
Chapter 5: Watch Your Left (Edited)

"Clark, go for it!"


"Joe, go for it!"


"Burn my calories!"


Receiving from...

As the number of onlookers increased, the rate at which impression points were accumulated also doubled. Delighted by the sight of his impression point balance surpassing 500 on the system interface, Clark decided to upgrade "Calories" to level 4 today! However, it was already the 16th lap, and it was uncertain whether he could gather enough points for the upgrade before the end of the race based on the current rate of increase. It seemed an extra effort was required.

Watching the gorilla, who was nearing his limit with every step requiring immense willpower, a mischievous smile suddenly appeared on Clark's face.

After figuring out a plan, Clark sped up and dashed past the gorilla at an even faster speed than before: "Watch your left!"

Received +8 impression points from Joe Soukook!

Received from...

The first 8 points of impression points naturally came from the gorilla, but to Clark's surprise, as soon as he uttered those words, the frequency at which the onlookers provided impression points also increased.

In their eyes, the way Clark spoke those words was simply too cool! Tasting success, Clark pushed his speed even further.

"Watch your left!"

"Watch your left!"

Pushing his speed to the limit, Clark managed to lap the energy-depleted gorilla twice before he could complete another lap!

With two more waves of impression points coming in, the race ended in Clark's complete victory.

The gorilla collapsed on the ground with a "thud", while the onlookers erupted into enthusiastic cheers and applause for Clark.

After the final burst of effort, Clark was panting heavily. However, experiencing the cheers from his classmates for the first time, Clark was not satisfied.

Looking at the system interface...

Impression point balance: 981 Caught up in the thrill of the meme, the race ended too quickly, and the accumulation of impression points stopped prematurely.

Now, the impression point balance had come to a complete halt at 981 points, just 19 points shy of upgrading "Calories" to level 4.

Could he tolerate this? Absolutely not! Clark scanned the crowd and quickly set his sights on the gorilla, who was lying exhausted and ignored by everyone.

It's decided then!

After catching his breath a little, Clark made his way through the crowd to the gorilla, squatted down beside him, and asked with a smile, "Do you admit defeat?"

Received +4 impression points from Joe Soukook!

The gorilla glared fiercely at Clark: "I don't!"

Clark nodded, "Good, according to the conditions set by Vice Principal William earlier, it's time for you to apologize."

Received +6 impression points from Joe Soukook!

The gorilla, gritting his teeth in irritation, said, "I said I don't accept defeat!"

Clark shrugged indifferently, "Vice Principal William said the loser has to apologize, it doesn't matter if you accept defeat or not. I was just asking casually, don't take it seriously."

"Besides, compared to making you sincerely accept defeat, I prefer seeing you begrudgingly apologize to me despite feeling aggrieved."

Received +9 impression points from Joe Soukook!

The gorilla stared hard at Clark for a while, as if trying to etch this detestable person into his memory forever. After a long moment, he squeezed out a word through clenched teeth: "Sorry!"

Having said that, the gorilla finally lost the last of his strength, tilted his head, and passed out.

Impression point balance: 1000 Just the right amount, no more, no less.

With a thought, Clark applied all the impression points to "Calories", instantly upgrading the BGM from level 3 to 4.


Level: 4 (0/10000)

Effect: Can enhance exercise effectiveness by 40% and reduce exercise-induced body damage by 40%.

Satisfied with the upgraded effects of the BGM, Clark stood up and announced to everyone, "Joe has passed out from exhaustion. Let's all help and take him to the infirmary!"


After school, Clark still jogged home with "Calories" BGM playing.

As he ran, he began to summarize the day's gains and set a direction for his efforts in the coming period.

Firstly, the intensity of his workouts must be increased.

The system is essentially an accelerator, allowing him to reap more benefits than others with the same effort. However, no matter how much it amplifies, it has to be based on his own efforts. If he's not willing to put in the effort, what's the use of a 40% or even a 1000% increase?

For others, exercise needs to be moderate to avoid minor injuries to the body, which can accumulate over time and lead to devastating consequences. Many of the world's top athletes don't necessarily have better physical conditions than ordinary people after retirement and may even suffer lifelong disabilities.

Muhammad Ali is a prime example.

However, this limitation, though not non-existent for Clark, is significantly reduced. A 40% reduction in damage allows him to train like a professional athlete without worrying about side effects.

Therefore, he needs to devise a strict training plan for himself.

Secondly, the development of the "golden finger."

From the information he has gathered so far, collecting impression points is key to developing the golden finger.

Although he currently only has "Calories" as a usable BGM, Clark believes that more practical BGMs will be unlocked in the future. Otherwise, the system wouldn't be called the "God-level BGM System"; it might as well be called the "God-level 'Calories' System."

After today's experiment, Clark also summarized some insights into collecting impression points.

Throughout the entire run, the impression points provided by the targeted gorilla were undoubtedly the most, indicating that creating a negative impression is much easier than establishing a positive one.

However, even so, the total number of impression points provided by the gorilla until he passed out didn't exceed 120 points. Compared to nearly a thousand points earned today, it only accounted for a little over one-tenth. Most of the impression points still came from the accumulation of 1 point from other classmates.

Therefore, to quickly accumulate a large number of impression points, one must become famous. Only with fame can more people provide him with impression points! There are many ways to become famous, but considering the constraints of reality, after excluding many temporarily unfeasible options, Clark quickly thought of a low-cost, fast-fame method that doesn't require any external conditions and can be accomplished with existing resources.

Write a novel! It's 1998, and even in the indescribable country of his previous life, this was an era when online literature was not yet popular.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

He must blaze a trail as a pioneer; he can shamelessly plagiarize!

Acting on his idea, Clark first went to Marsha Fitness Club to get a general fitness plan from the best coach, then went home and increased every exercise's intensity by 40% as his own fitness plan. After taking a shower, he opened Word and quickly typed a line in English.

The power of Dou Qi, in three stages!

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