1 My Name Is Angel Johnson

Introducing my name is Angel Johnson, my current job is a vlogger and when I create content it makes pleasure for myself, every video I upload must have a lot of my subscribers who give a lot of questions and comments. But sometimes I really want to have challenging content but I don't know what I should research yet, hopefully, later I can have different content than usual. Then Angel took his video camera, he forgot that he had not greeted his subscribers today.

"Oh yeah, today I haven't said hello to my subscribers, hey everyone, sorry, today I woke up late, so look, I just woke up, right, my eyes are still very puffy, I'm still really ugly, haven't showered and haven't made up, hehe but for all of you, I still say hi even though I'm late getting up, let's how are you all today, I hope you're all right, yeah, we'll meet again with the next video, Angel wants to take a shower first, bye all "Recording on the video camera"

Okay, hello subscribers already, now it's time for me to take a shower first, then I want to have breakfast. "Mumble Angel"

It is said that Angel Jackson has a high body of 173 cm, long wavy golden yellow hair. k arena father Angel named Steven Johnson also has a height of about 183 cm and his mother named Caroline Paterson also has a height of about 174 cm in all progeny high. My father and mother served as diplomats, this diplomat profession is someone who is appointed by a state institution to carry out diplomacy with several countries as well as in an international organization. The definition is someone who is involved in the administration of official communications between one country and another. I live on Barry st near Melbourne University. Yes, I also graduated from biology in Melbourne. I am a biologist who studies plants out of a love for plants and traditional medicine. For the past few months Angela has always had strange dreams, in that dream Angel saw a golden brown book entitled "Widow of Secret", but for some reason, this book was very hard to open, and there was also a necklace to look for Also, Angel is getting confused as to why he is dreaming like this, and there is a strange voice saying "Find the book and necklace, don't let it fall into the wrong people or witches"

When Angel finished bathing, he thought back to the dream that came every night in his sleep.

"Oh my God, I always think about it, about my dreams every night, I have to look for a book called "Widow Of Secret", ohh come on I want to find where it is, not to mention there is a necklace that I have to look for too, don't get the wrong target , and the two things I have to find, I swear it makes me so confusing, this means I have to look for a magician's secret book and a necklace, which makes me even more confused why should I find it. Come on, I'll just ask Roland later, oh yeah, Roland, there's still a descendant of wizards from his ancestors, I hope he knows what the dream means. Well, today it looks like I'm going to Roland's house, I hope he's at home right now" Angel muttered

Before leaving for Roland's house, Angel didn't forget to greet his subscribers first if he might not be able to create content tomorrow because he had urgent business to solve.

"Hello all Angels here, I just want to let you know for my loyal subscribers who always watch all of my content, I'm sorry, it looks like tomorrow I won't be making content first, I happen to have a little business that needs to be done. But I promise after all my business finished, I will make interesting content again. Okay bye all, see you again, okay?"

Just as Angela was about to step out of the room, her cell phone suddenly rang and read "Roland Calling". Angel immediately picked up the phone.

"Hello Roland, what's wrong?

"Hmm, Angel, where have you been, how come it's hard to call?

"Hahaha, sorry, Roland is usually busy with content, it's like you don't know, oh yeah, you happened to be on the phone, aren't you at home right now?

"Yes, I'm at home why Angel, wow you miss me hahaha.

"Hmm not Roland, I want to ask you for help, I've been having strange dreams for the past few months, I know you can help me.

"Hmm, wait, what are you dreaming about, I can't necessarily help Angel.

"Well, I'll explain later when I get to your house, Roland.

"Okay, I'm ready, I'm waiting, don't forget to bring a lot of snacks for me hahaha.

"Yes, it's all right, Roland.

"Yes, be careful, Angel on the road, are you in a car or take a motorbike? Asked Roland."

"I brought the car, yes, wait for me, okay?

"Okay, be careful.

When Angel was getting ready to go to Roland's house, his father and mother approached him to say goodbye because they had an assignment abroad, namely an assignment to Brazil.

"Hey Angel, where are you going, honey, you're already so beautiful, are you looking for more content?

"Hahaha no mother, I want to go to Roland's house normally. I haven't played at his house in a long time.

"Oh that's right, Roland also rarely comes now.

"Yes mother, she seems busy, it's normal. You know, mom and dad, where have you brought your suitcase, you have another assignment to go abroad.

"Yes, dear, father and mother want to go to Brazil for work, yes, about 10 days, you who are careful at home, yes, if you are tired, take a break, look at the stove, don't forget to turn it off, be careful at home, don't play far -It is far. Say hello to Roland, okay, mom and dad are walking now, okay, if there's anything, let us know, Angel.

"Ready, mom and dad, be careful, if it comes, let me know.

"Yeah sure, mmuuaacchh be careful, Angel.

"Yes, father, a mother that is for sure.

After escorting his mother and father to the waiting taxi, Angel immediately locked the door and headed for Roland's house, to discuss the problem of dreams that always come in his sleep. The journey to Roland's house is approximately 45 minutes. This time, Angel used his favorite car, the Jeep Grand Cherokee. The weather today was also very supportive, not raining but not too hot, very cool.

In between the trip, suddenly a strange voice that was in the dream came again, "Angel immediately find the book and the magician's secret necklace, don't let it fall on an evil person or witch, because a big disaster can happen, and you have to meet a witch named Carvia"

Huh, what is this, that strange voice is coming again, I swear I don't understand, who is Karvia, and if she is a witch why did I meet her, and why did I have to find the book and the necklace, everything is going to be a disaster if it reaches the book and the necklace fell to an evil witch or person, oh my god this is modern times, yes I have to deal with a witch who is in those fairy tales, I don't know I'm getting dizzy hearing those words that always haunt me, only Roland is the one who can help me this. Hopefully, Roland can help me interpret this strange dream of mine." Angel muttered.

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