
Why Do All These Monsters Have Health Bars?

Li Jing had transmigrated, finding himself in a modern world where everyone practiced cultivation. Everything here relied on the Spiritual Qi obtained from personal cultivation. Without family or money, and utterly clueless about how to cultivate, life was extremely difficult. However, things changed when Li Jing walked into a Soul Chicken Store and discovered that he could see the health bars of the spirit chickens... (The worldview in this story is completely fictional, so do take it with a grain of salt.)

I Really Want To Get Drunk · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
769 Chs

Chapter 1 This Chicken Has a Very Long Health Bar

In the evening.

North City District of Jianghai City, North City Agricultural Market.

Li Jing, with well-practiced ease, moved through the depths of the market and directly turned into a chicken shop.

Don't get the wrong idea.

This chicken shop is very legitimate.

They sell chickens.

In front of the chicken shop counter, a woman with a beautiful face and a seductive figure was lazily lounging on the counter.

Suddenly, seeing someone enter, the woman quickly looked up.

Seeing it was Li Jing, she immediately lost interest and laid back down.

"Oh great, I thought it was a customer. Turns out it's you, King Li, who is basically mooching off us."

Li Jing paused at her words.

"Sisi, I don't like your words. How am I mooching? I've been working here for three months and I'm making the lowest salary in Jianghai City. I do all the hard and tiring work, and I'm the one who kills the chickens. Who else would be willing to suffer for such little pay?"


Liu Sisi rolled her eyes.

"Everyday, like clockwork, you come in just in time for meals, neither early nor late, just to freeload a meal from me! Do you not eat more than you earn?"

"When I first applied, you said that meals were an employee benefit."

Li Jing replied with another roll of his eyes, brushed through the door without further delay, and asked.

"Business wasn't good today?"

"Don't even mention it, there was no business all day. I don't even know if we'll open tonight."

Liu Sisi sighed lightly and gestured.

"Since you're here, go to the kitchen and kill a chicken. I'll cook it later."


Li Jing nodded.


Into the kitchen.

Li Jing looked at dozens of lively and bustling hens in a cage, his eyes were full of affection.

It's not that he has a special preference.

But these chickens, are not ordinary.

These chickens in the cage are all Spirit Chickens, heterogeneously infused with Heavenly and Earthly Spiritual Energy through special methods.

Spirit Chickens are the high-end products of poultry, their meat is extremely delicious and nutritious.

Each one costs fifty thousand yuan!

Liu Sisi considers him a freeloader because of these chickens.

But for Li Jing, the price of these Spirit Chickens isn't the point.

The main thing is that in his eyes, over the head of each Spirit Chicken in the cage, a red health bar floats, indicating values ranging from 5 to 11.

Focusing on a Spirit Chicken with a health bar value of 11, Li Jing becomes sentimental.

Unconsciously, he had been in this world for three months.

Speaking honestly, the idea of crossing over into another reality wasn't hard to accept.

Living in the 21st century, who doesn't watch some novels or comics in their spare time?

The hard part was initially being unable to adapt to the drastically different lifestyle.

He now lives in a world where everyone is in the process of cultivation, and cultivation culture is deeply ingrained in everyday life.

Beyond the most basic water resources, electricity, oil, gas, etc. have all been phased out.

Phones are charged not with electricity, but with spiritual energy.

Cars run not on oil, but on spiritual energy.

Even the energy that heats the stove is spiritual energy.

Almost all modern-day conveniences pertaining to lifestyle are powered by spiritual energy that people themselves possess, becoming self-sustaining.

While maintaining extreme environmental friendliness, it's destined that a newcomer without spiritual energy in their body would find it quite difficult to survive.

Li Jing was an ordinary person when he originally arrived, devoid of any spiritual power.

In a world where even a phone needs spiritual energy to be charged, he was akin to a caveman.

He had no family or friends, and no money in his pocket.

In addition to not understanding how to cultivate and not having spiritual energy within him, he had trouble even finding a place to earn a living.

If he hadn't been quick-witted enough to head to the agricultural market immediately after figuring out the general situation, and if Liu Sisi hadn't been looking for someone to kill chickens in her shop, he might not have only ended up on the streets, but also possibly starved to death on the roadside.

Fortunately, the most difficult times have passed.

Thinking back on it now, everything seems to have been predestined.

If he hadn't seen the Spirit Chickens in Liu Sisi's shop, he wouldn't have realized that as a transmigrator, he already had the necessary tools.

Going over to the sink, Li Jing took a kitchen knife and cleanly cut the throat of the Spirit Chicken in his hand.


Blood flowed like a river.

Within a moment, the health bar above the Spirit Chicken's head was emptied, its value reduced to zero.

Following this, a synthetic female voice sounded in Li Jing's ears without any emotion.

"Experience +11."

Hearing this voice, he couldn't help but glance at the rest of the hens shivering in the cage.

From the moment he first killed a Spirit Chicken three months ago, he had already made it clear.

His system requires him to kill the things that have a visible health bar to gain the same amount of experience points.

The health bar is not something that can be seen everywhere.

At least so far, Li Jing has only seen it above the heads of the Spirit Chickens in Liu Sisi's shop.

Considering that only Liu Sisi's shop in the Agricultural Market sells infused heterogeneous species, he specifically bought an ordinary hen to test this.

The result showed that if he couldn't see the health bar, he couldn't collect experience points.

At this moment, in Li Jing's eyes.

The Spirit Chickens in the cage are not chickens, but instances of "Experience +??"

Unfortunately, these chickens, he can't kill.

At least until there were customers to buy them, he cannot touch them.

After a Spirit Chicken dies, its spiritual energy dissipates over time.

Refrigeration cannot solve the problem.

So Spirit Chickens are all about being fresh.

Liu Sisi usually just sells them alive when he is not around during the daytime.

If he were to rashly slaughter these Spirit Chickens now, Liu Sisi would find him to raise hell.

The chickens in the cage are worth several million yuan.

Pressing the throat of the Spirit Chicken that had been killed to the edge of the sink to let the blood out, Li Jing thinks for a moment and a transparent panel appears before his eyes.

Host: Li Jing

Experience Points: 132/210

Level: 5

Spiritual Power Intensity: 30

Equipment: None

Passive Skills: None

Active Skills: None

The transparent panel, similar to a game status bar, is simple and clear.

At the bottom of the status bar, Li Jing is temporarily uncertain about how to change the three items of equipment, passive skills, and active skills.

What he has figured out is this.

As he gains experience points and his level increases, his spiritual power intensity will increase at double the rate of his level.

At level 1, the intensity increases by 2 points.

At level 2, the intensity increases by 4 points.

At level 3, the intensity increases by 6 points.

And so forth.

With the improvement of his spiritual power intensity, the spiritual power in his body will grow stronger.

It's worth mentioning that his spiritual power is vastly different from the spiritual energy that the people in this world cultivate.

Spiritual energy is an invisible and colorless gas.

It can be felt, but not seen.

It can only be instilled into objects that can contain spiritual energy, or released through the construction of magic spells.

But the spiritual power within Li Jing can be visualized directly or even released as a liquid energy, and it can be adhered to anything to increase its external strength.


His spiritual power can be used as spiritual energy in daily life, and it's incredibly efficient.

For instance, it would take a normal person fifteen minutes to fully charge a phone.

Li Jing only needs a thought, and he can fully charge it.

The people in this world cultivate.

There is a tier system of one to ten, separated into ten large realms.

Each large realm is divided into three small realms: beginning, middle, and end.

But the level of realm doesn't matter when using some more intricate small devices.

Like a mobile phone, which operates on a Spiritual Qi battery.

A Spiritual Qi battery is just like the rechargeable battery Li Jing used in his previous life.

It has a set standard.

No matter how high your realm is, you can only feed it spiritual qi bit by bit, otherwise the spiritual qi battery might explode.

Li Jing didn't know if he could make the Spiritual Qi battery explode.

After all, in one "snap", it was full.

Even if he wanted to charge more, he had no chance to try and didn't want to.

From Liu Sisi, he makes only 2,500 yuan a month.

Rent alone cost him 1,500 yuan.

Living on the rest he had to tighten his belt for the last three months.

Making savings wherever possible, it took him a lot of effort to scrape together 800 yuan to buy a low-end smartphone.

If his phone goes bust, wouldn't he be heartbroken?

The advantages of spiritual power in charging efficiency are obvious enough.

Everything else can be considered later.

Right now, he hasn't even learned any proper skills yet and needs to save some money.

In Li Jing's understanding,

The passive and active skills on the panel should be some kind of magic skill, and to learn magic skills, you can go to the Immortal Learning Academy.

But he cannot afford the high tuition fees; also, full-time institutes don't suit him.

If he wanted to learn magic skills, there was only one way.

Study on various online Immortal Learning websites.

It costs money to learn magic skills on Immortal Learning websites, otherwise, you can only see a name.

And different magic skills have different charging standards.

The cheapest costs at least five thousand dollars, which he cannot afford at present.

After draining a spirit chicken of blood, Li Jing gave it a hot bath and started thinking about getting another job.

At Liu Sisi's place, he only has to work in the evenings, he doesn't need to be there during the day.

In the past, his life was unstable, but now that he's stabilized, he felt he needed to make some plans.

Gaining experience points is one thing.

Li Jing didn't expect to find another upscale specialty store that sold Spirit Infusion Livestock.

The key is to have a high salary.

As the saying goes,

Money may not be able to do everything.

But without money, nothing can be done.

Not only to learn skills, but Li Jing also wanted to move to a better place.

His current ragged rented house has extremely poor sound insulation.

Every night, he can hear strange noises disturbing his dreams, making it hard for him to sleep in peace.

What can you say?

Only that the life of a cultivator is indeed different.


As a mentally sound 21-year-old young man, Li Jing said he couldn't bear it.

Just thinking about it, there was a sudden "bang" that came from outside, followed by screams.


Li Jing was startled and looked around blankly.

What's happening?

Whose Spirit Pot exploded?

He walked out of the kitchen quickly, just in time to see Liu Sisi returning from outside the shop, closing the door hurriedly, pulling out a talisman from her waist and pasting it on the glass door.

Then, the transparent glass door of the shop was covered with a thick layer of white light.

A First-order Solidification Talisman!

One costs three hundred thousand!

Li Jing felt a cramp in his heart.

He was just about to ask a question when Liu Sisi turned around and quickly walked over.

"There's a rooster from outside that suddenly turned evil! It has pecked numerous people to death! Don't panic, the people from the Patrol Department should report it soon. The Agricultural Market is so large, that rooster might not come this way."

No sooner had she finished speaking, when a rooster fluttering its wings, as tall as a person, and bathed in a pool of blood, appeared outside the door.

As soon as she spotted the large rooster, Liu Sisi screamed out in surprise.

Originally it didn't know who it was following and was about to run past the door when it was successfully attracted by the scream. It paused and turned its head to look inside the shop.

At this sight, Liu Sisi's face instantly turned pale.

Li Jing was also taken aback.

The so-called turning evil is an incidental event that the world's wild animals sense the Heavenly and Earthly Spiritual Energy, get to open up their spiritual intelligence and step into cultivation to become monsters. The probability of such events happening is extremely low, even lower than the probability of winning the lottery!

Li Jing had been in this world for three months and had seen related incidents only on online news.

He never imagined that he would witness it today!

The situation in front of him was really bad!

Domestic pets and wilderness animals that do not interact with humans usually don't immediately turn evil upon people once they have turned into monsters.

But in a place like the Agricultural Market, if monsterization occurs, it's a catastrophe!

After all, here animals are treated as food for sale.

Once they open up their spiritual intelligence, how can they not hate?

Just like the rooster that turned into a monster in front of him.

Who knows how many times the butcher's knife came close to its head?

Who knows how many wives it had slaughtered and sold, or how many of its children have turned into salted duck eggs?

Out of all places inexplicably, Liu Sisi's shop just happened to sell old hens.

And now, they could even hear the clucking sounds from the kitchen.

Aggravated, Li Jing took a step forward to shield Liu Sisi behind him.

At a time like this, a man must definitely stand at the front.

What made Li Jing consider his options was...

He saw a long health bar on the head of the rooster that turned into a monster outside the shop, which read 574!


If killed, that would equal to 574 points of experience!

Almost equivalent to nearly 57 Spirit Chickens with health bars longer than 10 points!

When Liu Sisi saw Li Jing step forward, she thought he was going to rush out and quickly reached out to stop him.

"Li Jing! Don't be rash! Ordinary people like us can't deal with monsters!"

Just as Li Jing wanted to say he wasn't about to rashly rush out, Liu Sisi spoke in a self-consoling tone.

"Don't worry, the Solidification Talisman in my hand is prepared for this kind of unexpected situation. While it costs hundreds of thousands, this rooster has just turned into a monster reaching the intermediate phase of One Realm at the most. It definitely can't break the talisman."


Li Jing had to force a smile.

Saying whatever,

Liu Sisi's reckoning intuitions...

Are they not leading them towards death!?

More importantly, she reckoned right once already. Without any worry, she started again.

At a time like this, shouldn't she keep silent and stop blabbering?

Just as he was thinking about it, the rooster outside the shop suddenly crowed loudly and pecked violently at the glass door.


Email not sent!

The glass door, enhanced by the Solidification Talisman, held firm.

But the wall of the door didn't withstand...

It cracked open.

Upon seeing the wall crack and the glass door collapse, Liu Sisi's face turned pale.

Li Jing almost couldn't help but curse.

He so wanted to turn around and say,


Why did you only strengthen the door and not the walls!?

Without any time to think more, Li Jing quickly pulled Liu Sisi and retreated to the kitchen.

"Stay in the kitchen and don't run around, I'll try to handle the outside."

Not waiting for Liu Sisi's response, he quickly grabbed a kitchen knife used for killing chickens from the kitchen and returned to the shop.

At the same time.

Outside the shop door came another "bang".

The glass door had completely collapsed.