
Six: The Runaway Tracker

It was one peaceful day in a peaceful street of New York City where a commotion was wrought. In a lovely huge modern house, a normal unsuspicious van was parked just outside the doorstep. And inside the house, were the four men in silver futuristic uniforms and cool shades, attentively securing the main entrance and the backdoor. While on the dining hall, is wherein the alien cat Noirren just transformed into human is crouching awkwardly in pain on the couch, helplessly naked.

"Here, have an ice pack. It'll ease the pain in your uh…." Dwaine uncomfortably offered out the ice pack to Noirren.

"Hey, back off! And no thank you! I don't need whatever weird freezing thing you're offering to me. You're a cursed dingy crusher. Ah… stress reliever my foot." He angrily rejected while still sulking in misfortune.

"Pff, what a cry baby," Dwaine murmured impolitely.

"What did you say!?" Noirren heard this.

"I said… this is a pain reliever dingy cat head. You don't want it? Ok. Well then suit yourself!" Dwaine rudely replied and walked away to the kitchen.

"Sue you!" Noirren countered.

"I think I found the perfect fit for you," Trishka excitedly run down the stairs holding a bunch of mascots.

"Ah, finally you're back." Noirren exclaimed.

"Hey, what happened?" Trishka asked the matter.

"Ask your dingy crusher friend, witch." Noirren sarcastically replied.

"Dingy crusher friend? Ah, you mean Dwaine?" Trishka clarified.

"Who else?" Noirren responded.

"Hmm, let her be. She's always like that when she's not in the mood. So, where were we?" Trishka explained.

"Um… to… 'I think I found the perfect fit for you"? Noirren mimicked Trishka to remind her.

"Ah, yes. Thank you." Trishka gracefully thanked him.

"Impossible, why do you easily forget where you left off?" Noirren muttered.

"Aha! Here you go. Ta-da!" Trishka handed him out a sassy cat costume.

"Holy nebula! Are you trying to turn me into a clown!?" Noirren exclaimed.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Dr. Holly suddenly came back from the back door.

"This is a disaster Dr. Holly! You led me into a cursed black hole full of mad witches!" Noirren burst in anger.

"Mad witches..? Are you serious!? After all I've done kindly to you this is how you treated me?! How ungrateful..!" Trishka suddenly yelled and threw all the costumes to Noirren and likewise left.

"Pweh! Just what is wrong with teenagers today, Dr. Holly!? Would you count that normal?" Noirren complained.

"Absolutely, after you called her a witch then it is normal to react that way. I advice, maybe you should also try correcting your attitude Mr. North. Humans have feelings, likewise you do. So, try not to be harsh and be a Mr. Nice Guy. I'm pretty sure that'll lighten up the atmosphere." Dr. Holly advised him.

"Umm, Mr. Nice Guy..? Pff, I would never do that to the specie who mercilessly broke my balls." Noirren rejected.

"Speaking of broken balls, did you have your ice pack?" Dr. Holly asked him.

"You mean the freezing thing in a bath hat?"

"Yeah, I guess. Did Ms. Kingsleigh give you?"

"I did! But he doesn't want it!" Dwaine yelled loudly from the kitchen.

"Oh, shut up wench!" Noirren shouted back.

"(Clear throat) I believe you should have it Mr. North." Dr. Holly interrupted.

"Is that necessary?"

"Necessarily important, yes," Dr. Holly replied.


"(Clears throat awkwardly) um… on second thought, can I have it back?" Noirren kindly called back to Dwaine at the kitchen.

"What did you say?" Dwaine teased him.

"Um… can I have it back..?" Noirren politely reiterated.

"Sorry, you get it yourself, Cat!" Dwaine replied.

"Oh come on, give me that dingy pain reliever human!" Noirren lose out control.

"Mr. North please… even kinder, ok?" Dr. Holly calmed him.

"(Sighs sharply) C-can I have the ice pack back, please..?" Noirren tried again.

"Here, finally you've realized how to be human, congratulations Mr. North. And stop being a drama queen. You suck at it. It's not even that bad." Dwaine finally went back to the couch to give him the ice pack and rolled her eyes as she left.

"Easy for you to say, ugh, women they'll never understand." Noirren took the ice pack and hissed at Dwaine like she is a threat.


"Whoo! Ah!" Noirren let out a relief as he gently applies the remedy to his swollen dingy.

"Here, have a blanket. You might not want to catch a cold." Trishka went back and gave him a blanket.

"Thanks girls." Dr. Holly thanked the girls in behalf of Noirren.

"Now what am I to do with this, Dr. Holly?" Noirren asked.

"Oh, just wrap it around Mr. North. My apologies, we really don't have any spare to lend you. Oh, and don't worry about your balls. You won't be infertile that easily. It'll only hurt for a moment but later you'll feel much better." Dr. Holly explained.

"Will I?" he doubted.

"Yes, you will. Your future generations will be a hundred percent secured." Dr. Holly cheered him up.

"I can feel a doubt in your tone Dr. Holly. Ah… whoo… ah… it's excruciatingly painful! Argh!"

"My, what a pussy," Dwaine interrupted as she crossed the dining hall.

"Well, screw you woman! You will never understand how miserable I feel." Noirren angrily talked back.

Dwaine ignored him and continued to walk to the other side of the living room.

"Hey, where do you think you're going?" Noirren asked Dwaine.

"I'm going to the comfort room, Cat. Unless you wanna come with me, then that's a different story. Will you?" Dwayne provoked him.

"(Scoffs) in your dreams creature, you're not my type." Noir cringed at her.

"Duh, in your dreams too Mr. E-g-o-m-a-n-i-a-c- you're not my type too and it's called hygiene," she agitatedly corrected him and slammed the door.


"D-did I make it too harsh?" Noirren turned to Dr. Holly beside him.

"Insensitive." Dr. Holly replied.

"Oh… my apologies," Noirren utterly apologized as he wraps the blanket around his body.

--Door screeched open—

Dwaine opened the door and went back to the kitchen silently. She took something with her and grabs it quickly without them noticing. She walked pass by her best friend, Trishka, and eyed signaled with her to follow behind, after Dwaine could finally enter back to the comfort room.

This escape tactics have saved them throughout the years; it is because both of them have experienced this horrid life back in Iran. So, in order to avoid being caught, both should use this method to survive.

"Strange, you've got nothing to say witch?" Noirren interrupted the silence as he observes Dwaine passing through them.

"Spare napkins. You've got a problem with that?" Dwaine alibied and slammed the door again.


"What's a spare napkin?" Noirren asked Dr. Holly.

"Well, it's uh… menstruation product." Dr. Holly answered.

"M-menstruation product..? You mean the bloody quarterly flow?"

"Exactly," Dr. Holly confirmed.

"Ugh… this is disgusting...! Ugh..!" Noirren exclaimed like he was to vomit.

"Well… how about a show while we wait, Mr. North?" Dr. Holly turned on the TV again and switched the channels.

"(Exhales sharply) Yeah, that would be much better."

Noirren started to feel better as he entertains himself watching an unusual show. A moment later, Dwaine shamelessly called out to Trish to attend her needs. Everyone's attention got caught and smirked at the thought.

"Um… Trish! Could you get me some tissue… please?" Dwaine began as she let out a loud fart.


"Ugh!" the guards complained.

"Yeah, coming..!" Trishka attended as she goes with the flow.

"My, she must have trouble with her bowels." Dr. Holly worries.

"Pff, she doesn't need your concern Doctor. She deserves it. And that's what you get when karma hits you back." Noirren interjected.

Trishka hurriedly went to the comfort room and knocked on the door. She knocked again and Dwaine suddenly opened the door and swiftly pulled her in.

"What took you so long?" Dwayne whispered.

"Chilax, they might think of me suspicious if I acted too rashly. And nice fart anyway, you got them. So, what's the plan?" Trishka replied.

"Ok, this is what we're gonna do. I'll escape by the window over here, and after a minute, you have to alarm them immediately. Now, I need you to break a leg so that they won't find you as an accomplice. Do you copy?" Dwaine briefly explained.

"Are you sure you will fit on that window?"

"Trust me, I'll fit in there." Dwaine assured her.

"Ok, you said so. And you know what; you should have just escaped a moment ago. Why didn't you run?" –Trishka

"I'm sorry; I forgot to tell you about one more thing. Please ring my uncles about this after we're gone. Ok?" Dwayne asked her friend.

"(Exhales sharply) Will do. And please… be careful. Here, have this. This might help you for a while." Trishka accepted and gave Dwaine a hundred bucks cash.

With a last hug and a smile, Dwaine then started her plan to escape.

"Wait! You haven't given me a punch yet." Trishka reminded her.

"Oh, yeah right. I'm sorry Trish, but this is gonna hurt really bad." Dwaine hesitated.

"Oh, just do it mama!"

And with a great force, Dwaine land a hard blow at Trishka's face and she flung to the floor painfully.


"Hey, what's happening in there?" Dr. Holly began to ask from the outside.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Trish…" Dwaine tried to apologize to her beaten friend.

"Ah… I think you broke my nose. Now, go! Go!" Trishka shoo her.

So sorry as what Dwaine felt right now, having no choice she then quickly escapes into the window. She climbed the tub and pulled her weight into the porthole. The window pane was too small but surprisingly she really did fit into it with a little struggle from here and there.

Shortly, she got out of the house and Trishka then started her own mission. A loud knock came banging from the door and slowly she stand on her feet. Took the door knob and opened it immediately. Dr. Holly saw her and she was badly hurt with a blood on her nose.

"(Pants anxiously) It's Dwaine, she escaped!" Trishka pretended.

"What? It can't be!" Noirren shouted in disbelief.

"Guards! Quickly, find her!" Dr. Holly instantly sent out an alarm.

Without a second to waste, Noirren then hurriedly get out of the house and looked everywhere in the backyard. He looked and looked and finally he saw Dwaine already running to a couple of blocks away from them. This shocked the cat and instinctively, he chased after her at a full speed in bare feet and body.

"STOP..! YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS RABBIT TRACKER!" he shouted determinedly but Dwaine could not hear him.

"Hey, Mr. North..! Wait!" Dr. Holly called out to him and the guards invited her to get into the car.

"Sir, our target has escaped. And the Catnimph was running after her." Alex reported to his boss.

"I knew it! (Sighs) Don't worry, just go get Mr. North. And come back here, immediately. I will handle the rest." Mr. Connor demanded.

"Copy that sir."

The vehicle went on and chased after Noirren who was cluelessly running away on the public grounds. The horrific game of tag went on as the people began to gradually crowd the streets. And afar they can see that Dwaine was still dashing away from their reach. While Noirren who was naked and only wrapped lousily in white blanket and an ice pack tied to his ding dong still tried to trail behind Dwaine.

Getting even crowded, Noirren forced his way through the mass shamelessly. The passersby saw him and dropped a jaw to what they've seen early in the morning. But Noirren didn't notice this and continued to focus on catching Dwaine.

"Look mommy, he's butt naked! And he have cat ears too!" a child exclaimed and pointed the naked Noirren to her mommy.

"Oh blimey! Don't look honey." The girl's mother covered her eyes and took her away from the sight.

"Hey, STOP! STOP RABBIT TRACKER! STOP..!" Noirren yelled aloud to Dwaine.

"CATCH ME IF YOU CAN, CAT FACE!!!" Dwayne shouted back.

The cat and mouse chase continued and each side doesn't want to give up from running. Noirren is doing his best to catch the target and Dwaine tries not to get caught again. They were drifting and dashing until such time where Dwaine suddenly crossed the recently green light pedestrian lane.

Seeing this, she crossed instantly and Noirren who was trailing behind her likewise followed. But unfortunately, when Noirren crossed the street, suddenly a car hit him and flung him off to about five meters away from the lane. The blanket flew off, the ice pack tied to his ding dong scattered, and his bare naked body fell into the ground, lying down entirely exposed.

Dr. Holly right away got out of the car to check on Noirren immediately, "Mr. North, Mr. North? A-are you ok?"

"My life is flashing before my eyes. Wait what? Why are you flashing in my life too doctor?" Noirren weakly muttered as he saw Dr. Holly looking down at him.

"You are not dying Mr. North and I'm afraid you are entirely exposed in the public. You're butt naked!" Dr. Holly whispered at him as the people began to surround them. "Now, come on."

"(Groans) is it that weird being naked? 'Cause that doesn't even matter in our planet. We're always naked." Noirren painfully helps himself up.

"Well, not on this planet Mr. North. Nudity in public is a taboo. And I advice, you better cover up your balls. People are drawn to it." Noirren instantly covered his balls as Alejandro explained while he picks him up on the ground and helped him to carefully get on the van.

"Now, hear ye citizens of New York! We, are the P.I.D. organization, Protector of the Intergalactic Defense. And we, are a highly confidential universal space agency, extension of NASA, specialized in space defense. Hence, whatever you have witnessed just now is nothing but a daydream." Alex called their attention and the people began to gather around him. "Now sprinklers..! shower them." He ordered and opened a transparent umbrella as the sprinklers men right away showered a mass of amnesia water to the crowd.

All the people paused in trance and quickly they closed the doors and immediately left the premises leaving all the citizens forget what happened recently.

"What the- did it just rained?" one citizen complained being drenched in amnesia water.

Everyone later noticed and altogether, "OH MEN...!" they let out disappointed groans and scattered away having no memories of the incident.

Going back to Noirren, who was lying down on the back seat, eventually transformed back into a Catnimph and with too much pain that he had for the day, he got unconscious. Dr. Holly noticed him and immediately attended his needs as the vehicle continues to escape the City parameters sweep and clean.

Meanwhile, Dwaine finally lose track of Noirren and the P.I.D. guys. She let out a relief and went back to the streets like nothing happened. She naturally blended with the crowd and continued to escape. But little did she know that the city police are now looking for her. She continues to walk away when suddenly, the police spotted her.

The car sirens began to wail and chased at her. Dwaine heard this and quickly she entered a corner where the car could not infiltrate in. She scampered away and the police had no choice but to get out of their car and chase her off on foot. But Dwaine was so fast and quite skilled. And she passed the bouldering barbed wire so easily leaving the police stocked at the fence.

After a turn, she then hurriedly climbed the building by the windows and reached the peak. The city police lose her and Dwaine continued to transfer her location to the other side of the establishment. However, when she got there, another trouble came in. It was Oliver's varsity team and they have been messing with the nerd kid.

"Hey, assholes! Why don't you pick someone your on size?" Dwaine lured them in.

The mob saw her and instantly, "Get her!" Oliver shouted and everyone chased at her.

The alley was so narrow and Dwaine had no choice but to take the inner direction. She ran as fast as she could and they chased at her agitatedly. Not long, and finally she went far from them. She let out a short relief when eventually; the city police were back on the game again. They whistled at her and Dwaine tried to escape again, but not this time.

Dwaine soon realized that going back would lead her to Oliver's angry mob. And if she would force her way to the city police, a hundred percent chance that she will fail the escape out. Plus, if she try to climb the building again, that would not be possible anymore since there are no windows or bars to cling to and the walls where too distant for her short legs. Thinking anxiously what best to be done, surprisingly a voice went calling on her head.

"Game over, Ms. Kingsleigh." A familiar voice called out to her.

"(Gasped) Mr. Connor!? Just how did you-" Dwaine was surprised.

"Mm, we had a deal remember?" Mr. Connor cut her.

"Oh, p-l-e-a-s-e! Not that again. Look, I am not dealing with this Mr. Connor cuz that will put my life in danger and I am not a certified space monkey! And for certainty, that'll certified me to death! This is totally insane!"

"Well, that's not a bright answer Ms. Kingsleigh. You see, not long and either of the police or the rascals will get you first. And which will it be? Would you like to go to the asylum? Or would you like to meet a fateful end with the boys? The choice is up to you, Ms. Kingsleigh or should I say, Dwaine..." Mr. Connor threatened her.

"(Scoffs) Don't scare me old man…" Dwaine persisted to act tough.

"Fine, is that your final answer?"


"Hey kid! You're under arrest!" the police man shouted from a ten meter away.

"Hey freak! This is a dead end! And it's end for you!" Oliver shouted from the opposite ten meter away having no clue that the police are on the other side of the road too.

"You're on a loose end, Dwaine. Now, what's your final answer?" Mr. Connor pressed her.

"(Exhales sharply) Ok, ok... I-I'm... in..." Dwaine finally decided.

"Do you swear?" Mr. Connor teased her.

"Yes, I swear. Now, please help me Mr. Connor." Dwaine pleaded.

"Hey, what are you doing freak!? Are you talking to yourself!?" Robert added but now they're about five meters away.

"Oh, come on Mr. Connor… Where are you!?" Dwaine desperately called back.

"Got you, kid!" the police caught her.


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