restraint, the Doctor Costume made this exercise quite challenging.

Let's just say I'm Tyrant Series from resident evil with limiter trench coat.

Talk about Tyrant, I might need to learn from Eirin about that. I had to ask Kanako for permission.

I approached Kanako who was watching me train, though my training was just simple martial arts moves.

"Goddess Kanako, can I go to the Bamboo Forest?" Kanako looked at Suwako, Suwako shrugged her shoulders. Sanae looked at me with worry.

"Sanae, you're going with Mael, but you should change your clothes. You look strange wearing the same clothes from yesterday."

"Then excuse me to change my clothes" I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and then put on my Nagajuban with the three headed dragon motif.

I came out wearing clothes that were appropriate and matched my appearance. I tied my hair like Genichiro from the Sekiro Series.

When I arrived in front of the three of them, they were wide-eyed with my good looks and even my extraordinary charm beyond their expectations.

"I take my leave Goddess" Sanae ran excitedly and chatted with me throughout our journey, Kanako patted her cheeks many times that she was dreaming. while Suwako laughed at that.

Sanae asked me a lot of questions especially that she missed the Outside world, I just answered what I needed to answer and what I knew. along the way we were approached by several Youkai who asked about me.

Sanae told them that I was a new human who apparently stuck in Gensokyo, some of the Youkai looked at me flustered when they saw my hair flustered until someone took a picture of me from afar, I was aware of her and ignored her.

"a big scoop, I must get promotion of this" That Tengu returned while my caravan arrived in Forest until we got halted by Fujiwara.

"halt, you should return too...." When I showed her my biggest scumbag smile, I mean genuine no ill will smile, she stopped talking and coughing so much to compose herself.

"I'm sorry kind hermit, I just want to meet someone"

"Ehem, Who, Ehem"

"Eirin Yagokoro" Fujiwara looked at me seriously then looked at Sanae who was currently focused on seeing Fujiwara in case a fight happened.

"Before you go how about i test you, if you are able to win against me. maybe i can grant you pass" I nodded, Sanae stepped back and looked at us.

Fujiwara used [Undying "Fire Bird -Feng Wing Ascension"], I paused for 7 seconds and the Eye of Agamotto activated. I dodged all my danmaku with ease even as if my danmaku had been read.

"Impressive, how about this" Fujiwara uses ["Imperishable Shooting"],[Flame Sign "Phoenix's Super-High-Temperature Feathers"],["Until This Life, Repeated Countless Times, Burns Away"]. She spam three attacks while I just dance in this danmaku barrage.

"he good" Sanae was impressed by my genuine dodge until my turn to attack[Omega Sign "Red Star Wave Dancing Around Cosmos"]. Fujiwara Danmaku vanish when the laser beam touch them, now Fujiwara try to dodge that but its futile she got hit and she scream loudly.

I stopped the attack and she fell to the ground, I caught her before she fell into the ground.

"Fujiwara?" I poke her cheek and diagnose her, she pass out. I feel bad and carry her to Eirin for better treatment.

"Looks like you overdid it, you should never use that Spell card"

"What else can I do, Lady Sanae. that is only attack spell card available. i don't have defense spell card"

"that makes sense, lets go. she needs treatment" we went to Eintei and I got a surprise on top of the surprise.

[+ 10293929939392039939393939 Orbs Gained]

[God Arm: Phoenix Force]

[Phoenix Force: After defeating Fujiwara no Mokou, Phoenix Force from Marvel Vs Capcom Universe Acknowledges you as worthy Host. He stays in your soul as his White Hot Room, you can use Phoenix Force Nigh-omnipotent power in ease. Phoenix Force Grant you Limitless Life Force Energy Manipulation from atomic scale to Multiversal Scale depending on you wish and your control over it is absolute level.

Phoenix Force Commentary: Such a nice place, let me sleep and stay here, you can use my power all you want, craft it into new one and many possibilities, i will watch your progress here. talk about Progress, you actually conquer Entropy power is worth to be mentioned, congratulation of your conquest, you can summon me to help if you really need help. as always, dont forget to become stronger]

First Omega Effect the Red Lantern Rage Emotion then a Phoenix Force? I need a fucking break, in my first fucking world I got 3 overpowered Force, worth every goddamn second.

"Sanae we must hurry, I think Fujiwara can't hold it much longer" Sanae panicked hearing that, I grabbed her hand and I put Fujiwara on my shoulder and carried Sanae with my right hand. I paused for a moment and used my Energy Cultivation to make the majestic White Phoenix wing behind me then we flew to Eintei quickly through the speed of light.

We arrived at Eirin's clinic where our arrival caused massive panic in Eintei, my pehoenix wings were too big for Eintei, when I bent them, they turned into a dress behind me that was as beautiful as light itself.

"Excuse me, is there a doctor here?" Eirin and Reisen came out followed by Tewi who saw the three of us, Sanae fainted because she screamed too loudly in my ear while traveling at hypersonic speed. 

"What happened?" I went in and recounted the events at Fujiwara, ignoring Sanae who was still in a traumatized state, she now preferred walking than flying with me.

"So your spell card did this?" I nodded and Eirin checked Fujiwara where she was very surprised.

"Are you a god?"


"Tell me, are you a god?"

"I'm a human, an ordinary human"

"No, you're a god, your spell card just erased Fujiwara's Immortality" I knew about that, that Omega's effect for you.

"I didn't know that, that's why when I fought Goddess Suwako I hesitated to land an attack, she was aware my attack would remove her godhood completely, I never expected my spell card to actually remove Fujiwara's Immortality, I'm sorry" Eirin was surprised to hear that, moreover everyone here, even Sanae didn't expect how deadly my spell card is, this card is unavoidable and able to remove one's ability even god's ability.

"Interesting, I want to see it" I nodded and paused for a moment, a powerful red energy appeared in my body and gathered in my hands, forming a flames that was extremely volatile and made everyone supressed.

I controlled it casually and made this fire calm down, Eirin took a memo and studied this fire, she tried to touch it with her pen, the pen instantly vanished.

"Interesting, what is the name of this power?" Eirin took back her pen and took serious notes.

"Omega Effect" Eirin stopped writing and looked at me seriously.

"Tell me how you got it, so I can make a conclusion about it" I sighed and prepared to tell the story starting with my birth here until I heard the notification.

[Acquired Talent: Narrative Mastery ]

[Narrative Mastery is an extraordinary talent in storytelling, where the practitioner has the innate ability to create compelling narratives that captivate and resonate deeply with their audience, whether listeners, readers, viewers, or viewers.

With Narrative Mastery, your storytelling prowess is of such caliber that you can easily ensnare the emotions and imagination of those involved in your story, evoking a wide spectrum of feelings and reactions. Your storytelling acumen extends to the point where seemingly mundane stories become utterly mesmerizing to others, as you masterfully weave a mesmerizing narrative with supreme finesse.

This mastery includes not only the art of storytelling itself, but also the mastery of related skills, including persuasive speech and body language. You have an uncanny ability to send out all the right signals in any social situation, which allows you to quickly build rapport and influence others with ease. Your narrative instantly captivates everyone who meets it, leaving an indelible impact.

Every story you tell is universally regarded as perfect, in both the fiction and nonfiction spheres, and is unanimously regarded as the pinnacle of storytelling excellence. Every story you tell achieves unprecedented success in every imaginable aspect, ensuring that your narrative leaves an indelible mark on everyone who experiences it.

Tell us a beautiful thrilling story, Valtor. The Seraphim]

I then tell the story with full depth how i get this power from accident that definitely fake but i make it believable in the first place, they engrossed to the story even Tewi and Reisen and many Rabbit outside listen them while sit down.

"And that's how it happened" Eirin snap herself and start writing about my bullshit story, She then make conclusion that i descendant of evil god, i dont know where she came that conclusion but maybe Evil god is too exaggerated.

"I think I can help Fujiwara's condition but I can't take out the Omega energy inside her, Its dangerous for me and more so, I'm afraid your omega energy will nullify the medicine I gave her"

"Ah, I can help her but I need time to adjust to it" Eirin raised her eyebrows and looked at me seriously.

"Really? Then why did you come here if you were able to help her in the first place?" I just wanted to get a talent, please dont be mad at me or im gonna fuck you.

"I don't understand immortality so I asked directly to the person who has knowledge about immortality especially the creator of Hourai elixir" Reisen and Tewi stood up and were ready to fight, Eirin raised her hand to hold them back.

"How did you know I created the Hourai Elixir?" I threw a ridiculous story that seemed true to them and they were fooled by it.

"Alright, give it a try" I nodded and then cultivated for a moment, Phoenix Force enveloped me, a golden fire then turned into white fire full of life energy that was too big to control, I suppressed it and gathered it on my forehead forming a phoenix head, the head flew up forming a Phoenix manifestation, the Phoenix flew to Fujiw to Fujiwara and she was enveloped with white fire.

red fire appeared on Fujiwara's body and the white fire consumed her and the red fire vanished completely, The phoenix flew again to my head then vanished on my forehead, I opened my eyes and breathed in.

"Done, I've eliminated the Omega inside Fujiwara's body" Eirin approached Fujiwara and she was shocked even more, I returned her Immortality.

"You return her immortality, What kinda force is that" I laughed and explained the Phoenix Force that made Eirin lose her mind, she literally turned into Nerd mode or scientist mode, she wanted to explore the literal embodiment life of the universe that was currently living inside me. 

"Take off your clothes."


"I just want to study your body, I have no other intentions."

"I'm a little embarrassed especially with so many girls here" Eirin looked at everyone here as they blushed, seeing a half-naked man was not a good choice especially as a young maiden.

"Sleep there, I'll cover it with the curtain" I nodded and sat on the bed, Eirin closed the curtain and saw the shadow of the two of us here, I slowly took off my clothes and showed the godly physique I had.

Eirin kept herself together but her intrusive thoughts won, she accidentally caresses my muscle out of nowhere making me flinch a little.

"You tickle me" Eirin had a small panic attack and returned to professional diagnosis.

"Ehem, im sorry. Putting aside your current appearance which I admit no god is as handsome as you, but strangely enough you are human. Even the most handsome god cannot be as handsome and perfect as you."

"Was that a compliment or a description of my health?" Eirin coughed to cover the embarrassment she had just received.

"Putting that aside, your body is unique and your soul is even more unique than usual. So it is like this. Your body is basically human and then has the abilities of a god, demigod? No, in between human and god. Your physiology alone is something considered impossible by a larger margin, especially your body. I diagnose your body is an Evolution type body which stores a supernatural power which also has the concept of absolute duality, In a more logical explanation your body is close to ascension to godhood without being born as a god in the first place and yet you can use the full power of the gods, not one but any god you want and the more insane thing that your body can adapt that godlike power an instant, just this is beyond comprehension, I as a lunarian never see unique individuals like you even Tenshi or Gods in celestial is pale compared to you. Im not joking nor lying, You are a perfect being. perfect in many ways as possible, perhaps if you want it, You can be a god, no, True god is supposed to be, An omnipotent not bound by the law of authority upon aspect rather you are the authority itself also i sense something inside you. an omnipotent power that is hidden but when i try to understand it, it somehow hostile to me. but another hidden thing was, There is additional power in you something dark and light, No its beyond that concept. I dont understand it, How you can tame it? that two power like water and oil, cant be combined by anything even i can't think off, perhaps that two power is volatile and too heavy to be wielded, I dont understand how you a mere human wield that power beyond comprehension. is just beyond me" I just silent but in my brain, Because im a literal marshal of heaven that two power is True devil power and True Angel power.

"That's oddly specific, so am I sick?"

"Sick? Sickness is not your thing, Your body itself is the source of life, and yet you can control Erasure. Erasure by a larger margin, you can Erase the supposedly Omnipotent being in the first place. Who are you? Are you not from here?"

"My Name is Valtor Sephiroth Ismael, you can call me Mael, Yes im not from here"

"From where? tell me"

"Outside world" Silent, total silence. Eirin really didn't expect Outside world to have an anomaly like me.

"You lying right?" I shook my head and sat down politely and put my clothes back on.

"No, I was never lying. You can ask Sanae for that, she knows im from outside world but can i ask you, do you understand alchemy?" Eirin looked at me seriously and then thought for a moment.

"Alchemy? Yes I do, what is it?" I got up and looked at Eirin with a serious gaze.

"Can you explain what Alchemy is to me?" Eirin thought for a moment and then looked at me with a gentle smile. 

"With a price, I can't teach alchemy to outsiders."

"What price?" Eirin approached my face and whispered to me, in this curtain we seemed to be kissing making Reisen panic, Sanae scream and Tewi confused. Reisen opened the curtain to see Eirin nodding at me.

"Did you two actually?" we both looked at Reisen who was looking at us with a flushed face.

"What are you talking about? We were just talking about price"

"But we saw you, nevermind" Reisen left and Eirin and I left the bed, Eirin sat in her chair and I sat in the patient chair.

"Alright, we'll start the lesson but first you have to study this" Eirin taught me about Chemistry which I was quite lazy about but never mind, I studied hard, and listened to Eirin explaining everything like a university professor.

[ Talent: Chemistry Mastery ]

[Mastery of Chemistry denotes exceptional mastery over the field of chemicals and chemistry, the scientific discipline that studies the properties, composition, and structure of elements and compounds. This mastery includes a deep understanding of how these chemical entities can undergo transformations and the associated energy changes that occur during these processes.

With Mastery of Chemistry, individuals have unparalleled expertise in manipulating and understanding the intricate world of chemicals. They can dissect elemental compositions and the intricacies of compound structures, predict how chemical entities may undergo changes, and calculate the energy dynamics that accompany these changes.

This mastery empowers individuals to utilize the fundamental principles of chemistry, allowing them to create, modify, and manipulate chemicals with unparalleled precision and effectiveness. They become adept at organizing chemical reactions, forecasting outcomes, and harnessing the energy transformations involved, whether for scientific exploration, industrial applications, or even innovative advancements in various fields]


"what's going on?" Eirin looked at me seriously, I shook my head and looked back at the formula Eirin had given me.

"No, I'm impressed with this creation of yours"

"Thanks but your knowledge is good too, it's just that you lack experience" I glanced at Eirin and looked at her seriously.

"Thanks for reminding me, maybe I should learn something new" My time to play around made this immortal lose her mind.

I did experiments, total learning from biology to power structure then improvisation then learning again aspect by aspect until the entire Yagokoro Family was not worth considering. until there were so many notifications.

[ Talent Obtained : Research, Pedagogy, Bio-chemistry, Medical Mastery]

[ Research Mastery represents an unparalleled proficiency in the art of research, encompassing the creative and systematic endeavors undertaken to expand the realm of knowledge. It empowers individuals with the ability to delve into various fields of study, whether scientific or occult, and extract the utmost insights and discoveries.

With Research Mastery, you attain an extraordinary level of competence in conducting comprehensive research. This mastery enables you to approach diverse studies with precision and creativity, leading to maximal results in the quest for knowledge. Whether exploring the realms of science or the arcane, you possess the acumen to unlock the most profound insights and revelations, pushing the boundaries of human understanding to their limits.]

[Pedagogy Mastery signifies a profound mastery of the art of teaching and training, enabling individuals to facilitate the acquisition of knowledge, skills, techniques, and competence across various domains. This mastery extends beyond the act of teaching itself, encompassing the command of associated teaching skills, persuasive speech, and body language.

With Pedagogy Mastery, you possess an unparalleled ability to instruct and mentor others, regardless of the subject matter or complexity. You can efficiently and effectively convey even the most intricate concepts to learners of all levels, making education readily understandable and accessible.

In any teaching situation, your expertise grants you a significant advantage, enabling you to effortlessly establish rapport and influence students to maximize their learning potential. You consistently make astute choices when it comes to educating your students, ensuring their growth and success in every facet of their learning journey]

[Biochemistry Mastery represents an advanced command of the field of biochemistry, which is the study of chemical processes within living organisms or those relating to them. This mastery empowers individuals to unravel the intricate mechanisms underlying the functions of specific molecules, such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, vitamins, and hormones, within these biological processes.

With Biochemistry Mastery, individuals gain an exceptional understanding of the chemical intricacies that govern life itself. They can delve deeply into the functions and interactions of vital biological molecules, discerning their roles in the complex web of life processes. This profound knowledge extends beyond mere theory, enabling practitioners to apply their expertise in various scientific and medical contexts, from advancing research to developing innovative medical treatments and therapies.]

[Medical Mastery signifies an exceptional command of the field of medicine, endowing individuals with the innate capacity to proficiently treat injuries, ailments, and craft medicines. Those possessing this mastery possess a unique talent for concocting remedies from diverse materials within their environment, alongside the ability to discern the safety and potency of substances, whether they are found in the wild or within their possession.

With Medical Mastery, individuals acquire an extensive repertoire of medical skills and techniques, granting them a significant advantage in any healthcare scenario. This mastery encompasses the seamless creation of medicinal treatments, flawless patient care, and the execution of any medical procedure with unparalleled precision.

Practitioners of Medical Mastery can swiftly and expertly diagnose and treat injuries and illnesses, creating custom remedies tailored to individual needs. Their exceptional knowledge extends to the identification of toxic substances and the safe utilization of natural resources for medicinal purposes. Whether addressing common maladies or complex medical procedures, those with Medical Mastery navigate every healthcare challenge with utmost skill and flawless execution]

I smiled at that and looked at all the notifications proudly, I then closed the book Eirin had given me.

"I'm done, can you test me as proof that I've passed?"

"did you treat me as your teacher ?"

"You have more experience in the medical field, so being tested by you is a test for me" Eirin looked at me and nodded.

"Alright I'll start" Eirin gave a question, I answered it perfectly even detailing to the inch to copy it right from the book, it made Eirin, Seiren, Tewi and even Sanae surprised, in just 70 minutes I mastered it all, Eirin and I exchanged ideas, but mostly I improved and tinkered with Eirin's theory until the last one which is improvisation, I got a new notification again.

[ Talent Obtained : improvisation Mastery ]

[Improvisation Mastery represents a profound expertise in the art of spontaneous creation, where individuals excel in the act of making or doing something without prior planning or scripted preparation. In the realm of performing arts, this mastery encompasses the ability to deliver highly spontaneous and captivating performances, devoid of specific or scripted rehearsal.

With Improvisation Mastery, practitioners are endowed with an exceptional capacity for on-the-spot creativity. They can conjure inventive solutions, performances, or expressions using whatever resources are at hand, making improvisation a cornerstone of their artistic or problem-solving prowess.

This mastery empowers individuals to thrive in situations that demand immediate and unscripted responses, whether on the stage, in daily life, or within various creative endeavors. Their adeptness at improvisation ensures that their performances are imbued with authenticity, spontaneity, and the power to captivate and inspire]

My improvisation made several medical breakthroughs that surpassed even the Yagakoro Family's science even Eirin Herself somehow wrote it down and listened to me, this is no good.

"did i do good?" Eirin was so caught up in the enlightenment she got from me that she did not respond to my call, she got forbidden knowledge from me that I improvised it making her entire research is a little bit outdated.

"Mael, I never thought you are proficient in medical, you are indeed a genius"

"I'm flattered but it's not comparable to Yagokoro Family's knowledge"

"Mael, do you want to become my assistant?"

"I would like to but I can't linger in Gensokyo, because my time is limited here"

"How come?"

"I must return to my home land Lady Eirin, consider this a three day visit. still two days left before I return to Outside world"

"No, stay here. You can be a resident of Eintei, I will ask Lady Kaguya to let you stay"

"That's a good offer Miss Eirin but I apologize once again, I can't" Eirin still can't let me go, perhaps she indeed wants me to stay, no person had been able to keep up her passion about medicine.

Until some endless arguing, Kaguya appeared, making this worse was, Fujiwara also awoken by our banter.


"Kaguya" we panic and I step between them and use the ultimate technique of Wholesome Sensei.

Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, get happy, get happy. until I receive notification.

[ Talent Obtained : Affectionate Touch Mastery ]

[ Affectionate Touch Mastery embodies an exceptional proficiency in the art of gentle patting and stroking, a gesture that conveys affection and tenderness to living beings. This mastery enables individuals to induce feelings of happiness, comfort, and love in the target through the application of even the slightest, most tender strokes.

With Affectionate Touch Mastery, practitioners possess the remarkable ability to soothe and relax the body of the target, providing them with the comfort they seek and refreshing their minds from the burdens of stress. This touch not only offers solace but also imparts a sense of well-being and serenity to the recipient.

It's crucial to exercise this mastery responsibly, as it holds the potential to generate intense feelings of intimacy or desire if misused or applied inappropriately. Practitioners must wield this ability with care and respect for the emotional boundaries of others ]

they calm down but when i release my hand from their head, they reflectively grab my hand and ask to continue to pat them, this getting out of control.

"Mael, you. stop touching Miss Kaguya" Kaguya looked at Eirin with a displeased look, Eirin kept quiet and Kaguya continued to enjoy my caresses.

"So your name is Mael, huh? What happened to me" I removed my hand from Fujiwara's but she caught it then i continue caress her head.

I told her the spell card and her immortality was erased by my own spell card and I restored it with my power, Fujiwara was flabbergasted even Kaguya herself was surprised that anyone could erase immortality even the power of Partial Immortality from her.

"That's dangerous, you must be a descendant of the Evil God, you should be wary of the many gods here"

"Don't worry Miss Kaguya, I can take care of myself" Kaguya looked at me then sneered.

"So you want to leave, you can't. I decided you will stay here"


"If you can complete the Five Impossible Requests, I will let you go, if not, you will stay here forever" I covered my face with my hands but my hands were held back by Kaguya who was still asking for a Headpat.

"Okay, the stone begging bowl from Buddha. the jeweled branch from Hourai Mountain island. the legendary robe of the fire rat from China. the colored gem from the dragon's neck. the legendary treasure from the swallow"

"You know that?"

"Those are your legends, and perhaps the treasure is already in your hands"

"That's true, but today is different. I want you" he literally did the most impossible thing for a normal human to do, first I was asked to bring the Buddhist Tripitaka manuscript, bring the He Xiangu Lotus Flower, which contains the Milk of the Horse Shio, the Crown of the Dragon God, the Legendary Treasure of Yata no Kagami.

"Game on", I walked out of the clinic and knelt down in a large field, meditated for a while and then prayed.

In the sky appeared the Buddha himself in full manifestation, all the Bodhisattvas, the Gods, all in their full form and divine power.

I greeted them and asked for a Tripitaka Text, but Buddha was impressed with how I could chant the Sutras so beautifully, he would give me all the Buddhist texts if I could chant any Mantra with passion and good intentions.

I nodded and meditated, calming myself down and trying to chant the mantra with more vigor and dedication.

[ Talent Obtained : Mantra Manipulation Mastery ]

[ Mantra Manipulation Mastery is the embodiment of profound control over the mystical currents of mantra—a sacred, spiritual power rooted in the resonance of sacred utterances, numinous sounds, words, phrases, phonemes, or groupings of words. This sacred force permeates the realms of prayer, wishful intent, and even finds expression in sacred songs. Those who attain this mastery have the remarkable capacity to not only manipulate mantra as a potent life force but also as a conduit for emotions.

With Mantra Manipulation Mastery, individuals possess an extraordinary command over the very essence of mantra, allowing them to shape and direct its power with precision and intention. This sacred energy can be harnessed to manifest prayers and wishes into tangible reality, transcending the boundary between the spiritual and material worlds.

Furthermore, this mastery extends to the manipulation of mantra as a vessel for emotions, allowing practitioners to infuse their utterances with sentiments and passions. By harnessing the emotional resonance of mantra, they can evoke profound emotional responses in others, forging connections, and facilitating empathic bonds.

This extraordinary gift carries great responsibility, as the manipulation of mantra holds the potential to influence not only the course of events but also the hearts and minds of individuals. Practitioners must exercise this power with care, guided by wisdom and compassion, to ensure the harmonious and benevolent application of mantra in all their endeavors]

little by little the mantras on my body appeared forming a harmony of unity a sentimental feeling of enthusiasm for doing things, an emotional display of high dedication.

They all listened that although they were gods in the true sense, true gods in Buddhism, after finishing chanting all the mantras that I knew from talent, they all agreed and gave me all the Buddhist Texts that were personally given to me and they signed that it was authentic from them.

They left after saying goodbye to me, I gave the Tripitaka Script to Kaguya, then kept the rest for my treasury, ooooo.

Next was Invoking the eight Gods, I meditated and invoked them and they appeared, they were satisfied with my prayer and I greeted them respectfully, I asked about the Lotus flower but they asked me to make the best Wine.

I agreed and made 8 Divine Wines, made from ingredients that I chose myself even each ingredient was of the best quality I have ever chosen, after I made it and gave it to them. They were thrilled, the taste was perfect, every drop was beyond their comprehension, they had never tasted such good wine in their lives even in all the years that had passed.

They blessed me with their personal treasure, not imitation, their personal treasure as their own personal treasure and they blessed it. He Xiangyu blessed me through the lotus flower, many of the medical favors I perform will have great results, no matter how impossible they are, even the more impossible ones I will perform with successful results. Cao Guojiu blessed me with an immortal imperial title, what is that ?

Whenever I become a noble, no matter what my rank is, my people will always prosper no matter how harsh it is, how difficult the people are to control, once I lead them, they will follow me on the edge of hell, he even swore in his personal treasury, prosperity will be eternal for whoever I lead.

Lie Tieguai blessed me with his personal gourd which has the property that whatever medicine I create will always be the best medicine that cannot be imitated by many beings, no matter how simple the medicine is, no being can imitate, tamper, or even recreate it only I can create it.

Lan Caihe blessed me with his basket, which allows me to plant any flora, herbs, plants, any form of trees will thrive in any weather, even bad weather, stay fresh and even have fruit and any processed form of the plant will be of the best quality.

Lu Dongbin on the other hand gave me his sword which blessed me with Neidan, or should I say, Internal Alchemy because of my Cultivation talent which impressed him, I can utilize Entropy and Life together harmoniously in my soul so whenever I cultivate, I will easily pass many stages or any cultivation rank limit without any heavenly tribulation phase, what's more impressive is, heavenly tribulation will actually improve my cultivation quality finer and more perfect than improving my Jing or Essence, Qi or Breath and Shen or Soul to be purer than an unborn child.

Han Xiangzi blessed me with his flute, any music game I play will echo with the Heavenly sound, for example, if I play a musical instrument, the world will play with me with its natural sound, heaven will echo my music game with charming majestic resonance. if I sing, nature will follow my voice and sing with me and heaven will echo the voice with the majesty and harmony of the song, no matter how bad my performance is, it will still be beautiful no matter what.

Zhang Guolao Blessed me with his fish drum, The older I become as he said. I will be more and more dazzling from appearance, wisdom and more. he said I am currently young and need more knowledge and experience, he gave me an eternal blessing that I will never reach the state of "old" even billions of years pass. the old man basically doesn't want me to decay like him, it's okay.

Zhongli Quan blessed me with his Feather Fan, I can access the realm of death without becoming dead first and walk around there without experiencing death, even the embodiment of death cannot claim my body, mind, even soul. he promised that whatever I create will be refined more perfectly than before.

I stopped the world and asked God.


"You chose the world then what you get accept it and you need it as the next world journey"

"Fair" the world continued and the immortal Eight left but I gave them the great Wine that has the attribute of infinity, that good wine always changes the flavor no matter what. They felt happy and thanked me.

I gave Kagura the Lotus and next summoned the Zodiac, They appeared flying above the sky with their heavenly bodies dancing above me.

I asked them about milk but they refused for the simple reason, I am not part of them. why? because I was born in heaven not in the world which symbolizes them. since they never got a bond with me then they cannot give that.

No, wait. The Phoenix Force is the embodiment of the Universe, the Zodiac is a small part of the universe that represents space and time as a whole universe, so the Phoenix Force is the primordial Animal.

I unleashed my Phoenix Force until it was bright even beyond the sun itself, they were shocked to see my Force that was beyond them representing the entire universe as time, space, and existence as a whole.

They apologized for their ignorance then gave me 48 Zodiac Treasuries and one unique treasury. The ShengXiao Orb, or Zodiac wheel, this wheel is able to control space and time, and the celestial order down to the constellations, it represents the Zodiac as a whole and I can manipulate the celestial order with just this giant treasury, save, save, save.

They left and said they would gladly help me whenever I needed it, I gave the milk to Kaguya and then summoned the Dragon God, the God who created Gensokyo, and he actually appeared and made the entire Gensokyo witness the descent of the Dragon God, he growled at me and asked why I summoned him.

I asked about the Dragon crown to give to Kaguya at her request, I told him with dragon language that only he knew, he was surprised and laughed, his laughter made gensokyo tremble and he reached out his hand then touched my forehead.

[ Body Trait unlocked : Winged Dragon of Ra Third Eye]

[Winged Dragon Of Ra Third Eye: The Winged Dragon of Ra summons the Power of the Dragon God within you, He gives you a pair of eyes on your forehead that are golden in color, These eyes are the evolutionary type. This Dragon Eye is capable of burning anything to nothing, leaving nothing in its path.

Winged Dragon Ra Comments: Sacrifice accepted, Power of the Dragon God, Source of Omnipotent Energy, Suitable host. Your body is mine, my power will be yours, Become a stronger human, Show them who the God of Gods is]

The Dragon God was shocked as the power bestowed from him was canceled and turned into another entity that opened its eyes and glared at him.

The Dragon God laughed and gave the crown to me even though I was still screaming in pain. The Dragon God left and made Gensokyo tremble while I looked around and searched for water, I looked down and stared at my forehead.

There was a glimpse of a fake golden eyebrow, it was like a safer sephiroth forehead tattoo, it was fake but there.

I got up and handed it to Kaguya who was sad to see me endure the torment of the gods, she knew she was asking too much but this was her ordeal, she couldn't take it back because of her dignity.

Lastly was Yaoyorozu no Kami, I summoned them and all the gods and goddesses appeared, from evil to good but they were surprised to see the Dragon God come here to give me a gift even Goddess Amaterasu oomikami herself was very impressed to be able to summon the Dragon God.

I asked her about Yata no Kagami and she refused because she wanted the Dragon God's blessing, until the Dragon God roared making them tremble in fear. They were so presumptuous and I wanted to laugh at their behavior.

Amaterasu inevitably had to give the Yata Mirror but at a price, I had to marry her. she was aware of my blessings of the eight immortals, Buddhist sacred texts and the Zodiac Wheel for the treasury but after hearing the Dragon God's roar she changed her mind, why take the treasury as long as you have a human who has everything in the first place ?

this is getting out of hand, marrying the main goddess in Shinto is good let alone she is a beautiful virgin goddess, her moans will probably be very beautiful, ehem. not horny.

"Sorry, you're not my type" Sanae slapped her head, Kaguya giggled softly while Eirin almost laughed at that, Fujiwara almost shit his pants.

All the evil gods and goddesses held back their laughter, a human dared to tell a goddess that she was not his type, the biggest insult to her.

"What ?" The Dragon God also laughed at that, making this humiliation more humiliating than ever.

"Alright, take it, I don't care. I'll never show my light to gensokyo again" She sulked and the sun lost its light, I inhaled and took a deep breath. my Azure eyes activated and the sunlight returned as before, Amaterasu was surprised to see the sun still shining as usual.


"Tehee, looks like the sun didn't listen to you" Amaterasu was angry and challenged me, but I used my phoenix power making a light brighter than the sun appear, she was overwhelmed and gave up.

The light was gone and I saw her gasping for air and many gods were blinded by the light I produced. but I got the farm I wanted.

[+ 623866980718718608614869846481864612864 Orbs Gained]

[God Arm: First Flame]

[First Flame: The flame of the Dark Soul Universe, the source of heat and cold, life and death, light and darkness. This First Flame is the beginning of light and eternal flame after merging with the Unity of Solaris, this Flame is now fused with your soul giving absolute control over Heat and Cold, Life and Death, Light and Darkness as full aspects]

"you will repay for this human, just you wait" amaterasu left while the other kami gave me their treasury. I got another benefit from them. ah what a great life.

They left and I gave the Yata no Kagami to Kaguya, Sanae grabbed me and ran away from here. She was in a panic because making Amaterasu angry is not an option. I had to go to someone more powerful in Gensokyo.

We arrived at Hakurei, meeting up with Reimu who had shown up outside to see the many events that had happened in the span of 30 minutes. Sanae told me everything that happened there while I just sat under a tree.

"Nice garden, I need more" I looked at the sun where Amaterasu was watching me with annoyance, I gave her a flying kiss and she pouted.

"Mael, right? Your act of making the goddess angry is impressive but you almost destroyed gensokyo but you being protected by the dragon god is a different thing, you can stay here but tomorrow you have to go back to the outside world" I nodded at Reimu and accidentally patted her head, she was tired and needed happiness, getting what she wanted and good food, I could grant it.

"So I'm staying right?" Reimu looked at me with a slightly angry face but she let me pat her head.

"Can you cook good food?"


"Clean the shrine."

"Of course."

"Handle the Youkai problem?"

"Do you want me to summon the Dragon God to make them good people for at least a thousand years?"

"That's too much, I meant your own abilities" Sanae whispered to Reimu and Reimu was surprised to hear it.

"Scratch that Youkai problem, you little bit dangerous. okay show me your skills" I immediately cleaned the Shrine from corner to corner, cleaning the trees and even sweeping and pulling the shrine lawn grass, cutting it neatly and then cleaning it quickly.

I mopped the floor and cleaned the ceiling, repaired the roof and also repaired all the furniture here from technological tools to important things until everything was perfect from end to end then I painted and refinished the shrine.

I cleaned the drains and then bathed the Koma statue in front with vigor, until the statue was very clean. Then tidying up and cleaning the house near here neatly took all the trash out and burned it with entropy and then cleaned up the trash quickly. sorting out items that could be reused and I improvised quickly.

I improved the fertilizer and food source of the trees here making them somehow bear fruit immediately, I took the fruits and peeled them gently and gave them to Reimu, Sanae, Genjii, Mima, Kana, Sunny milk, Luna child, Star Sapphire, Aunn Komano who was still in Komainu stone.

"done" in mere 17 minutes, i done that she can do that in 3 weeks. She happy beyond happy all of it clean and brand new from anything, all clean, neat, brand new despite it old, preserve and many more she can do herself yet i can do it perfectly.

"Impressive, no wonder Amaterasu wants to marry you. Competent man is all woman dream after all, are you single?"

"yes, but sorry. you're not my type" Reimu feel her heart get stabbed by billion arrow, who would be blame, handsome, competent and many hidden talent i have. Sanae sigh and feel relieved that she still in category of my type. they still teenagers they need pamper by me also constant plap i mean pat.

Then the news about the incident this afternoon shocked gensokyo while I casually ate lunch at Reimu's house with my cooking of course. Really they were not full because my food was too good while I ate very little but I was suddenly full, the Omega Effect seemed to eliminate my hunger, this was bad.

Later that night I checked my Status.

[ World Paused ]

[ Orbs > 623,866,980,718,728,902,544,809,238,521,804,006,803

Name > Valtor "Sephiroth" Ismael

Classes > Heavenly Marshal/ The Doctor

|= Shop =| (New Item Available, New Feature Has been added Check it out !)

Talent Λ > Health/ Technology / Combat Proficiency/ Forbidden Knowledge / Religion Mastery/ Cleaning Mastery/ Sewing Mastery / Maintenance Mastery / Business Mastery / Eternal Serenity / Energy Cultivation Mastery / Narrative Mastery / Chemical Mastery / Research Mastery / Pedagogy Mastery / Bio-chemistry Mastery / Medical Mastery/ Improvisation Mastery / Affectionate Touch Mastery / Mantra Manipulation Mastery / [Ω] Celestial Magic Chef / Meta Arch Wizard 

Existence Trait > Pinnacle Celestial Body/Marshal Unimind/Unity of Solaris/God Arms

Body Trait Λ > Twin Eye of the Lord, Winged Dragon Of Ra Third Eye

Ultimate Musou Ranbu ⚔️⚔️⚔️

Arceus Style >

Beast Wrath ↑

Armament Sage ↓

Basic : None

Skill : Judgement Cut / Rapid Slash

Special : Judgement Cut End

Gunslonger Sonata↑

Cyber Artisan ↑

Supreme Wizard ↑

Army >

South Demon Σ Λ >

Seaborn Σ Λ >

Item > Ascendant Λ ↓

Super Advanced Artificial Intelligence Σ/ 4-D Management System/ Universal Almanac

Pocket World > Wonderland Λ Ω

[ God Arms Armory ]

Extraterrestrial Entity essence

Vergil Devil Speed

After Image Abilities

Enhanced Prothean A. I Core 1x,

Enhance Sensor Module 1x,

Nanotechnology Healing Nanobots 1x,

Counter Blast Energy

Energy Dome 1x,

Technology Distortion Module 1x,

Atomic Energy Concentration 1x,

Auto Targeting Module 1x,

Anti-Gravity Module 1x,

Instant Freeze Attack Module 1x,

BFG 1000 Blueprint 1x,

The Composer Blueprint 1x,

Holy Fire Meggido

Flame of God Olympus

Flame of Life Hunt Flame

Halo Ring Blueprint 1x

Omega Effect Energy

Phoenix Force

First Flame

Reminder : you need more talent from learning and material from fighting before go to next universe. Sincerely God]

"Well, time to farm again but saw some materials worth salvage, Vergil Devil Speed and Extraterrestrial essence. tomorrow" I started sleeping in my cramped room but I didn't know someone was watching me here.

I was kidnapped but I'm still casually sleeping.

"I caught you"

i want Zun, I want Zun, I Want Zun to create more mommy like Junko

Shaywallopppcreators' thoughts