
Chapter 5

Reminder that English is not my native language, I translated this using my own knowledge of English and the use of translation tools, if you find any errors please let me know.

Generally, I'm bad at interpreting hints, but Sae-Hyun's are... Pretty direct.

First was when we did some jogging to warm up, she positioned herself in front of me and moved her hips much more than necessary while jogging. Then it was when we did stretch, again she positioned herself where I knew I could see her, and her stretches were excessively lewd and her moans of exertion sounded more like moans of pleasure than anything else.

The worst thing is that these blatant attempts are working, in truth my mind is mostly occupied by her... By her body and it all gets worse now.

Because she doesn't know how to play Rugby at all I must teach her how to do it and she's clearly overdoing it because she can't even hold the ball, so I had to literally stand next to her, hold her hands and guide her on how to hold it, and she took advantage of that to stick her ass to my pelvis.

Then it was with the tackle, when I showed her how to position herself I was forced to stick to her and hold her thighs so she would understand, as she didn't seem to understand if I don't show her with direct physical contact, then when she did it on me to test I felt her hands hold my ass and her head stick too much to my crotch.

Is this what it feels like to be stalked? Because frankly I feel stalked.

Anyway, after about an hour or so, I showed her everything she needed, and we started playing.

Although Sae-Hyun is fit, the difference between the two of us is clear, any exercise she did was surely done solely to keep her slim and perhaps to make her butt and thighs firm, not to play a sport like Rugby, so I obviously held back.

Luckily, as the minutes passed, she stopped the seduction attempts and seemed to really try to play nice and win me over, she has a competitive spirit that I wasn't expecting.

We decided to take a break, she is covered in sweat, and I am not feeling any better, although I didn't have to try too hard I still sweat enough for it to show.

"You did pretty good, you caught me in some parts" I said as I stretched a little.

"The same can be said for your resistance to me, are you gay or something?" I'd like to say the question surprises me, but how absurdly direct she's been being makes it not.

"No, look Sae-Hyun you are... Attractive... Very, but we've known each other for less than a week, I know next to nothing about you" I explained trying to always remain respectful.

"You know I'm not looking for a boyfriend or a friend, just a fun one-night stand or more if I like it" Was her cheeky response to my words.

"I know, and that's fine, I'm not looking for that either, and as I said before I have nothing against recreational sex, but it's a personal thing, a decision of my own, I ask you to please respect that" She stared at me for a few seconds before letting out a cry of exasperation and throwing herself on the grass.

"I don't know how to deal with this" She admitted " Commonly, I am begged, not the opposite".

"I don't even understand why you do it, you know, I'm no big deal" I sat down next to him.

"Actually no... I've been with guys cuter, muscular, with a more appealing personality... Richer, more everything, but none of them said no when I clearly gave them a free hand to take me to a motel" I looked up at the sky, I can't see the stars from here, we are in the city after all.

"Not one?", I questioned.

"Not one that didn't have a girlfriend, but that's not your case" It certainly isn't.

"How do you know?"

"The way you act, if you had a girlfriend, you wouldn't have even invited me to that cafe, I study, psychology, so that human behavior thing is part of my specializations" That made me raise an eyebrow... It's true that the subject we share is neuroscience.

"Then you had to have guessed this wasn't going anywhere" I said now leaning back next to him.

"I study psychology Mi-Noo, not divination, you have also shown hints of interest in me, I thought I could get you over your restriction by warming you up" She is unaware of how close it was.

"Sorry for disappointing you a second time" It was all I could say.

"Actually... It's ok, I had a lot without this kind of outings with guys, yesterday with the coffee, just sitting and talking, today playing, taking out the first part of both events where I tried to seduce you, the rest was nice" Her voice sounded soft, serene as strange as it sounds, I had never heard her so calm.

"Is it that weird? I know a lot of girls with guy friends, they don't find it that hard to pull that off" She let out a small laugh.

"It's partly my fault. I know I'm attractive, so usually the men who approach me it's with ulterior motives, mostly I accept because I like it, even though it's only something spoken in whispers, many know what a hussy I am. So having these things with guys is almost impossible for me" That reminds me a little bit of me, when girls knew that I accepted almost any girl for recreational sex, many stopped seeing me as a someone and more as something to please themselves.

Of course, the levels are different, for me it was like about three girls, all very close to the club, while Sae-Hyun is possibly a big part of the university.

"Didn't you ever try... Slowing down a bit?" she let out a dry laugh.

"I don't suffer from Hypersexuality, but I love sex is... Like smoking I can quit, but it's hard... And it doesn't hurt me, so I don't really motivate myself to try to quit" She turned around to look at me.

I did the same, leaving us both face to face that way "Well, you're not having sex now and I see you calm" She let out a laugh, this time genuine.

"Don't you believe it, as soon as I get home these fingers won't rest for hours" I obviously blushed at the mental image those words gave me and again she laughed at that.

"Yeah... You talk so freely about it is something I'm having a hard time getting used to, but there's something charming about it, even though we've only known each other for a few days it makes me feel like there's some trust between us."

"Well, for what it's worth knowing, I only talk like that with people I want to fuck" I just let out a half smile at that "You know... Every second we spend like this I feel less and less like having sex with you."

"Why?" I asked curious.

"I know me... Probably, you won't be a big deal, maybe you won't disappoint me, but you won't give me something out of this world either... Then I'll get disinterested in you and I won't talk to you again and thinking about that makes me less eager to do it, because if we don't do it my interest in you will continue" That was a strange way of saying that she doesn't want to ruin with sex what we are building up to.

"I don't see flaws in that logic, so we might as well keep it that way" I said hopeful that this is the end of Sae-Hyun warming up to me.

"I said less desire, not that I don't have" Before I knew it, Sae-Hyun had already gotten quite close, she seemed to do it little by little as we talked.

It was only when her breath on my face felt stronger than the night breeze that I could notice it, and I couldn't react when she pressed her lips to mine either.

It was instinctive that my lips responded by beginning to move in rhythm with hers and when she slipped her tongue into my mouth, my own tongue soon joined it.

I could feel Sae-Hyun's experience which I was striving to match, and this is a mere kiss.

She climbed on my abdomen and rolled her hips with my arms sinking me into that kiss more than I really wanted, the thing could last seconds, minutes or hours, frankly I was lost in the moment, it was only when she separated her mouth from mine that I reacted again.

"Let's go back to campus, it's starting to get cold" She got up from my lap and walked to her car, it took me almost a minute to snap out of my stupor and follow her, in the car neither of us spoke and when we got to campus the only thing, we said was a hearty goodbye before parting ways.

The only thing I retained from the whole night was that I had possibly had the best kiss of my life.

POV Sae-Hyun

One guy, one guy who acts different than I expect, and I obsess over him like a schoolgirl in heat.

I fell straight on my bed and covered my face with the pillow, the kiss was good, it was average, it feels like it wasn't his first or second, but it also feels like he doesn't possess the great experience of Choi and other guys... Still, the kiss felt so... So genuine.

He didn't caress my body lewdly while kissing me, he didn't plunge his tongue into my mouth trying to reach my throat, he didn't stick his pelvis to mine or rub against my body, he just hugged and kissed me in the most... Simple way possible.

And I can't figure out why I liked that, I can't figure out why I still feel his lips glued to mine, his tongue dancing with mine and our saliva mixing.

It must be just the novelty, surely that must be it.

I let out a sigh, got into the shower and several minutes later I got out to lie down on the bed, I didn't feel like self-pleasuring, I just closed my eyes and waited to sleep while my mind is occupied by that kiss... What the fuck is wrong with me?